1.Perceived Susceptibility To Chronic Disease Among Healthy People Questionnaire: Development, Validity And Reliability Among Young Iraqi Adults
Harith Alaa ; Shamsul Azhar Shah
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(1):139-148
Chronic non-communicable diseases are the new emerging epidemic, and they are thought to challenge only rich countries; cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are now the leading cause of death and disability in low-income and middle-income countries, where they killed almost 8 million people younger than 60 years in 2013. Therefore, there is a need to develop a valid and reliable tool to measure the beliefs that influence people’s general behaviour, and a used to measure beliefs about chronic disease perceived susceptibility. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the use of perception questionnaire among the young Iraqi adults. A total of 200 young adults participated who are free from any chronic diseases under study, and are living in Baghdad. The questionnaire, validated by an expert’s panel, translated to Arabic language, and pretested. Analyses included descriptive statistics of all the study variables, reliability estimates, and construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results showed that mean age of respondents was 30 years old, majority were males 71.5%, and EFA showed that factor loading was more than 0.4. CFA results show that Chi-square (df) = 1.213(2); p value (>0.05) = 0.297. Internal consistency reliability analysis on health-related behaviour; special practice, information seeking and perceived probability of diseases have good Cronbach’s α value of between 0.8 - 0.9. These findings revealed that validation is favourable and can be utilized on larger scale of sample to proceed with main study on chronic disease perceived susceptibility among healthy people.
chronic disease
2.Reliability And Validity Of The Malay Version Of Patient-Caregiver Relationship Questionnaire For Older Adults With Dementia
Kwai Ching Kan ; Ponnusamy Subramaniam ; Rosdinom Razali ; Shazli Ezzat Ghazali
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(Special Volume (1)):137-145
The quality of relationship between a person with dementia and a family caregiver has been identified as one of important factor in informal dementia care. Currently there is no validated questionnaire to measure the dyadic relationship in Malaysia. The aim of present study is to examine the reliability and validity of Quality of the PatientCaregiver Relationship (QCPR) questionnaire in Malay version. A total of 70 patients with mild to moderate dementia and their caregivers were recruited from the psychogeriatric clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre using a cross sectional study. The QCPR questionnaire was translated into Malay following the standard guidelines for crosscultural adaptation of measure. The person with dementia and their caregiver completed the QCPR Malay version separately. Internal consistency and test-retest examined for reliability. Construct validity was tested with principal component factor analysis. The reliability of patient QCPR Malay version was good with Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of 0.86 and intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.85. Item 11 was omitted from the caregiver QCPR Malay version due to its poor correlation with the corrected item-total score. The newly formed scale, 13 items caregiver QCPR Malay version, had satisfactory reliability (Cronbach’s alpha 0.89 and intraclass correlation coefficients 0.91). Principal component factor analysis extracted 4 factors for patient version and 3 factors for caregiver version which explained 69.44% (patients’ report) and 61.20% (caregivers’ report) of the total variance of the scale. As a conclusion, both the patient (14 items) and caregiver (13 items) adapted QCPR Malay version is a reliable and valid tool to measure the quality of dyadic relationship between people with mild to moderate dementia and the caregiver.
Informal care
3.Establishing validity of EQ-5D-3L (Tagalog) to measure health-related quality of life states among adult Filipinos (20-50 years old).
Nina T. CASTILLO-CARANDANG ; Oliva T. SISON ; Rody G. SY ; Hwee Lin WEE ; Elmer Jasper B. LLANES ; Felix Eduardo R. PUNZALAN ; Paul Ferdinand M. REGANIT ; Allan Wilbert G. GUMATAY ; Felicidad V. VELANDRIA ; E Shyong TAI
Acta Medica Philippina 2018;52(5):397-403
OBJECTIVE: To establish the validity of EQ-5D-3L in Tagalog language in assessing health-related quality of life states among adult Filipinos 20-50 years old.
METHODS: A face-to-face cross-sectional community survey of apparently healthy adult Filipinos (20-50 years old) in Metro Manila and in 4 nearby provinces (Bulacan, Batangas, Quezon, Rizal) was conducted. Trained interviewers administered the Tagalog language versions of EuroQoL 5-Dimension 3 Levels (EQ-5D-3L), Short-Form 2 (SF-26V2®), and a socio-economic questionnaire. All questionnaires were pre-tested for cultural appropriateness. Concurrent validity (against the SF-36v2R®) and known group validity of the EQ-5D-3L were evaluated.
RESULTS: Complete data from 3,056 participants were analyzed. Almost half of the participants reported perfect health on EQ-5D-3L and had higher scores on all SF-36v2® domains compared to those who reported some problems on EQ-5D-3L. Compared to participants who reported some problems on EQ-5D-3L mobility (or anxiety/depression), participants who reported no problem on EQ-5D-3L mobility (or anxiety/depression) reported lower SF-36v2® Physical Functioning (or Mental Health) scores (differences of 7.1 and 10 points, respectively) that were minimally important (i.e. exceeds 5 points). Participants with poorer self-reported health had considerably lower EQ-5D index scores (p < 0.05) irrespective of their socio-demographic characteristics.
CONCLUSION: EQ-5D-3L (Tagalog) demonstrated construct and known groups validity among adult Filipinos (20-50 years old).
Human ; Philippines ; Patient Reported Outcome Measures - Validity
4.Validity of Instrument Development Research in Korean Nursing Research.
