This is a case report of intestinal eosinophilic granuloma caused by Ascaris ova and worm which is supposed to be rare in Korea. Case: A 23 year old healthy female reached Pusan Sanitation Hospital with complaints of high fever and abdominal pain on December 3 in 1966. Examination: Her temperature was 99.6 F. Pulse 80. Abdominal palpation showed muscle rigidity and tenderness. On the right side of the abdomen diagnosis due to ruptured appendix was made, and a laparotomy was performed the same day. Operation: Intestinal perforation by a Ascaris worm in the caecum about 7 cm from the ileo-caecal junction was also found. The worm was liquefied already. The intestine was edematous . Numerous rice sized nodules were seen on the intestine. The omentum was markdly inflammed and was adhered with a fist size mass. The mass and appendix were also resected in order to do a histological study. Pathology: Two kinds of tissues were examined : one a mesenteric mass, the other lymph node. Microscopically, it showed intensive and entirely necrotic tissue in which numerous parasitic ova were surrounded by granulomatous inflammatory cells with eosinophiles . The parasitic ova were degenerative and partialy necrotic although they had three layers of egg shell which are identified with Ascaris ova.
Ascaris lumbricoides
egg granuloma-case report