1.To assess the changes in knowledge of women about health care services at some commune health stations of Ba Vi district, Ha Tay province
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;0(12):79-80
Finding some clinical features of urinary tract stone and survey chemical component of urinary tract stone in 3 areas of Thua Thien Hue province. Stones were collected from patients surgeried and crushed stones from 1/2003 to 5/2004. The result show that: the man patients ‘s average age were: 46±12,4 : the man patients ‘s average age were: 42±12,1 với nữ. The common symtoms: pain, biting urinate, big kidney. 100% stones were calci stone, most of them were calci oxalate.
knowledge of women
2.Relationship between age, sex, occupation and knowledge on harmful effects of cigarettes and belief in warnings in pack of cigarettes of women, year 2004
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;503(2):41-44
A cross-sectional study was carried out on 915 women living together with smokers in Ha Noi city, Da Nang city and Ha Nam province in 2004. There was relationship between occupation and knowledge on cigarette harmful effects on health and belief in warning in pack of cigarettes. Housewifes knew more clearly on effect of cigaretes than traders. Farmers had more belief on warnings in pack of cigarettes than trader did. Health related to belief in warnings in pack of cigarettes. Normal people had more belief on warnings in pack of cigarettes than healthy people. There was no relationship between age, health and knowledge on harmful effects of cigaretes on health
3.The knowledge for effect of tobacco in woman living in HoChiMinh city in 2004
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;512(5):8-10
Study on 384 women (ages 20 to 49) living in families with smokers in HoChiMinh city in 2004. The results: the rate of women knowing the tobacco’s effect for health was very high (91.5%) and particularly, knowing that tobacco damages the most seriously to respiratory system and causes pulmonary cancer. The rate of woman knowing the passive smoke’ effect was very high (92.5%) and knowing the passive smoke can cause acute respiratory infection in children, bronchitis in adults and abortion in pregnancy. The information resources, which was easy to provide the tobacco’s effect were radio, television and newspaper.
4.A survey on knowledge and practice related to prenatal care among Huong Long commune pregnant women at Hue city
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2004;14(1):45-52
A cross-sectional study examined 132 pregnant women of Huong Long commune, Hue city about prenatal care, inoculation and enhancing nutrition, working and rest of pregnant women. This study was determined some factors impact on antenatal examination and newborn status. The results: 22.0% of pregnant women had rather good knowledge level in need of prenatal care, 29.5% had average level and 48.5% had poor level of knowledge. 72% of pregnancies were previously planned, 66.6% had full pregnant care, 22.7% had pregnant care during first trimester, 83.3% received full dose of tetanus, 14.4% used acid folic and iron pills, 60.6% ate more during pregnant period, 78.0% did light or average work loads during pregnant period, 43.2% stopped working, 67.4% had full weight increasing during pregnancy. The abnormal babies rate after delivery was 18.3%. There was a relationship between newborn status and the following factors: frequency of pregnant care, work loads and weight increasing level during pregnant period
Prenatal Care
Pregnant Women
5.Relations between knowledge and attitude toward weight gain during pregnancy and actual weight gain of pregnant women in Can Tho, 2004
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;0(6):72-75
A cross-sectional study on knowledge and attitude toward weight gain was carried out on 659 pregnant women to identify factors associated with actual weight gain of pregnant women. The results showed that 36.6% of the women had a weight gain in the last trimester below 4kg, in which 19% below 3kg. While only 55.4% pregnant women agreed the recommended weight gain of 10-12kg during pregnancy, majority of pregnant women (85.1%) had positive attitude toward eating a well diet if it meant to have a baby with sufficient weight at birth. There was a statistically significant relationship between weight gain and attitude toward eating a well diet in the last trimester (p=0.009). However, less than half of women, 17.5% and 44.5% had correct knowledge about how much weight a mother should gain during pregnancy and in the last trimester, respectively. Knowledge of the women on the relationship between weight gain and birth weight of babies related significantly with actual weight gain (p<0.05). The results suggested that knowledge and attitude favoring wealthy babies may relate to higher maternal weight gains during pregnancy.
