1.Clinical profile and corneal complications of staphylococcal blepharitis at the Philippine General Hospital
Ruben Lim Bon Siong ; Pablito F. Sandoval Jr. ; George Michael N. Sosuan
Acta Medica Philippina 2023;57(2):44-49
Staphylococcal blepharitis is a common ocular condition that can cause significant visual morbidities due to corneal complications. This study described the clinical profile of patients with staphylococcal blepharitis seen in a tertiary referral eye center, and determined the frequency and the type of corneal complications, the possible reasons for the delay in diagnosis, and the management prior to the consult.
This study was a single-center, five-year retrospective case series design. The charts of all patients from January 2016 to December 2021 with the diagnosis of staphylococcal blepharitis seen at the External Disease and Cornea Clinic of the Philippine General Hospital that have fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included. The data extracted were age, sex, chief complaint, laterality, time of onset of symptoms to consult, previous consults, lid and lid margin findings, conjunctival and corneal findings, pre- and post-treatment uncorrected distance visual acuity, duration of follow-up, and treatments received.
Fifty-five (55) charts out of 107 charts with a diagnosis of staphylococcal blepharitis were included. Eighty percent (80%) or 44 patients had bilateral disease. Ninety-nine (99) eyes of 55 patients were analyzed. The median age of the study population was 19 years. Sixty-seven percent (67%) were female, and 33% were male. The mean duration of follow-up at the External Disease and Cornea Clinic was 10.8 ± 14.61 months. Corneal opacity, eye redness, and blurring of vision comprised 70% of the reasons for consult. The mean time from the onset of symptoms to consult was 18.36 ± 25.69 months. Sixty-seven percent (67%) had prior consults elsewhere and 45% came in with a different diagnosis. Seventy-eight (78) eyes had fibrin or crust on the lashes. Fifty percent (50%) of the eyes had concomitant conjunctivitis, while 30% had meibomitis. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of patients had corneal complications. Seventy-two percent (72%) of eyes had bilateral involvement. The median age of patients with corneal complications subgroup was 13 years. The most common corneal complications noted were neovascularization, phlyctenulosis, pannus formation, and marginal infiltrates or ulcers. Twenty-two percent (22%) of all study eyes had visually disabling corneal complications like corneal ulcer, descemetocele, corneal perforation, and corneal scar. Ninety percent (90%) of the patients received standard medical treatment and three patients underwent penetrating keratoplasty. The mean uncorrected distance visual acuity at initial consult of eyes with corneal complication was 20/55 (LogMAR 0.43 ± 0.51) and 20/35 (LogMAR 0.25 ± 0.40) after treatment (p = 0.032).
Staphylococcal blepharitis was most prevalent among young female patients, and it affected both eyes. Almost all patients manifested the typical lid margin lesions. Nearly 60% of the patients presented with corneal complications and 22% had corneal lesions that were potentially blinding. Close to 50% had delay in treatment due to misdiagnosis.
2.Incidence of Demodex Folliculorum in Chronic Blepharitis.
Hyeong Ki HAN ; Suk Dong KIM ; Jin Kap KIM
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1993;34(12):1189-1193
Demodex is a common ectoparasite in human eyelash. However the occurrence rate and pathogencity are still controversial. The purpose of this study were to investigate the occurrence rate and classification of Demodex from eyelashes and its relationship with blepharitis. We selected 28 blepharitis patients and 132 patients without blepharitis(control group) who vistied St. Family's Hostital from March 1992 to July 1992. The following results were obtained. Demodex was observed in 17 out of 28 blepharitis patients(60.7%) and in 32 out of 132 control group(24.2%). This difference was stastically significant(p<0.05). In blepharitis patients. Demodex index was 19.6 and lash index was 12.2. In control group. Democlex index 7.4 and lash index 5.3.
3.Bacteriological Study of Angular Blepharitis.
