1.Study on familial 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis and high risk of gonadal tumors. III. Establishment of a fibroblast cell line (TGD-8F) on individual with 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis.
Chinese Journal of Oncology 1983;5(1):29-30
Cell Line
Gonadal Dysgenesis
Gonadal Dysgenesis, 46,XY
In Vitro Techniques
Ovarian Neoplasms
2.Inducing effect of hematoporphyrin derivative (HpD) on cell sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in vitro.
Chinese Journal of Oncology 1986;8(1):32-34
The mutagenic effect of HpD on cell SCE and the reactions of cell SCE to different sources of light combined with HpD were studied using V79 cells. There were 6 doses of HpD: 1 microgram/ml, 3 micrograms/ml, 5 micrograms/ml, 10 micrograms/ml, 50 micrograms/ml and 100 micrograms/ml. The dose of 5 micrograms/ml is equal to the maximum dose of HpD used in the clinic (HpD per milliliter of patient's blood). Our experiments demonstrated that when the cells were cultured in the dark and HpD was added to the medium no more than 5 micrograms/ml, the SCE frequencies were not increased. The cells were irradiated with different sources of light without HpD, both the fluorescence and ultraviolet light could promote SCE but the light of daylight lamp and red light did not increase it. But when HpD was added into culture medium at the dose of less than 5 micrograms/ml, every light could increase the cell SCE intensively except the daylight lamp light. The red light was more notable than the others by relation analysis.
Cells, Cultured
Hematoporphyrin Photoradiation
Sister Chromatid Exchange
drug effects
Ultraviolet Rays
3.A familial XY gonadal dysgenesis causing high incidence of embryonic gonadal tumors- a report of the fourth dysgerminoma in sibling suffering from 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis (author's transl).
Chinese Journal of Oncology 1981;3(2):89-90
Gonadal Dysgenesis
Gonadal Dysgenesis, 46,XY
Ovarian Neoplasms
4.Sexual violence against child and adolescents in Ulaanbaatar
Gou Wang W ; Minjmaa E ; Oyunsuren D ; Khishigsuren Z
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2016;175(1):63-69
Violence is defi ned by the WHO as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual,
against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high
likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation”. Violence
can be divided into many types such as physical, psychological, sexual, neglect and economical etc.
Violence against women and child is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between
men and women or child due to patriarchy in many countries of the world. Child maltreatment or violence
is one of common public health problems in worldwide and psychologically harm in child’s later life.
To detect types, percent and some infl uencing factors of violence against child and adolescent among
cases, which were involving into forensic psychiatric evaluation procedures.
Materials and Methods
We are analyzed all archive documents of NCMH, 2000-2014 by retrospective methodology on based
ethical approval of NCMH administration (by ordering 2/189 Oct 28, 2015).
Total 1067 cases of violence against child and adolescent were registered in 2000-2014 years and 84.7
percent of those (n=904) were sexual violence cases. Gender difference was defi ning among sexual
violence cases (girls n=885, p<0.000; boys n=19, p<0.000) with statistically signifi cant. Sexual offender
can be act his violence in drunken (OR=2.355; p<0.000; CI 95%; 1.601-3.463) or negative relationship
between family members (OR=3.723; p<0.000; CI 95%-2.356-5.883) are more infl uenced to sexual
violence against child and adolescent.
Sexual violence is more registered among child and adolescent maltreatment cases. Children and
adolescents are more affected into sexual violence likely to have a negative relationship between the
family members or offenders have used alcohol.
5.Suppression of Plasmodium berghei parasitemia by LiCl in an animal infection model.
