1.Double pylorus.
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2003;58(3):440-442
Double pylorus (DP) or duplication of the pylorus is an uncommon condition that is either congenital or acquired. Acquired double pylorus (DP) results from a peptic ulcer eroding through and creating a fistula between the duodenal bulb and the distal stomach. We report a case of an acquired double pylorus in an adult gentleman that resulted from the erosion of a duodenal and prepyloric ulcer.
Duodenal Ulcer/*pathology
Stomach Ulcer/*pathology
2.Relationship between Frequency of Sugary Food and Drink Consumption with Occurrence of Dental Caries among Preschool Children in Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur
Zahara AM ; Fashihah MH ; Nurul AY
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2010;16(1):83-90
Dental caries are attributed to various factors including diet. The present crosssectional study determined the frequency of sugary food and drink consumption
and defined its relationship to dental caries among preschool children. A total of 50 preschoolers (aged 5-6 years) in three kindergartens of the Department of
Community Development (KEMAS) in Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur participated in this study. A set of structured questionnaires was used to assess the frequency
of sugary food and drink consumption. Dental check ups were performed by a dentist. The dft index (decayed, filled teeth) was used to describe incidence of
caries in subjects. Results showed that 62% of the subjects had dental caries. with the mean dft score being 3.72. The frequency of sugary food consumption by the
majority of subjects was 2 times a day, while the frequency of sugary drink consumption was more than 3 times a day. There was no significant relationship
between frequency of sugary food and drink consumption with incidence of caries. Subjects with high dft scores were more likely to report dental pain. The
prevalence of dental caries in preschoolers in this study was high, indicating a need for effective dental health promotion to improve dental health status of
this age group.
3.Combined needlescopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic splenectomy for the treatment of thalassaemic splenomegaly and cholelithiasis.
Jasmi AY ; Thambidorai CR ; Khairussalleh J
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2003;58(3):443-445
Gallstone disease is a common association in patients with haematological splenomegaly. When indicated, simultaneous splenectomy and cholecystectomy should be performed and traditionally this is accomplished by open surgery. We report a 17 year old thalassaemic girl with splenomegaly complicated by gallstone pancreatitis. We treated her with a combination of needlescopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic splenectomy as well as delivering the huge spleen via a pfannenstiel incision to hide the scar. We believe this technique is an acceptable alternative mainly for rapid delivery of the spleen and to minimize visible scars hence improving cosmesis.
Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/*methods
4.Giant Epidermoid Cyst of the Thigh
NH Mohamed Haflah ; AY Mohd Kassim ; M Hassan Shukur
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2011;5(3):17-19
Epidermoid cyst is a common benign cutaneous swelling
frequently encountered in surgical practice. It usually
presents as a painless lump frequently occurring in hairbearing areas of the body particularly the scalp, scrotum, neck, shoulder and back. Giant epidermoid cysts commonly occur in hairy areas such as the scalp. We present here the case of a rare occurrence of a giant epidermoid cyst in the less hairy area of the right upper thigh mimicking a soft tissue sarcoma. Steps are highlighted for the management of this unusual cyst.
5.Ciprofloxacin-induced acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis in a 30-year-old male living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus: A case report
Claudine Joyce L. Alay-ay ; Alma Gay Concepcion T. Amado
Journal of the Philippine Dermatological Society 2024;33(Suppl 1):16-16
People living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) are 100 times more at risk for cutaneous adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is a rare and severe cutaneous ADR associated with systemic involvement in 20% of cases.
This is a case of a 30-year-old male living with HIV admitted for acute gastroenteritis. Eight hours after initiation of intravenous ciprofloxacin and metronidazole, the onset of generalized monomorphic asymptomatic pustules was observed with associated weakness, fever, thrombocytosis, and neutrophilia. Ciprofloxacin was shifted to piperacillin-tazobactam. The patient was managed with intravenous hydrocortisone and oral cetirizine. Thereafter, the lesions remained stable in size and no new lesions occurred. The patient was referred to the dermatology service for further evaluation and management. A diagnostic workup was done which revealed subcorneal pustular dermatitis on histopathology, no fungal elements on periodic acid-Schiff stain, negative Gram stain, and no growth on culture. This case was diagnosed as AGEP secondary to ciprofloxacin. Dermatologic management consisted of oral antihistamines and topical steroids. The patient experienced generalized desquamation and gradual resolution of pustules over a two-week period with the eventual appearance of normal skin.
Ciprofloxacin is commonly used to treat opportunistic infections in the setting of HIV but it has never been documented to cause AGEP in such settings. Decreased CD4+ T-cell count (460 cells/µL) are factors associated with drug eruptions. Despite its toxic presentation, AGEP has a good prognosis with prompt withdrawal of the offending drug and supportive management.