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2013;43(6):697-703
PURPOSE: This integrative review study was done to analyze methods used for validation studies in Korean nursing research. METHODS: In this study, the literature on instrument development in nursing research from Research Information Sharing Service (RISS) and major nursing journal databases in Korea were examined. The MeSH search terms included 'nursing', 'instrument', 'instrument development', 'validation' and 189 articles were included in the review. RESULTS: The most frequently reported validity type was content validity, followed by construct validity, and criterion validity. One third reported a single type of validity, and 15% of the studies demonstrated three kinds of validity at the same time. In about 40% of the studies, both content and construct validity were examined. CONCLUSION: The results of the study indicate that it is necessary to provide a wider variety of evidence to establish whether instruments are valid enough to use in nursing research.
Databases, Factual
*Nursing Research
Republic of Korea
Social Validity, Research
5.Validity And Reliability Of Vicon Motion Capture Camera Over The Traditional Anthropometric Method
Muhammad Fikri Z ; Ruzy Haryati H ; Seri Rahayu K
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(Special Volume (2)):142-151
Anthropometric study is one of the oldest branches of study in ergonomics where it serves a purpose in study of proportion and size for human body. One of the common methods used in anthropometric measurement is traditional measurement or direct measurement. However, Malaysia is still left behind other countries in development of national anthropometric database. Researchers in Malaysia are still relying on the traditional anthropometric (TA) measurement. There are several important factors that contribute to problems in TA such as accuracy, time, posture, identification of landmarks, instrument positions and orientations, and pressure exerted due to measuring equipment. In view of the fact that the difficulties of obtaining human anthropometry, it becomes necessary to propose a method which has less contact executed to respondent. This study aims to propose a new anthropometric measurement method using motion capture camera (MCC) method, later to develop the database for youth male population. A pilot test was done in order to confirm the measuring procedure as well as the flow of the study. Next, the Minitab statistical software used to check the validity and reliability of data using the tests of a) Accuracy-Pearson/Spearman Correlation b) BiasPaired T-Test c) Test-Retest Reliability-Pearson/Spearman Correlation d) Precision-Mean Absolute Difference and Relative Error Measurement. Results showed that the validity and reliability of this motion camera has successfully obtained and the anthropometric data for youth male respondents has successfully constructed. These findings can be used and expended to the national anthropometric database to be utilised in ergonomics design.
traditional anthropometry
non-contact anthropometry measurements
validity and reliability
ergonomics design
6.Validity And Reliability Of Physical Activity Scale For Elderly In Malay Language (PASE-M)
Devinder Kaur Ajit Singh ; Nor Najwatul Akmal Ab. Rahman ; Bala S Rajaratnam ; Tan Chin Yi ; Suzana Shahar
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(Special Volume (1)):116-123
Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) is a simple, valid and reliable questionnaire that can be administered to quantify older adults’ physical activity levels during daily living. However, PASE in Malay language for use among older population is not available. The objective of our current study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Malay translated Physical Activity Scale for Elderly (PASE-M) for the use among older adults. Objective results of physical activity were obtained by wearing continuously an accelerometer for one week among a population of older adults in Malaysia who speak Malay language. Participants completed PASE-M twice, on day-8 (PASE-M1) and day-15 (PASE-M2). Concurrent validity between PASE-M1 and accelerometer results was assessed using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Test-retest reliability for one week interval of PASE-M was tested using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Forty-four community-dwelling older adults (12 men and 32 women; mean age ± SD= 66.95 ± 5.34) participated in this study. However, only 33 participants (8 men and 25 women; mean age ± SD= 66.64 ± 5.51) were able to achieve the minimum accelerometer wearing time and filled up the PASE-M questionnaire for two times with one weeks interval. The results showed the PASE-M score was significantly correlated with vector magnitude (VM) counts (r=0.54, p<0.01), time in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) (r =0.55, p<0.01), energy expenditure (r =0.53, p<0.01) and walking steps (r=0.39, p<0.05). A high reliability (ICC = 0.96) was demonstrated between first and the subsequent administration of PASE-M (p<0.01, 95% CI: 0.92-0.98). The PASE-M is a valid and reliable questionnaire to assess physical activity level for Malaysian community-dwelling older adults.
older adults, physical activity, questionnaire, accelerometer, validity, reliability
7.Malaysian Parents’ Feedback On Three Proxy-Rated Assessments Used In Pediatric Rehabilitation
Farahiyah Wan Yunus ; Michelle Bissett ; Stefania Penkala ; Masne Kadar ; Karen Liu
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(1):64-69
Assessing a child’s functional abilities and limitations can provide useful information for occupational therapists to develop individualised intervention plans. Usually paediatric assessments require parents to rate their child on different domains of health and functional performance. To do so, parents need to be able to understand the assessment content and instructions to rate their child accurately. The primary purpose of this study was to examine if parents in Malaysia understood the content and instructions of three assessments: the Sensory Profile Caregiver Questionnaire (SP), the Sensory Processing Measure Home Form (SPM) and the Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function Parent Form (BRIEF). The secondary purpose was to examine perceptions about the clarity and relevancy of each of the items in each assessment. Thirty parents, recruited using convenience sampling, completed a survey about the assessments. In general, the parents indicated no problems or only minor problems in understanding the content and instructions of all three assessments. The parents also provided comments to improve the clarity of the assessment items. Comments were primarily related to the terms or jargon language used. Elaborations of the terms or jargon were later provided based on the parents’ comments. All three assessments were identified as relevant to be used in the Malaysian population. The results suggest that all three assessments can be used by parents and are suitable to be implemented by occupational therapists working with children in Malaysia.
Parent-rated assessments
Malaysian children
Face validity
Cross-cultural relevancy