Nurul Aiezzah, Z ; Noor, E ; Hasidah, M S
Tropical Biomedicine 2010;27(3):624-31
Malaria, caused by the Plasmodium parasite is still a health problem worldwide due to resistance of the pathogen to current anti-malarials. The search for new anti-malarial agents has become more crucial with the emergence of chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum strains. Protein kinases such as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), MAPK kinase, cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) and glycogen synthase kinase- 3(GSK-3) of parasitic protozoa are potential drug targets. GSK-3 is an enzyme that plays a vital role in multiple cellular processes, and has been linked to pathogenesis of several diseases such as type II diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. In the present study, the antiplasmodial property of LiCl, a known GSK-3 inhibitor, was evaluated in vivo for its antimalarial effect against mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. Infected ICR mice were intraperitoneally administered with LiCl for four consecutive days before (prophylactic test) and after (suppressive test) inoculation of P. berghei-parasitised erythrocytes. Results from the suppressive test (post-infection LiCl treatment) showed inhibition of erythrocytic parasitemia development by 62.06%, 85.67% and 85.18% as compared to nontreated controls for the 100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg and 600 mg/kg dosages respectively. Both 300 mg/kg and 600 mg/kg LiCl showed similar significant (P<0.05) suppressive values to that obtained with chloroquine-treated mice (86% suppression). The prophylactic test indicated a significantly (P<0.05) high protective effect on mice pre-treated with LiCl with suppression levels relatively comparable to chloroquine (84.07% and 86.26% suppression for the 300 mg/kg and 600 mg/kg LiCl dosages respectively versus 92.86% suppression by chloroquine). In both the suppressive and prophylactic tests, LiCl-treated animals survived longer than their non-treated counterparts. Mortality of the non-treated mice was 100% within 6 to 7 days of parasite inoculation whereas mice administered with LiCl survived beyond 9 days. Healthy non-infected mice administered with 600 mg/ kg LiCl for four consecutive days also showed decreased mortality compared to animals receiving lower doses of LiCl; three of the seven mice intraperitoneally injected with the former dose of LiCl did not survive more than 24 h after administration of LiCl whereas animals given the lower LiCl doses survived beyond four days of LiCl administration. To date, no direct evidence of anti-malarial activity in vivo or in vitro has been reported for LiCl. Evidence of anti-plasmodial activity of lithium in a mouse infection model is presented in this study.
Altanzul N ; Sarantsetseg T ; Enkhtuya D ; Odkhuu E ; Khishigsuren Z
Innovation 2015;9(1):24-27
WHO informed that across world an average of 565 young eople aged 10 to 29 die every day through interpersonal violence. Some studies mentioned that anxiety was most frequently occurred as one of the psychological onsequences among victims of child abuse. Recent research on effects of adverse early life experiences on central nervous system as stress systems (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis-HPA) has provided a greater understanding of the link between childhood abuse and susceptibility to anxiety disorder. Therefore, this research was done to study nxiety among abused adolescents, some physical parameters and level of cortisol in saliva.Total number of participants were 149 children aged between 11-16 years (number cases were 53, matched control subjects were 96). The Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS; Spence, 1997) is a 38-item self-report uestionnaire that assesses multiple symptoms of childhood anxiety disorders based on current diagnostic criteria. All participants were measured the cortisol in the saliva by Cortisol ELISA kit, Sigma, USA. Average age of all subjects in the study was 13.52±1.57 and 102 of all subjects were female and 47 were male. All anxiety symptoms of case group was statistically significance higher (p<0.01) than control group. The average amount of salivary cortisol of case group was (21.3±8.1 ng/ml) statistically significantly lower (p<0.01) than average amount of control group (31.56±16.9 ng/ml). Anxiety was more frequently occurred among abused children and blunted cortisol responses might indicate a level of impaired HPA functioning that could constitute a vulnerability to psychopathology with exposure to anxiety.
Odonchimeg D ; Khishigsuren Z ; Khongorzul D ; Munkh E ; Bayarmaa B ; Enkhtaivan B ; Baatarjav O ; Tsendsuren Z ; Selenge E
Innovation 2015;9(1):20-23
Mental health team includes a psychiatrist, a psychiatric nurse, psychologist and social workers. Mental health workers are more stressful than other sector’s workers. Mental workers are working with mental patients, who have chronic,severe and poor prognosis disorders for long time, and may have Work Burnout Syndrome (WBS). Worldwide, many researches are used Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) for assessing WBS. Our goal was to detect risk factors of WBS among mental health workers. We conducted the survey among workers mental (doctors, nurses and assistant nurses) and study design was a descriptive cross-sectional. We are used a questionnaire, is including MBI. Our subjects were 103 workers, who were 27 (26,2%) doctors, 32 (31,1%) nursesand 44 (42,75) nurse- assistant. They were 15 (14,6%) male and 88 (85,4%) female and average age was 38.21 (SD = 8.92). The worker’s average professional working year was 13.09 (SD = 9.76). Most of subjects (n=63 61.2%) were shift-workers and they (n=99 96.1%) have high workload. We determined 3 groups by level of MBS among mental workers, such as the group with EE’s high scale (n = 27; 27%), thegroup with DP’s high scale (n = 23; 22.8%) and the group with PA’s high scale (n = 50; 50.5%).MBS was high among NMHC’s workers. However their work time is low, but theyhave risk factors for MBI such as high workloads, shift work, number of patients. Workers of emergency department had termination burnout syndrome more than other acute departments. This was associated with working condition.