Human ; Male ; Adult: 25-44 Yrs Old ; Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis ; Drug Eruptions ; Human Immunodeficiency Virus ; Hiv
6.Performance of Osteoporosis Self-assessment Tool for Asian (OSTA) for Primary Osteoporosis in Post-menopausal Malay Women
DAJ Muslim ; EF Mohd ; AY Sallehudin ; TMS Tengku Muzaffar ; AM Ezane
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2012;6(1):35-39
The Osteoporosis Self-Assessment Tool for Asians (OSTA)
score has been developed to identify women at risk of
osteoporosis. It can be used as a screening tool for patients at risk who would benefit from bone mineral density measurement and treatment. It was developed based on data from eight countries including Malaysia. However, most subjects were of Chinese (59%). This study evaluated the performance of OSTA among 152 post-menopausal Malay
women. OSTA score calculation and DEXA scan were
performed. Our results showed that the OSTA score is a good
predictor of patients at risk of osteoporosis based on BMD
measurements at the proximal femur. Instrument sensitivity
was 87.5%, specificity was 95.8%, positive predictive value
(PPV) was 0.538, negative predictive value (NPV) was
0.993, and the area under the receiver operating
characteristic curve (ROC) was 0.895. We conclude that use
of the OSTA score in postmenopausal Malay women is
effective and has adequate sensitivity and specificity.
7.Pigmented ‘black’ adenoma: a rare cause of conn’s syndrome
Saladina JJ ; Rohaizak M ; Jasmi AY ; Sellymiah A ; Aishah MAS ; Das S ; Naqiyah I ; Shahrun NS
Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre 2011;14(1):23-25
Presence of a hypofunctioning pigmented adenoma are commonly asymptomatic and is usually only found during an autopsy. In contrast, hyperfunctioning pigmented adenoma is a rare clinical entity and in the majority of cases results in Cushing‟s syndrome. In this case study, we report a 66-year-old male who presented instead with the clinical and biochemical features of Conn‟s syndrome. On laparoscopic adrenalectomy, it was found that the tumour had a functioning black adenoma which does not usually present with Conn‟s syndrome but rather to that of a Cushing‟s. The intraoperative changes and histopathological findings are discussed.
8.Knowledge, Attitudes and Sources of Information on Breastfeeding among Pregnant Mothers
Ay Eeng Tan ; Wai Kwong Choong ; Pooi Yan Leong ; Wei Mui Ng ; Soon Leong Yong
Medicine and Health 2008;3(1):30-37
This is a cross-sectional study on 218 pregnant mothers in an urban government Hospital.
The study aimed to assess knowledge, attitudes and sources of information on
breastfeeding. The results could be utilised to promote breastfeeding. Almost all the
respondents (96.8%) intended to breastfeed their newborns. Most of them (74.8%) were
knowledgeable about breastfeeding i.e. colostrum and breast milk was the best food, good
for resistance against disease and allergy, filling up stomach easily, helpful in teeth
development and maternal recovery after birth, increased bonding, was easy and
economical. The two main misconceptions were mothers would stop breastfeeding when
infant or mother was sick, and giving clear fluid to the exclusively breastfed infants to
prevent dehydration. Most mothers (83.9%) responded positively towards breastfeeding i.e. it was easier than infant formula, had no negative effect on marital relationship or
family care, would commence breastfeeding straight after delivery, agreeable to the
banning of bottles and teats in hospital and they would not stop breastfeeding even if
husband discouraged them. Only 56.9% of the mothers believed they could breastfeed
their babies with modesty anywhere. The main sources of information were attained from
the mass media (34.9%), antenatal class (32.1%) and other mothers with breastfeeding experiences.
9.Open lung biopsy for diffuse parenchymal lung disease in children.
Chan PW ; Ramanujam TM ; Goh AY ; Lum LC ; Debruyne JA ; Chan L
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2003;58(5):636-640
An open lung biopsy was performed in 12 children with diffuse parenchymal lung disease. A definitive histopathological diagnosis was obtained from all procedures but determined treatment options in only 10 children (83%). Three (25%) children were ventilated for respiratory failure prior to the procedure. Four (44%) of the other 9 children required ventilatory support after the procedure. Three (25%) children developed post-op pneumothorax that resolved fully with chest tube drainage. There were no deaths as a direct result of the procedure. Open lung biopsy is useful in providing a definitive diagnosis in children with diffuse parenchymal lung disease and determining treatment in the majority of cases. The procedure was well-tolerated with minimal complications.
Lung Diseases/*pathology
Scleroderma, Diffuse
10.Ayush: Modi's innovation in Indian health systems.
Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development 2018;22(4):9-16
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted as the first attempt of reviewing Prime Minister Narendra Modi's almost four year-old ministry as an innovative health policy. Modi's administration has employed innovative strategies such as the embracement of indigenous transformation of health system side by side with the strengthening of modern medical technology and practices. This facilitated the birth of the Ministry of AYUSH. This paper analyzed the processes involving the development and implementation of Modi's innovations in India's health sector.
METHODOLOGY: Through contextual analysis, data were generated from various online sources including reports and modules available in the Ministry of Ayush and other government offices' websites.
RESULTS: It showed that the set of trends identified by Cavalcante and Camoes was present in the ministry as a public management innovation in health care in India. These are the improvement of transparency mechanisms, open government and accountability; promotion of e-government; ease access and citizen participation in public administration; new public policies that encourage more active role of citizens in the creation of political capital; networks and partnerships of state actors, social and private enterprises; and expansion of information technology to increase the quality and efficiency in the delivery of public services.
CONCLUSION: The establishment of the Ministry of Ayush and the policy on Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy is another example of indigenous transformation in public management in Asia which brings synergy between the traditional wisdom of AYUSH and modern diagnostic tools and technology.
Health Policy