1.Histological Differences in the Livers and Kidneys of Two Populations of Rice Frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) Naturally Exposed to Different Environmental Cadmium Levels
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2019;17(Special Issue):65-71
Histological observation has always been important in the study of sentinels. In this research, histological differences in the liver and kidney of two wild populations of Fejervarya limnocharis exposed to different environmental cadmium levels were observed. Liver and kidney samples from 30 rice frogs caught from reference site (Mae Pa) and contaminated site (Mae Tao) were sectioned and stained with Haemotoxylin and Eosin and then observed under light microscope. It was found that liver sections from frogs caught from Mae Tao had higher hepatic macro-melanophage count (MMC) (0.949 ± 0.267 cells/1000 µm2) as compared to those from Mae Pa (0.672 ± 0.299 cells/1000 µm2 ). Other observable histological features found in frog’s liver from Mae Tao include possible necrotic areas, cellular swellings and chromatin margination. The kidney sections from frogs caught from Mae Tao showed the presence of tumor-like cell aggregation and hemorrhage. However, the proportion of tumor-like cell aggregation and hemorrhage were not significantly different than were expected from random occurrences. The result of the histological study revealed that F. limnocharis caught from Mae Tao had higher hepatic MMC and higher prevalence of renal tumor-like aggregation and renal hemorrhage than the rice frogs caught from Mae Pa. Cellular swelling, possible necrotic area and possible apoptotic cell could also be observed in the liver of contaminated frogs.
2.Prevalence Of Obesity And Its Associated Risk Factors Among Post- Basic Renal Care Nursing Students
Aung Myo Oo ; Al-abed Ali A. Al-abed ; Ohn MarLwin ; Sowmya Sham Kanneppady ; Sham Kishor Kanneppady
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2019;19(1):177-183
Obesity is one of the most common, yet among the most neglected, public health problems around the world and it is strongly associated with various non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus and coronary artery diseases. Health care personal especially nurses play an important role in educating public to have healthy lifestyle. However, there is an alarming rate of increase in number of obesity among nursing students as well as staff nurses. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the anthropometric measurements and its associated risks among post-basic renal care nursing students. Total of 142 post-basic renal care nursing students of five intakes were included in this cross-sectional study. The result of the study showed that 52% of participants were either overweight or obese although most of them were below 40 years of age. Majority of overweight or obese students were Malays and 78% of them being female. We also observed an association of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and waist circumference (WC)with increasing body mass index (BMI) (P= 0.001, P= 0.001 and P<0.001) which were statistically significant. Wald criterion estimated that WC and DBP were the most important predictors of BMI in present study. Our study concluded that obesity is prevalent among post-basic renal care nursing students. Urgent and appropriate action should be taken to deter the growing problem of obesity among nursing students and to avoid its subsequent complications in Malaysia.
3.A study on the hepatitis B markers of pregnant women and their infants in yeoju area.
Hae Joong KIM ; Pyoung Sham KU ; Sung Bong HONG
Korean Journal of Perinatology 1993;4(1):23-28
No abstract available.
Hepatitis B*
Pregnant Women*
4.A study on fertilization & cleavage of human oocytes following reinsemination in vitro.
Tak KIM ; Sun Haeng KIM ; Pyong Sham KU
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1992;35(8):1202-1209
No abstract available.
5.A Case of Familial Phaechromocytoma- Was It?
Siti Yazmin Zahari Sham ; Nor Aini Umar ; Khalidah Mazlan
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2015;11(2):85-88
With advancement in genetic studies, familial phaeochromocytoma (PCC) and paraganglioma (PGL)
are increasingly being recognized. Characteristically, correlations exist between genotypes and clinical
and biochemical phenotypes. We report a phaeochromocytoma in a young patient with intriguing family
histories, raising the possibility of his being a familial case.
Genetic Association Studies
6.A Brief Review on Free Light Chain Assays: From Conventional to Current
Siti Yazmin Zahari Sham ; Subashini C. Thambiah ; Intan Nureslyna Samsudin
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2017;13(2):59-62
Free light chains (FLCs) are tumour markers of monoclonal gammopathies. Detection of urinary FLC or also known
as Bence-Jones protein through urinary protein and its immunofixation electrophoreses (UPE and uIFE, respectively)
have been considered the gold standard for its biochemical diagnosis. This is mainly due to their superior detection
limits compared to their counterpart investigations in serum. However, urinalysis is limited in many ways. The
emergence of serum FLC assay with markedly improved detection limit circumvents many of these problems and
has gained much importance in biochemical investigations of monoclonal gammopathies. Nevertheless, they are not
without limitations. This review discusses the advantages and limitations of serum and urinary FLC assays.
7.Knowledge and Perception of Calcium Intake among Students in University Technology MARA
Fatimah Sham ; Emad Shdaifat ; Norhaini Majid ; Fatin Khairudin ; Nadzirah Zainol ; Syafiqah Majid
International Journal of Public Health Research 2013;3(2):370-375
Osteoporosis-related fractures have been recognized as a major health problem, particularly in the elderly with a high morbidity and mortality rate. The aims of the study were to identify knowledge and perception toward calcium intake among students at UiTM and to explore the differences between genders in dietary calcium intake. A cross sectional study was conducted through 336 students aged 18 to 34 years old. The participants were randomly chosen from the student’s enrolment list. A modified questionnaire was used to obtain the knowledge and perception of the participants. More than half of the participants have low knowledge regarding dietary calcium intake (58.6%), positive view towards the benefits of calcium intake and low perception towards the barrier of calcium intake. Chi square analysis showed a significant difference between male and female for knowledge (p=0.034) and barrier (p=0.002) for calcium intake. Intervention programs should be adopted to increase the knowledge among young adults to improve their health and prevent risk factors. So, health education specifically on calcium intake will be very useful to improve the knowledge and behavior of students.
