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Author:(Zamzuri Idris)

1.Quantum Physics Perspective on Electromagnetic and Quantum Fields Inside the Brain

Zamzuri Idris

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2020;27(1):1-5

2.Prevalence of Shunt Dependency and Clinical Outcome in Patients with Massive Intraventricular Haemorrhage Treated with Endoscopic Washout and External Ventricular Drainage

Zamzuri Idris ; Jafri Malin Abdullah

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2017;24(1):40-46

3.We Must Invest in Applied Knowledge of Computational Neurosciences and Neuroinformatics as an Important Future in Malaysia: The Malaysian Brain Mapping Project

Putra Sumari ; Zamzuri Idris ; Jafri Malin Abdullah

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2017;24(1):1-9

4.Magnetoencephalography Phantom Comparison and Validation: Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) Requisite

Hazim Omar ; Alwani Liyana Ahmad ; Noburo Hayashi ; Zamzuri Idris ; Jafri Malin Abdullah

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2015;22(Special Issue):19-27

5.The Effect of 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde on the γ-aminobutyric Acid Type A Receptor

Amelia Jane Lloyd ; Abdul Aziz Mohamed Yusoff ; Zamzuri Idris ; Jafri Malin Abdullah

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2017;24(2):94-99

6.Inflammatory Biomarkers and Their Value in Predicting Survival and Outcome among Patients with Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage

Senthil Kumar Rajapathy ; Zamzuri Idris ; Regunath Kandasamy ; Albert Wong Sii Hieng ; Jafri Malin Abdullah

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2017;24(3):51-65

7.A rare case of paediatric pontine Glioblastoma presenting as a cerebellopontine angle otogenic abscess

Kantha Rasalingam ; Jafri Malin Abdullah ; Zamzuri Idris ; Hillol Kanti Pal ; Nasser Wahab ; Effat Omar ; Salma@Win Mar

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2008;15(1):44-48

8.Functional outcome at 6 months in surgical treatment of spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral haemorrhage

Abdul Rahman Izaini Ghani ; John Tharakan Kalappurakkal John ; Zamzuri Idris ; Mazira Mohamad Ghazali ; Nur-Leem Murshid ; Kamarul Imran Musa

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2008;15(4):48-55

9.Teleneurosurgery: Outcome of Mild Head Injury Patients Managed in Non-Neurosurgical Centre in the State of Johor

Mohd Syahiran Mohd Sidek ; Johari Adnan SIREGAR ; Abdul Rahman Izani Ghani ; Zamzuri IDRIS

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2018;25(2):95-104

10.Incidence, Clinico-Radiological Features and Outcome of Skull Base versus Non-Skull Base Meningiomas Treated in Kuala Lumpur General Hospital: A Five-Year Experience

Chan Chee KONG ; Regunath KANDASAMY ; Saffari HASPANI ; Zamzuri IDRIS ; Jafri Malin ABDULLAH

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2018;25(3):88-102

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