1.Interventions addressing nurses’ psychological well-being during COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review
Sri Eka Wahyuni ; Budi Anna Keliat
Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(14):67-76
The study aimed to identify some interventions to improve the psychological well-being of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The data used in this study are EBSCOhost, ProQuest, Taylor & Francis, Science Direct, and JSTOR. These studies were searched for available full-text articles. We used tools for risk of bias assessment, namely, the quality assessment checklist of Joanna Bright Institute tools for cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, and randomized controlled trials.
A total of eight studies were included in this review. The interventions in dealing with the psychosocial problems of COVID-19 nurses consisted of 2 categories: (1) interventions to prevent psychosocial problems - simulation-based teamwork training, mental health promotion strategies, and pre-examination, triage, prevention, and control of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) evaluation training; and (2) interventions to overcome psychosocial problems experienced by COVID-19 nurses - mobile wellness programs, intervention FOREST, emotional freedom techniques, tele-counselling and mental health interventions.
Despite limitations, we were able to perform a complete assessment of the risk of bias in included studies that provide reliable information on the studies. It is recommended that hospitals can provide interventions to improve the psychological well-being of nurses.
2.Nurse empowerment in a tertiary university hospital during pandemic crisis
Ma. Stefanie P. Reyes ; Mildred B. Campo ; Mariel Rosette M. Delos Santos ; Andrew B. Sumpay ; Ma. Carmela M. Gatchalian ; Marivin Joy F. Lim ; Mickaela Louise D. Gamboa ; Louriane P. Ledesma ; Sarah Joy B. Maypa ; Queenie H. Quintana ; Ariel T. Laurenciana
Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(16):117-126
Nurse empowerment is essential to ensure delivery of the best quality patient care and attaining positive nurse outcomes. Studies describe its relationship to retention, patient safety, commitment, productivity, job satisfaction, and positive outcomes. The study aimed to determine the level of empowerment of nurses in a tertiary university hospital during the pandemic crisis.
The study was an exploratory descriptive cross-sectional design. Participants (N = 176, Nurses) were randomly selected through a sampling frame. The validated self-administered questionnaire, the Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire II, was used for data collection. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine whether there were statistically significant differences between the means of the participants’ empowerment scores when grouped according to their demographic profile.
The study found that the nurses in the tertiary university hospital have an overall moderate level of empowerment (TSE x̄ = 22.69, SD = 3.53; GE x̄ = 3.72, SD = 1.01). It was also found that there were statistically significant differences between the means of their total structural and global empowerment scores when grouped according to their age group, civil status, length of service, level of position, and area designation; while no statistically significant difference existed when grouped by their sex and level of education.
Since nurse empowerment leads to positive nurse and patient outcomes, improving levels of empowerment is thus essential. The results of this study will help administrators identify groups of nurses with relatively lower levels of empowerment and in turn develop programs that will help improve their levels of empowerment.
3.Delivery of rehabilitation services: Opportunities and threats during a global pandemic.
Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2023;7(1):6-10
This presentation articulated a personal perspective of an Occupational Therapy (OT) practitioner regarding the changes already
happening within the field of rehabilitation before the COVID-19 pandemic and its cataclysmic role that accelerated changes in the delivery of
rehabilitation services, specifically in advancing the application technologies and innovative practices in the clinics, renewed focus on strengthening
and supporting OT and rehabilitation professionals’ health and well-being, and use of transformational instructions to prepare students for future
healthcare challenges. Included in this presentation is the global response to ensure the delivery of rehabilitation services, the exemplar of local
innovations and resilience among Filipino OT and the rehabilitation community, emerging opportunities and threats brought about by the
pandemic, and the lessons and innovations we bring forward as part of the new normal post-COVID-19 pandemic, and beyond.
COVID-19 pandemic
4.Addressing difficulty in communication while wearing a respirator mask during the COVID-19 pandemic by using a laryngophone
Laine Valerie C. Kongsun Ching ; Philip Lance Anthony A. Liu
Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2021;36(2):49-51
To describe the use of a laryngophone to aid in verbal communication when wearing elastomeric respirator masks.
Design: Instrumentation Innovation.
Setting: Tertiary Private Training Hospital.
Five volunteers using elastomeric respirator masks rated laryngophone use, afterwhich they individually rated an additional volunteer on speech intelligibility before and after laryngophone use.
On a scale of 1-10, the average score of the five volunteers for the laryngophone was 8.8 for ease of use, 8.0 for comfort, and 8.0 for ease of communication. Their average speech intelligibility score for the additional volunteer using the respirator mask alone was 2.0, and for use of the respirator mask with laryngophone was 3.6 on a scale of 1-4.
This portable laryngophone speaker may be useful in aiding otolaryngologists and health care providers using elastomeric respirator masks in verbal communication by amplifying speech without needing an external microphone, preventing vocal strain.
5.Clinical outcomes of patients treated with short-course palliative radiotherapy in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: A single institution experience
Kurl E. Jamora, MD ; Nonette A. Cupino, MD
Acta Medica Philippina 2023;57(8):38-45
This study aimed to describe the clinical profile and treatment outcomes of patients treated with a short course (<10 fractions) of palliative radiotherapy during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Another aim of the study is to compare patients treated with short-course and long-course palliative radiotherapy in terms of the site and volume irradiated.
An ambispective study comprised 23 patients treated with short-course palliative radiotherapy from March 2020 to February 2021. The retrospective aspect of this study included a review of medical records and radiotherapy plans, while the prospective part involved communication with patients or legally authorized representatives via phone call. Demographic, clinical, and treatment-related information were gathered.
Of 92 patients receiving palliative radiotherapy, 23 were treated with a short course, while 69 were planned for at least ten fractions. Of the 23 patients receiving short-course radiotherapy, most had colorectal (35%) and head and neck (26%) primary malignancies. The most commonly treated sites were the pelvis (24%), vertebral bones (21%), and head and neck masses (21%), and the most common indications were pain (45%) and bleeding (32%). The majority were treated with 20 Gy in 5 fractions (42%) and 25 Gy in 5 fractions (38%). Complete resolution of symptoms was observed in 43% of cases, and more than half reported no side effects (58%). Median survival was 71 days. All patients treated in the lung, stomach, and brain underwent a long course of palliative radiotherapy. Patients with a long course also had higher mean irradiated volumes (1871 cm3 vs. 2150 cm3).
In this single institution review, a short course of palliative radiotherapy was proven to provide good symptom control with few side effects. During the COVID-19 pandemic, its use should be strongly considered, especially in patients with poor performance status, transportation difficulties, and limited life expectancy.
COVID-19 pandemic
short course
6.The typology of physicians according to perspectives on telemedicine during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic
Marcellus Francis L. Ramirez ; Maria Minerva P. Calimag
Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2023;7(1):1090-1111
The coronavirus (CoVid-19) pandemic brought about a massive impact to the healthcare system, including disruption of patient follow-ups and consultations. Subsequently, an increase in physicians’ use of telemedicine was seen. While this technology has been documented to improve delivery of care, it has encountered varied acceptance among physicians. Gaps in specific national legislation, lack of established rules and accreditation standards, and ethical/legal implications add to the concerns. Anchored on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model, this study aimed to segment physicians according to their perspectives regarding telemedicine during the pandemic.
A mixed methods sequential explanatory design using Q-methodology was applied to identify distinct patterns and perceptions of physicians on the use of telemedicine during the pandemic. A Q-sample of 25 statements on perceptions of telemedicine was developed through literature review, and 24 physicians were purposively selected. Participants were instructed to sort statements into a distribution grid according to their degree of agreement/disagreement. Post-sorting interview was conducted to expound on their response. Data were analyzed using by-person factor analysis through the PQMethod software version 2.35.
7.Coping and well-being of school-aged children in a quarantined environment during the COVID- 19 pandemic.
Christian Eric S. Flores ; Pia Gabrielle Q. Canonero ; Angela James L. Chua ; Krystianne Mikhaela S. Cruz ; Christine Angela G. Dayao ; Floreliz V. Ngaya-An
Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2023;27(1):1-15
School-aged children bear a lot of difficulties and discomforts brought about by the new normal
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This study aimed to examine the general well-being of children during the pandemic, how the
children are coping with all the challenges, and parents' strategies to help their children cope
This study utilized a descriptive correlational research design with purposive sampling. Data
was collected through an online survey. The standardized Kidcope-Child version was utilized to measure
children's coping, while the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL)™ 4.0 Short Form 15 Generic Core
Scales was utilized to measure the children's well-being.
A total of 134 parents participated in the study. No significant relationship was found between the
age, sex, and coping strategies of the children, as well as between the age and well-being of children. Male
children experienced more difficulty in physical functioning (p-value= 0.028), social functioning (p-value=
0.017), and overall well-being (p-value= 0.031) compared to female children. The computed mean for parents'
helping strategies was between 2.67 to 2.78, which lies between the categories of sometimes (2) to always (3).
School-aged children were found to be using more positive coping strategies than negative coping
strategies during the pandemic. They have “sometimes” to “almost no” experience of difficulty in terms of the
five functions of well-being. Parents used the six fundamental tasks of parenting to help their children cope.
coping strategies
COVID-19 pandemic
8.Psychosocial experiences of selected pediatric occupational therapists in the Philippines on the shift to Telehealth Practice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ysabella Faith F. Anico ; Drieza Joize Q. Bacay ; Allyssa Marie N. Bautista ; Charlaine B. Concepcion ; Noel Enrique A. Cruz ; Irene Y. De Guzman ; Ira Denisse D. Ludovice ; Samantha Marrei P. Macaya ; Corinth Shekainah M. Miranda ; Arminelle Marie M. Roxas ; Alexandra Mae D. Sale ; John Paul B. Sevilla
Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2023;27(1):36-44
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare professionals including pediatric
occupational therapists (OTs) mandatorily had to shift to the practice of telehealth in the absence of a safe in-
person setup caused by the outbreak.
