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MeSH:(development aspects)

2.Private medical education--the doctor's perspective.

A K Abdul Hamid

The Medical journal of Malaysia 2000;55 Suppl C():23-7

3.Determination of malathion levels and the effect of malathion on the growth of Chrysomya megacephala (Fibricius) in malathion-exposed rat carcass.

Rashid Rumiza Abd ; Khairul Osman ; Ismail Mohd Iswadi ; Zuha Raja Muhammad ; Hassan Rogaya Abu

Tropical biomedicine 2008;25(3):184-90

4.The family health and rural improvement program in Tari.

John Vail

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2002;45(1-2):147-62

5.Importance of nutrition in achieving the Millenium Development Goals.

G.L. Khor

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2008;4(1):1-21

6.Biomarkers in cancer: An overview.

H.F. Seow

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2008;4(1):23-32

7.Notes for the primary care teachers: Portfolio assessment.

Teng C.L.

Malaysian Family Physician 2007;2(3):125-126

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