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MeSH:(implantable cardioverter-defibrillator)

1.Epidemiologic burden of hospitalization for cardiac arrhythmias requiring implantable cardioverter-defibrillator among adult Filipinos

Felix Eduardo R. Punzalan ; Erdie C. Fadreguilan ; Victor L. Mendoza ; April Ann A. Bermudez-delos Santos ; Noemi S. Pestañ ; o ; Eden A. Gabriel ; Giselle G. Gervacio ; Michael-Joseph M. Agbayani ; Gladys Ruth S. David ; Luigi Pierre S. Segundo ; Carlos E. De Las Llagas ; Magdalena J. Lagamayo ; Bernadette A. Tumanan-Mendoza

Philippine Journal of Cardiology 2021;49(1):8-13

4.The economic burden of hospitalization for cardiac arrhythmias requiring implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and radiofrequency ablation among adult Filipinos—Its clinical and equity implications and budget impact analysis of proposed revised PhilHealth case rates for cardioverter-defibrillator implantation and radiofrequency ablation

Bernadette A. Tumanan-Mendoza ; Victor L. Mendoza ; Eden A. Gabriel ; Giselle G. Gervacio ; Erdie C. Fadreguilan ; Michael-Joseph F. Agbayani ; Gladys Ruth S. David ; Luigi Pierre S. Segundo ; Carlos E. De Las Llagas ; Magdalena J. Lagamayo ; Felix Eduardo R. Punzalan ; April Ann A. Bermudez-delos Santos ; Noemi S. Pestañ ; o

Philippine Journal of Cardiology 2021;49(1):30-38

5.Delayed Perforation of the Right Ventricular Wall by a Single Standard-Caliber Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Lead Detected by Multidetector Computed Tomography.


Korean Circulation Journal 2011;41(11):689-691

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