8.Identifying relation of anxiety and salivary cortisol among abused children
Altanzul Kh ; Munkhtulga G ; Tsend-Ayush A ; Oyunbileg O ; Jargal B ; Odkhuu E ; Khishigsuren Z
Innovation 2013;7(2):44-48
WHO informed that across world an average of 565 young people aged 10 to 29 die every day through interpersonal violence. Some studies mentioned that anxiety was most frequently occurred as one of the psychological consequences among victims of child abuse. Recent research on effects of adverse early life experiences on central nervous system as stress systems (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis-HPA) has provided a greater understanding of the link between childhood abuse and susceptibility to anxiety disorder. Therefore, this research was done to study anxiety among abused adolescents, some physical parameters and level of cortisol in saliva.
There were selected 20 abused children and 40 non abused children aged between 11-16 years old and lived in Ulaanbaatar city. The Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS; Spence, 1997) is a 38-item self-report questionnaire that assesses multiple symptoms of childhood anxiety disorders based on current diagnostic criteria. All participants were measured the cortisol in the saliva by Cortisol ELISA kit, Sigma,
Average age of all subjects in the study was 13.52±1.57 and 59% of them were female and 41% were male. All anxiety symptoms of case group was statistically significance higher (p<0.01) than control group. The average amount of salivary cortisol of case group was (18.65±7.08) statistically significantly lower (p<0.01) than average amount of control group (32.15±20.99).
Anxiety was more frequently occurred among abused children and blunted cortisol responses might indicate a level of impaired HPA functioning that could constitute a vulnerability to psychopathology with exposure to anxiety.
9.Dural plasmacytoma mimicking meningioma in a young patient with multiple myeloma
NN Rahmah ; HK Brotoarianto ; E Andar ; G Kusnarto ; Z Muttaqin ; K Hongo
Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 2009;5(2):1-6
Intracranial involvement in multiple myeloma (MM) is rarely found, especially with dural involvement. There are
only a few cases found concerning MM with intracranial involvement. MM usually involves an older group of patients. Cases involving young patients are very rare. The differential diagnosis of a dural plasmacytoma includes meningioma, metastasis, lymphoma and sarcoma of the dura mater. We present a young patient, 33 years old, with MM presenting an intracerebral mass mimicking meningioma on MRI. MM was diagnosed the previous year. The patient presented with headache, balance disturbance and back pain. MRI revealed an occipital extra-axial mass with a dural tail. Histopathological examination after excision showed MM. Published literatures on intracranial involvement of MM are also discussed. Plasmacytoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a solitary dural mass, particularly in a patient with MM.
10.Concurrent Inheritance of Deletional α-thalassaemia in Malays with HbE Trait
LK Teh ; E George ; ML Lai ; A Rahimah ; Z Zubaidah ; JAMA Tan
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2009;5(2):11-18
Introduction: HbE is the commonest beta haemoglovin (Hb) variant in Southeast Asia. It causes a reduction in synthesis of beta-globin E (βE) chain. Studies indicate HbE coinherited with α-thalassaemia leads to a milder clinical phenotype. This study investigates the concomitant inheritance of α-thalassaemia in Malays with HbE. Methods: Four hundred and fourteen (414) blood samples were screened for haemoglobinopathy using primarily the first 3 steps of the BHES [(B) blood counts, blood film: (H), HPLC; (E),elstrophoresis; (S),stability)] protocol. Complete blood counts were generated on an automated blood cell analyser, HB typing with cation exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Hb typing with cation exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Hb electrophoresis at an alkaline pH (pH 8.5). Forty-five (10.9%) were identified as HbE trait and DNA analysis was done for deletional α-thalassaemia using a single-tube multiplex-PCR assay. Results: Among the 45 subjects with HbE trait. 4 (8.9%) were found to have alpha-thalassaemia-2 (α⁺) (α-3.7 kb deletion) and 1 (2.2%) the alpha-thalassaemia-1 (α⁰) (—SEA 20.5kb deletion) defects respectively. Discussion: These findings show that 11.1% of Malays with HbE inherit alpha-thalassaemia concurrently. The most prevalent interaction found was a double heterozygote for HbE/α-thalassaemia 2, followed by HbE/α-thalassaemia 1. Conclusion: Molecular screening of deletional α-thalassaemia identified its concurrent inheritance in 11.1% of Malays who were HbE carriers. This information will guide genetic counseling and the planning of treatment modalities in patients with HbE alpha-thalassaemia.