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MeSH:(Zacco temmincki)

1.Studies on the Metagonimus fluke in the Daecheong reservoir and the upper stream of Geum river, Korea.

Chong Hwan KIM ; Nam Man KIM ; Chan Hyun LEE ; Jin Suk PARK

The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1987;25(1):69-82

2.Changing patterns of infection with digenetic larval trematodes from fresh-water fish in river Taewha, Kyongnam province.

Chong Yoon JOO

The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1988;26(4):263-274

3.Study on the Metagonimus sp. in Gum river basin, Chungchung-nam Do, Korea.

Chong Hwan KIM

The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1980;18(2):215-228

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