Hong Bok KIM ; Yong Jae HONG ; Young Sae KWAK ; Ouk CHOI
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1981;22(2):329-332
Most common annoyant for angular blepharitis has long been known as a diplobacillus of Morax-Axenfeld since 1897. Bacteriological study has been done on 56 patients (102 eyes) being suffered from angular blepharitis clinically diagnosed in the Dept. of Ophthalmology, Yonsei University College of Medicine. Most angular blepharitis involved bilaterally (82%), 34 cases of angular blepharitis were seen in the nasal canthus (61%). Staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated from 50 eyes (49%) with angular blepharitis and staphylococcus au reus from 41 eyes (40%). No diplobacillus of Morax-Axenfeld was demonstrated in the culture from angular blepharitis.
Staphylococcus epidermidis
4.A Study of Demodex from Eyelashes.
Dae Gyoo BYUN ; Hyung Ok KIM ; Baik Kee CHO ; Won Koo LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1983;21(1):13-21
Demodex is easily found from eyelashes and suggested as the one of the causes of some eye diseases. This study was to investigate the occurence rate, and classification of Demodex from eyelashes, and its relationship with blepharitis. The data of this study were compiled from 27 blepharitis patients and 173 patients without blepharitis (control group) who had visited St. Paul's Hospital from October 1981 to December 1981. Three eyelashes from each eyelid-total 12 lashes from a patient-were extracted under the slit lamp, located on a slide glass and fixed with polyvinyl lactophenol mounting medium. (countinued..)
Eye Diseases
5.Analysis of Tear Composition in Chronic Blepharitis.
Won Il RHIM ; Ho Sun LEE ; Young Soo YUN ; Hyun Jung CHOI
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2003;44(4):931-936
PURPOSE: To analyze the changes of tear composition in chronic blepharitis patients. METHODS: Tear samples were collected from 30 eyes of 29 patients diagnosed as chronic blepharitis by slit-lamp examination, and from 30 eyes of 30 normal volunteers. Chronic blepharitis group was subdivided into untreated group (10 eyes; tear sampling before the initiation of treatment) and treated group (20 eyes; tear sampling after the initiation of treatment). Tear pH, concentration of ions (Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+), total protein concentration and tear protein fraction (TPF) were measured. Statistical analysis was done by using Mann-Whitney U test and Kruscal-Wallis test, and p-value
Healthy Volunteers
Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
6.Two Cases of Blepharitis Caused by Pubic Lice.
Nam Ho PAEK ; Jae Ho KIM ; Sang Wook RHEE
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1976;17(2):187-190
Two unusual cases (5yr. old girl and boy) of seborrhoic marginal blepharitis caused by infestation of pubiclice (Phthirus pubis) are described. Many pubic lice and their ova clung to the cilia of upper lid margin were identified as the cause of disease. Prompt improvement of marginal blepharitis limited only on upper lids of both eyes was brought by the removal of lice and epilation of cilia which there are many ova adhered on. These two cases have no interrelationship in possible contact or source. Their fainily history and envirvmnental studies showed in negative resuhs. Careful slit-lamp examination would be neccessary as a routine procedure in blepharitis cases.
Hair Removal
7.Tuberculous Blepharitis Following Removal of Intracanalicular Lacrimal Plug.
Kyu Mee KAY ; Kyung In WOO ; Hae Ran CHANG
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2003;44(6):1428-1432
PURPOSE: Diagnosis of tuberculous blepharitis may be delayed because of its nonspecific symptoms such as periocular edema, nodule, and papule. By investigating the route of infection and clinical course of tuberculous blepharitis, it was attempted to emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. METHODS: After the trial of intracanalicular plug removal, lid edema and nodule were developed in the patient who had been implanted a intracanalicular plug for dry eye. Excisional biopsy of the lesion was performed after treatment trial with local injection of triamcinolone acetonide. Many acid-fast bacilli were found in the microscopic examination. The patient underwent 9-month-scheduled anti-tuberculous medication. RESULTS: The lesion has improved with the medication. Lid ectropion occurred at the site of biopsy. CONCLUSIONS: Tuberculous blepharitis can be developed as a complication of intracanalicular plug procedure for dry eye. Tuberculous infection should be considered as a possible cause of longstanding blepharitis that is unresponsive to supportive treatment. It is emphasized that early diagnosis and proper management are important.