Pregnant Women
Weight Gain
6.An enquiry on women's knowledge, attitude and practice of reproductive health
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(3):32-35
A survey on knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of reproductive health was conducted on 119 women (aged between 15 and 49 years old, had their children under 5 years old) at Tan Long commune, Dong Hy district, Thai Nguyen province on mother's health care and family planning. Results: KAP of these women wasn't good, in both pre and postnatal. It is recommended that health staff at Tan Long commune health station needs to participate actively in reproductive health education for women at isolated villages
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
Reproductive Medicine
7.The survey on knowledge and practice related to prenatal care of Huong Long commune pregnant women at Hue city
Journal of Medical Research 2003;26(6):141-148
The survey was conducted in Huong Long commune, Hue city, year 2002. 22% pregnant women had good, 29.5 moderate and 48.5 poor knowledge on the contents of prenatal care. 72.5% of pregnancies were previously planned, 60.6% received fully prenatal care, 22.7% received care in the first 3 months of pregnancy, 83.3% received full dose of tetanus vaccin, 14.4% used folic acid and ferrous pill; 60.6% ate more during pregnant period, 78% had light and moderate work load, 43.2% stopped working 30 days before delivery, 67.4% had proper increase of weigh. Previously planned pregnancies, education level, knowledge on prenatal care were closely related with pregnant care. The prevalence of abnormal newborn were 18.3%.
Prenatal Care
Pregnant Women
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
8.Knowledge, attitude and behavior on ectopic pregnancy of married women in Chi Linh, Hai Duong
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;18(1):44-49
Background: The incidence of Ectopic Pregnancy (EP) is increasing worldwide, especially in developing countries. It is among main causes of morbidity and mortality in childbearing women. The EP incidence in Chi Linh district, Hai Duong province is about 0.22%. Objectives: To identify the knowledge, attitude and practice of married women for EP in Chi Linh district and propose interventions to improve the early diagnosis of EP. Subjects and method: The cross-sectional study was conducted in 2005, combined questionnaires-based interviews to in-depth interviews and focal group discussion. Results: A total of 998 women participated in the study. Most of them were in 25-34 and 35-44 years old age groups (35.0%). 45.8% have never had surgical abortions and 27.4% has had a surgical abortion at least once. Most of the participants knew only one sign of abnormal pregnancy (abdominal pain: 42.0%, nausea: 41.5% and vaginal hemorrhage: 19.2%). About 2/3 of participants have never heard of EP and bout 2/3 of them considered it as a serious problem. 42.5% of women did not know any sign of EP. 76% did not know about the risk factors of EP. Main information source on EP came from friends (49.6%), television (15.2%), publications (10.8%) and health workers (5.9%).The usage of quick test for pregnancy was not common. Conclusion: Predisposing factors showed that the married women and health workers were aware of the need for early prenatal examination and the dangers of EP. The enabling factors showed that some impacts are needed to improve the knowledge of health workers con prenatal examination and counseling. Reinforcing factors showed that the extensive introduction of available health service is needed to improve the access of local women.
Ectopic pregnancy
9.Knowledge and practice on prevention of B Hepatitis among Pregnant Women in Cau Giay District, Ha Noi 2002
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;2():25-27
The study aims at description of awarness and practicr of B virus hepatitis control in 190 pregnant women in Cau Giay District, Ha Noi City, year 2002. It is a described horiziontal analytical in vestigation. Subjects were interviewed with structural questions. The data were analyzied by Epi-info 6.04 software and test X2 . Results showed a very low level of knowledge and practice skills. Influenced factors are educational level and professional skill as well as information resources. It must be recommended to promote the couselling at commune health station with concise messages. Further studies must be conducted in other districts in the city
Hepatitis B
Pregnant Women
prevention & control
10.Change in children’s nutritional status and mother’s nutrition, health knowledge and pratices in Ngoc Chau 1999-2000
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;2():30-34
The efficace of nutritional activities was assessed. The knowledge and practices of nutrition of mothers and the status of nutrition of infant under 24 months old age in Ngoc Chau commune were evaluated on December 2000, in comparing with control (Ngoc Ly commune). A decrease of the prevalence of light weigh, stunted and thin children was noted in 2000, comparing with the year 1999. Breast feeding within 30 after birth in Ngoc Chau (a intervened commune) accouting for 85%, dramatically higher than the control (66.5%). The rate of infants with supplemented diet intime of age is higher so and the rate of mother who supply infant with solutions other than mother milk before first breast feeding is lower drammatically than the control. Incase of diarshoea of infant, 100% of mothers in Ngọc Châu conduct normal diet regime for children
Pregnant Women
Nutritional Status