This study aims to determine the psychosocial experiences encountered by selected pediatric OTs in
the Philippines brought by the shift to telehealth practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
Purposive sampling was used in the study to gather six (6) licensed pediatric OTs who provide
occupational therapy (OT) services via telehealth in the Philippines, and the respondents were not personally
connected to any of the researchers. A semi-structured one-on-one interview with the participants through a
Zoom call was conducted to obtain their psychosocial experiences. A thematic analysis was used and four (4)
themes emerged by the end of the study: consequences of the shift to telehealth practice, changes during
telehealth provision, increased resilience, and increased psychological strain.
In conclusion, the transition to provision of telehealth services to pediatric clients has challenged
the practices of the selected pediatric OTs in terms of preparing for the session, where one of the main prevalent
concerns was toward collaboration and communication with the caregivers; conducting of telehealth sessions,
where communication interruption was one of the main concerns; and in ethical considerations, where OTs
made it a point that they rectified ethical dilemmas amidst telehealth provision. These experienced challenges
also included increased workload and psychological distress, while improved occupational balance and
adaptability were most commonly experienced by OTs
COVID-19 Pandemic
Occupational Therapy
9.A cross-sectional study of the association of social media use during the pandemic to the psychological well-being status of medical students in a private tertiary institution.
Shaira Mae C. Lacanlale ; John Philip L. Lacerna ; Tyrone L. Malaluan ; Ella Alessandra L. Malapad ; Martin Jerard S. Manaois ; Athena Louise S. Mangoroban ; Ma. Bernadette R. Manlosa ; Jennifer M. Nailes ; Carolynn Pia J. Bagain
Health Sciences Journal 2023;12(1):50-56
Lockdowns and quarantine measures during the pandemic have led to increased media
consumption among students worldwide. This study aimed to determine the association between the
status of the psychological well-being of medical students in a private tertiary institution and social
media use during the pandemic.
This is cross-sectional analytical study which included medical students in a private tertiary
institution. SONTUS was used to measure social media usage, while Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-
Being was used to assess the psychological well-being. PRR and Chi-square test were used for data analysis.
There were 317 respondents in the study. Based on the results of SONTUS, there are 114
respondents who have high usage. For the Ryff’s scale, there were 76 respondents who have low well-
being scores. The computed Pearson Chi-square has an associated probability (p-value) of 0.855 which
is more than the set significance level of 0.05. For the PRR, the computed value was 1.04.
There was no association found between the psychological well-being status of medical
students in a private tertiary institution and social media use during the pandemic.
social media use
10.Turnaround time of consults in a primary care system in rural Philippines: A descriptive retrospective cohort study
April Faye P. Barbadillo ; Leonila F. Dans ; Carol Stephanie C. Tan-Lim ; Cara Lois T. Galingana ; Josephine T. Sanchez ; Maria Rhodora N. Aquino ; Arianna Maever L. Amit ; Regine Ynez H. De Mesa ; Mia P. Rey ; Janelle Micaela S. Panganiban ; Karl Engelene E. Poblete ; Nanette B. Sundiang ; Antonio L. Dans
Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(18):20-26
Turnaround time is an integral component of primary healthcare and is a key performance indicator of healthcare delivery. It is defined as the time patients spend during a healthcare facility visit. In this study, turnaround time is defined as the time elapsed from registration to the end of consultation.
This study aimed to determine the turnaround time of consults in the primary care system in a rural site in the Philippines, and compare turnaround time during the pre-pandemic and COVID-19 pandemic periods.
This is a retrospective cohort study of patients seen at the primary care facility under the Philippine Primary Care Studies (PPCS) rural site from April 2019 to March 2021. Patients included in this study were chosen through random sampling. Electronic medical records (EMR) of these patients were reviewed. Turnaround time was computed electronically from time of registration to end of consultation. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize data and report turnaround time. The turnaround time before and during the pandemic was compared using an independent sample t-test (if normally distributed) or Mann Whitney U test (if not normally distributed). A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
A random sample of 342 patients out of the total 45,501 patient consults seen at the rural primary healthcare facility from April 2019 to March 2021 were included in this study. The median turnaround time was 29.0 minutes (interquartile range [IQR] 68.3), with range of 0.9 to 437.2 minutes. During the pre-pandemic period, the median turnaround time of consults is 29.3 minutes (IQR 70.4) which is 1.8 minutes longer than the pandemic period which showed median turnaround time of 27.5 minutes (IQR 72.7). The difference between the two time periods was not statistically significant (P = 0.39).
The study showed that the median turnaround time of medical consults was 29.0 minutes, which was shorter by 80 minutes compared to other published Philippine studies. The turnaround time did not differ significantly in the pandemic and prepandemic period, despite new policies and systems that were implemented during the pandemic.
primary care
electronic medical records