Early Diagnosis
Triamcinolone Acetonide
8.Clinical Observations on Cosmetic Ocular Tatooing.
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1989;30(2):289-297
To investigate the present status with its side effect of ocular tatooing for cosmetic purpose in our country, 150 patients with the eyelid and eyebrow tatooing who visited my clinic from July 1986 to October 1988 were enrolled in this study. Six patients who complained the early complications after the cosmetic tatooing were included in the tatooing group, and 150 patients without the tatooing were used as a control group for the statistical study. The following results were obtained: 1. The ages tatooed ranged from 19 to 68 years old age with the mean age of 39.65 +/- 9.46 years. Fourth and fifth decades consited of 76% of the total subjects tatooed. 2. At their first visit, blepharitis, external hordeolum, pingueculitis, subconjunctival hemorrhage and keratitis were more statistically frequent than the control gruop(p<0.05), but chalazion was not so. 3. Cosmetic tatooing was gradually noted after 1984 and was most frequently performed in 1986(41%). Thereafter, it reduced from 1987(35%) until now. 4. One half was tatooed once and 1 to 3 times of tatooing were added for the remainder. 5. Ninetyseven % of tatooing was done by non-medical doctor in beauty parlor or the other places excluding the hospital, and only 3% was performed by medical doctor in the hospital. 6. Eyelid tatiooing was noted in 96% of the total subjects tatooed and eyebrow tatooing was shown in over half of them(53%). 7. Early complication of the tatooing was confirmed by history taking in 29% of the total subjects tatooed, which consited of lid swelling(23%), subcutaneous hemorrhage of lid(4%), itching sensation(2%) and conjunctival redness(1%). Clinical Observations on Cosmetic Ocular Tatooing Six patients were treated for one to 10 days for the early complication of tatooing under the diagnosis of lid edema(100%), keratitis(83%), subcutaneous hemorrhage of lid(50%), blepharititis(33%), conjunctivitis(33%), corneal abrasion(33%) and conjunctival foreign body(17%). 8. Thirtysix % out of the patients confirmed by history taking was regretful after the cosmetic tatooing.
Statistics as Topic
9.Clinical Evaluation of Idiopathic Corneal Endotheliopathy.
Myung Kyoo KO ; Jun Seu LEE ; Jun Kiu CHOI
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1996;37(4):578-583
The idiopathic corneal endotheliopathy appears clinically as a corneal graft rejection, which has a linear corneal endotheliopathy and well responds to corticosteroid theraphy. Its cause may be associated with autoimmune reaction(Khodadoust AA, Attazadeh A, 1982). We experienced five patients with idiopathic corneal endotheliopathy, and evaluated its clinical characteristics and treatment. We performed slit lamp examination, the measurement of intraocular pressure of five patients who visited our hospital to evaluate the progressive visual disturbance due to idiopathic corneal endotheliopathy. All cases showed endotheliopathy with keratic precipitates, corneal epithelial edema and stromal edema at corresponding areas. The intraocular pressures were within normal range and a mild inflammation in anterior chamber was found in two cases. The immune rings were shown in two cases and herpes zoster blepharitis had appeared in one case. All cases had a good response to topical corticosteroid and acyclovir treatment. However, four cases were recurred even though well responded to treatment following recurrence. We suggest that the pathogenesis of idiopathic corneal endotheliopathy would be associated with herpes virus infection.
Anterior Chamber
Graft Rejection
Herpes Zoster
Intraocular Pressure
Reference Values
10.A Case of Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome.
Won Kyu SHIN ; Young Hoon OHN ; Song Hee PARK ; Han Ho SHIN
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1995;36(9):1605-1609
The Sjogren-Larsson syndrome is genetically determined syndrome with autosomal recessive inheritence and characterized by the three cardinal signs: congenital ichthyosis, spastic di/tetraplegia, and mental retardation. Ocular signs include ectropion, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, and macular glistening spot. The authors have experienced a case of Sjogren-Larsson syndrome that showed classical triad and macular glistening spot in a 16 month old boy.
Intellectual Disability
Muscle Spasticity
Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome*