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Author:(Zaleha MI)

1.Association Between Drinking Water Sources And Diarrhea With Malnutrition Among Kindergarten's Children In Baghdad City, Iraq

Hasanain FG ; Jamsiah M ; Zaleha MI ; Azmi MTamil ; Mohammed AA

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2012;12(1):45-48

2.Patient Satisfaction on Waiting Time and Duration of Consultation at Orthopedic Clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre

Raja Lexshimi RG ; Zaleha MI ; Shamsul AS ; Suriawati G

Medicine and Health 2009;4(1):35-46

3.Micronutrients and its correlation with mental performance among schoolchildren in Bario, Sarawak: a preliminary study.

Zaleha MI ; Hayaati AR ; Rizam AR ; Jamaludin M ; Osman A

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2003;58(3):309-319

4.Development and Validation of a Food Frequency Question¬naire for Vitamin D intake among Urban Pregnant Women in Malaysia

Zaleha MI ; Khadijah S ; Noriklil Bukhary Khor GL ; Zaleha AM ; Haslinda H ; Noor Sharifatul Hana Y ; Hasanain Faisal G

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2015;21(2):179-190

5.Antenatal Iron Deficiency in an Urban Malaysian Population

Mahdy Za ; Jumaida Ab ; Muhammad Za’im Sh ; Rahana Ar ; Mukudan K ; Zaleha Mi

Medicine and Health 2017;12(1):27-33

6.Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Of Breast Self- Examination Among Nurses In Tertiary Hospitals In Malaysia

Raja Lexshimi RG ; Zaleha MI ; Wahida Daud ; Mohd Said Nurumal ; Syed Zulkifli SZ

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2014;14(3):54-62

7.Knowledge, Compliance And Complication Of Contact Lens Usage Among Medical Students In Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre

Raja Lexshimi RG ; Najibah AR ; Taufiq Zahari ; Lau Wei Keat ; Sim Linger ; Nur Ain Diyana Ismail ; Zaleha MI ; Jemaima CH

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2020;20(1):229-234

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