1.A case report on human infection with Anisakis sp. in Korea.
Chong Hwan KIM ; Bong Seok CHUNG ; Young Il MOON ; Soong Hwan CHUN
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1971;9(1):39-43
Authors experienced a case of human infection with Anisakis sp. in left tonsil. The case was 27 year Korean female who visited Department of Otolaryngology, Severance Hospital with the chief complaints of swollowing difficulty, and the sensation of a foreign body in the throat, on November 20th 1968. Physical examination of the oral cavity revealed that both palatin tonsil were chronically enlarged. A larval worm was found in crypt of the upper portion of the left palatin tonsil. Chief complaints of the patient was improved after removal of it by forceps. The greyish white living worm was fixed in lactophenol solution for morphological study. The worm measured 36 mm in length by 0.6 mm in width, 2.4 mm in esophageal length, 1.4 mm in ventricule, 0.1 mm in tail length, and 0.025 mm in caudal spine length, respectively and histological study was carried out from the serial section of the larva which was stained with hematoxylin eosin. Authors identified that the larva was Anisakis species.
parasitology-helminth-nematoda-Anisakis sp.
case report
swollowing difficulty
2.Status of parasitic infection diagnosed by surgical biopsy in Kwangju and Chollanam-do.
Jin KIM ; Woo Sik CHUNG ; Kyu Hyuk CHO
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1994;32(2):93-100
: In order to know the species and frequency of human parasitic infection diagnosed by biopsy, 149 cases (0.18%) of parasitic infection were reviwed, which were selected from 80,947 biopsied materials submitted for routine histopathological examination during a period of 10 years from 1980 to 1989 at Department of Pathology, Chonnam National University Hospital. They consisted of 112 cases of cysticercosis, 17 paragonimiasis, 7 clonorchiasis, 4 amebiasis, 1 sparganosis, 1 enterbiasis, 1 aniskiasis, and 1 fascioliasis respectively. Based on morphological preservation of cysticercus, they could be divided into mild (20.2%), morderate (40.4%), and severe (39.4%) degeneration. Except 2 cases biopsied at the lungs, 15 cases of ectopic paragonimiasis were located at abdominal cavity (8 cases) and central nervous system (7 cases). One case of intrahepatic fascioliasis was observed. This is the 13th human fascioliasis reported in Korea. From the above results, the frequency of parasitic infections found in biopsied specimens was on the decrease as the cysticercosis and ectopic paragonimiasis.
tissue parasite
Enterobius vermicularis
Taenia solium
Paragonimus westermani
Clonorchis sinensis
Entamoeba histolytica
Fasciola sp.