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Author:(Zhaoqiang FU)

1.A prospective study of the natural outcome and treatment indications of infant Graf Ⅱa hip dysplasia

Zhaoqiang CHEN ; Jianping YANG ; Zhongli ZHANG ; Zhe FU

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2017;37(7):385-392

2.Comparison of two methods of early treatment in developmental dislocation of the hips

Zhe FU ; Jianping YANG ; Zhongli ZHANG ; Kan WANG ; Shuzhen DENG ; Zhaoqiang CHEN ; Liwei XIE

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2016;36(7):399-405

3.Titanium elatic intramedullary nail and end caps to treat length-unstable femoral shaft fracture of children

Kan WANG ; Jianping YANG ; Zhongli ZHANG ; Liwei XIE ; Zhe FU ; Shuzhen DENG ; Zhaoqiang CHEN

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2016;36(24):1606-1612

4.Ribosomal DNA copy number variation in peripheral blood and its influencing factors among patients with pneumoconiosis

GONG Xiaoxue ; FENG Lingfang ; CHEN Junfei ; FU Hao ; JIANG Zhaoqiang ; LIU Shuang ; DONG Xiaowen ; WU Fan ; LOU Jianlin

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2024;36(2):101-104

5.Risk factors for avascular necorosis after closed reduction of developmental dysplasia of the hips

Zhe FU ; Kan WANG ; Shuzhen DENG ; Zhaoqiang CHEN ; Huadong ZHANG ; Dawei QU ; Jianping YANG ; Zhongli ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2021;41(14):992-1000

6.How does containment surgery alter the natural evolution in early stage of Perthes disease

Huadong ZHANG ; Zhe FU ; Zhongli ZHANG ; Jianping YANG ; Kan WANG ; Shuzhen DENG ; Zhaoqiang CHEN

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2021;41(16):1144-1151

7.Application of interlocking intramedullary nailing in fibrous dysplasia of proximal femur

Zhaoqiang CHEN ; Jianping YANG ; Zhongli ZHANG ; Zhe FU ; Kan WANG ; Shuzhen DENG

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2022;42(16):1037-1045

8.Efficacy of retrograde intramedullary nailing in managing tibial osteofibrous dysplasia in pediatric patients

Zhaoqiang CHEN ; Jianping YANG ; Zhongli ZHANG ; Yongcheng HU ; Zhe FU ; Kan WANG ; Shuzhen DENG

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 2024;44(5):308-314

9.Treatment of open tibial fractures in children with composite pin-rod external fixation

Shuzhen DENG ; Zhe FU ; Kan WANG ; Zhaoqiang CHEN ; Wuzeng WEI ; Jianping YANG ; Zhongli ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2023;25(2):136-141

10.Open exploration, ulnar osteotomy and annular ligament reduction for chronic Monteggia fracture in children

Kan WANG ; Zhe FU ; Shuzhen DENG ; Jianping YANG ; Pei ZENG ; Zhaoqiang CHEN ; Wuzeng WEI ; Zhongli ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2023;25(2):147-153

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