8.Kajian Rintis Penilaian Status Pemakanan di Kalangan Pesakit Onkologi Pediatrik di Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Noor Aini Mohd. Yusoff ; Zalina Abu Zaid ; Raiza Sham ; Rosita Jamaludin ; Suzana Shahar ; A. Rahman
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2007;5(1):47-58
Malnutrition is common among pediatric oncology patients. Factors
contributing to malnutrition include physiological abnormalities, response
to the tumors and side effects of the treatment. A pilot study was carried out to
determine the nutritional status of 17 pediatric oncology patients aged 4 to 12
years old in Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. The
nutritional status was assessed via anthropometric measurements and dietary
intake through 3 days repeatitive 24 hours diet recall with subjects and their
carers. Biochemical profiles (serum albumin and hemoglobin) were reviewed
from the medical record. Through anthropometry measurements, weight and
height were used to calculate Z-scores and further determine the percentile
weight-for-age, height-for-age using NCHS percentile charts (WHO 1983).
Frisancho’s standards (1981) were used to define malnutrition based on MUACfor-
age. Underweight as determined using z scores below -2 for weight-for-age
was observed in 70.6% of the subjects. Whilst, 76.5% of the subjects were
classified as stunted (z score < –2) for height-for-age. Based on MUAC-for-age
percentile, the sign of severe malnutrition category (<5 percentile) was
observed in 35.3% of the subject and 23.6% of the subject were in the moderate
malnutrition (>5 – <10 percentile). About 70.6% of the subject had low
haemoglobin (< 11 g/dl) and 29.4% of the subject were hypoalbuminemia
(< 35 g/dl) . Total macronutrient intake was assessed and compared with the
individual requirement (Seashore 1984) for energy and protein intake were
satisfactory, except for subjects in age group 10 – 12 years who achieved only
70% of the individuals requirements. As a conclusion, although food intake of
the subjects was satisfactory but chronic malnutrition was prevalent. Early
recognition of malnutrition is essential in order to plan for a nutritional
intervention and further enhancing the quality of life.
9.Morphometric and Gravimetric Indices of Two Populations of Rice Frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) Naturally Exposed to Different Environmental Cadmium Levels
Mohd Sham Othman ; Wichase Khonsue ; Jirarach Kitana ; Kumthorn Thirakhupt ; Mark Gregory Robson ; Noppadon Kitana
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2016;14(2):57-64
In this study, morphometric and gravimetric indices were used to determine the impact of cadmium exposure on a sentinel species. Scaling coefficient, condition factor (CF), hepatosomatic index (HSI), renosomatic index (RSI) and gonadosomatic index (GSI) were compared between rice frogs (Fejervarya limnocharis) exposed to different environmental cadmium levels. The result showed that frogs caught from the contaminated site had significantly higher CF (10.296), RSI (0.413) and female GSI (7.594) than frogs from the contaminated site (7.594, 0.380 and 1.594, respectively). For Scaling Coefficient and HSI, albeit being statistically insignificant, these indices showed a similar trend. On the other hand, the male GSI showed a reverse trend where frogs from contaminated site showed higher values than their counterpart from the reference site. However, the differences were not statistically significant. This research concluded that there is a relationship between cadmium contamination with morphometric and gravimetric indices. Therefore, it is suggested that the use of these data could give an idea on the effect of cadmium exposure on the rice frog.
10.Subclinical Hypothyroidism among Patients with Depressive Disorders
Siti Yazmin Zahari Sham ; Nor Aini Umar ; Zarida Hambali ; Rosdinom Razali ; Mohd Rizal Abdul Manaf
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2014;10(2):71-78
Subclinical hypothyroidism (SHT) is a biochemical diagnosis, defined as an elevated Thyroid Stimulating
Hormone (TSH) with normal free thyroxine (FT4). It affects 4-10% of the adult population and is
more prevalent in elderly women. Its commonest cause is autoimmune thyroiditis, detected by antithyroid
peroxidase antibody (TPO-Ab). About 2-5% of SHT patients progress to overt hypothyroidism
annually. The SHT prevalence among depressed patients ranges between 3% and 17%. This study aimed
to determine the prevalence of SHT and TPO-Ab positivity among patients diagnosed with depressive
disorders. It was a cross-sectional study carried out in the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical
Centre over a 12 months period. Serum TSH, FT4 and TPO-Ab were measured. Results showed that
82% of depressed patients were euthyroid, 4% had SHT, 11% had subclinical hyperthyroidism and 2%
had discordant thyroid function. TPO-Ab positivity among the subjects was 7%, one of whom had SHT.
In conclusion, the prevalence of SHT and TPO-Ab positivity in the study population, at 4% and 7%,
respectively, were comparable to previous findings.