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Author:(Zunong JIAWULAN)

1.Association between maternal parenting stress and sleep problems among first grade primary students

AMAERJIANG Nubiya, XIAO Huidi, ZUNONG Jiawulan, LI Menglong, LI Ziang, HU Yifei

Chinese Journal of School Health 2022;43(5):668-670

2.A follow up study of body fat distribution and blood pressure among 6-9 years old children in Beijing

AMAERJIANG Nubiya, JIANG Xiaofeng, TANG Ruishu, LI Menglong, XIAO Huidi, ZUNONG Jiawulan, HU Yifei

Chinese Journal of School Health 2023;44(3):432-435

3.Influence of school climate on influenza vaccination among middle school students in four cities in China

YANG Liping, PAN Qi, NUBIYA Amaerjiang, XIAO Huidi, WANG Long, LI Menglong, JIAWULAN Zunong, GAO Aiyu, HU Yifei

Chinese Journal of School Health 2022;43(6):855-859

4.Sex differences in the growth and physical development of Beijing school aged children and adolescents

ZHAO Ruilan, LI Ziang, XIAO Huidi, DUAN Junwei, LI Li, ZHAO Fangfang, SHU Wen, LI Menglong, Nubiya Amaerjiang, Jiawulan Zunong, HU Yifei

Chinese Journal of School Health 2021;42(4):510-514

5.A longitudinal study on sex difference in weight growth and systolic blood pressure change among children and adolescents in Beijing

DUAN Junwei, LI Ziang, ZHAO Ruilan, LI Li, ZHAO Fangfang, LI Menglong, SHU Wen, NUBIYA Amaerjiang, JIAWULAN Zunong, XIAO Huidi, HU Yifei

Chinese Journal of School Health 2021;42(5):652-655

6.Willingness and related factors of COVID-19 vaccination among middle school students in four cities of China

WANG Long, GUAN Mengying, LI Menglong, AMAERJIANG Nubiya, REHATI Palizhati, YANG Liping, XIAO Huidi, ZUNONG Jiawulan, HU Yifei

Chinese Journal of School Health 2022;43(4):536-539

7.Research progress on the wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) in SARS-CoV-2 surveillance and early warning system from a community health perspective

Zunong JIAWULAN ; Amaerjiang NUBIYA ; Huidi XIAO ; Yifei HU

Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine 2021;55(8):1016-1021

8.Research progress on the wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) in SARS-CoV-2 surveillance and early warning system from a community health perspective

Zunong JIAWULAN ; Amaerjiang NUBIYA ; Huidi XIAO ; Yifei HU

Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine 2021;55(8):1016-1021

9.Estimation of the consumption level of four drugs in Beijing using wastewater-based epidemiology.

Jiawulan ZUNONG ; Mu Shui SHU ; Meng Long LI ; Yeerlin ASIHAER ; Meng Ying GUAN ; Yi Fei HU

Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine 2023;57(5):674-678

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