2.Effect of Ninjinyouei-to in Patients with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease(MCTD).
Masahiko TANAKA ; Hiroshi OMATA ; Teruhiko SUZUKI ; Shuji OHNO ; Yutaka DOHI
Kampo Medicine 1994;45(2):351-357
An attack of Raynaud's Phenomenon (RP) is characterized by blanching of the fingers in response to cold or emotional stimuli.
We analyzed the effect of ninjinyouei-to on RP in patients with MCTD. Subjects in this study comprised 19 patients, two males and 17 females, with a mean age of 38 years, and a mean duration of disease of 57.6 months. The study was performed at a time when RP occurred frequently in our country, that is in the period from November 1992 to March 1993.
We administered 9.0g of ninjinyouei-to to each case for four weeks and measured the surface skin temperature of the hands before and after medication with a thermograph using a Thermoviewer-JTG 3300.
There was a significantly higher temperature on the left first finger-tip after medication. Our thermographic findings in this study demonstrate a quantitative efficacy of ninjinyouei-to on RP in MCTD.
3.A case of Streptococcus intermedius-induced subdural abscess and left transverse sinus thrombosis occurring subsequent to treatment for gingivitis
Yutaka Suzuki ; Katsuhiko Ogawa ; Minoru Oishi ; Satoshi Kamei
Neurology Asia 2014;19(4):405-407
We report a case in which an undernourished female patient underwent drainage for gingivitis, and
subsequently suffered S. intermedius-induced subdural abscess, meningitis and transverse sinus
thrombosis. A few days after drainage, she had a fever of 39°C and became lethargic with non-fluent
aphasia. Cerebrospinal fluid revealed pleocytosis of 1269/μl, protein 222 mg/dl (normal 15-45mg/dl),
glucose 33 mg/dl (ratio to blood glucose: 0.37). The diffusion-weighted MRI brain showed an area
of abnormally high signal along the left brain surface. In the magnetic resonance venography, the left
transverse sinus was not well delineated. After treatment with antibiotics (meropenem, vancomycin)
and heparin, craniotomy was performed to remove the abscess. Culture of the abscess tissue detected
S. intermedius. After surgery she gradually improved. To our knowledge, this is the first report of
subdural abscess and transverse sinus thrombosis caused by S. intermedius occurring as a result of
drainage treatment for gingivitis.
4.Comparison of Sampling Methods and Culture Media for Detecting Bacteria Responsible for Airway Infections in Children: From Economical Point of View.
Yuko ITOH ; Ikuko FUJITA ; Junko SUZUKI ; Shintoku SATOH ; Yutaka ITOGA ; Kazuo KOMATSU ; Atuko NOGUCHI ; Yuho NAGANUMA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1999;48(1):31-36
In order to find an effective way to detect bacteria responsible for respiratory tract infections in children, we first examined as pharyngeal swabs, epi-pharyngeal swabs and nasal aspirates obtained from children hospitalized at our pediatric service during these five months from December 1997 to April 1998. In the rate of bacterial infection, it was found that nasal aspirates came out on top with 92.6%(25/27), followed by epipharyngeal swabs with 71.6%(53/74) and pharyngeal swabs with 26.2%(38/145). Single-species bacteria were found in 78.9%(30/38) of pharyngeal swabs, where as 45.3% of epi-pharyngeal swabs (24/53) and 52.0% of nasal aspirates (13/25) proved mixed infections with two-or three-defferent species. Thus it was suggested that nasal aspirates and epi-pharyngeal swabs would be far more adequate than pharyngeal swabs to detect bacteria with accuracy.
Next, based on the efficiency of bacterial detection, we compared culture media for the specimen obtained from in-patients and out-patients at our pediatric service. The rate of isolation of gram-negative rods was as low as 0.3%(1 of 314 strains) even when BTB agar plate, a selective medium for these bacteria, was employed. The sensitivety was not much different from those observed with nonselective blood agar plate. These results suggest that the conventional blood agar media can substitute for the more expensive type of BTB agar medium for the diagnosis of infections diseases of the airwaysin children.
5.Pulmonary Valve Endocarditis: Report of a Case and Collective Review of Japanese Cases.
Yutaka KOTSUKA ; Ryushi MURAKAMI ; Takeshi MIYAIRI ; Osamu MORIZUKI ; Makoto TAKEDA ; Masaru SUZUKI ; Junji KANDA ; Akira MIZUNO
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1991;20(7):1321-1325
A case of a 51-year old male with pulmonary valve endocarditis accompanied by aortic regurgitation, and ruptured aneurysm of Valsalva sinus was reported. Repeated blood cultures grew α-streptococcus on a single occasion. After medical treatment, resection of pulmonary valve vegetation, resection and patch closure of aneurysm, and aortic valve replacement were performed successfully. Twenty one cases of pulmonary valve endocarditis reported in Japan, including our case, were collected and reviewed. Causative organism was streptococcus in 93% of cases. No case of intravenous drug abuse was found in this series. A variety of preexisting heart diseses were found in 20 cases out of 21 (95%). All these diseases were congenital ones, such as ven-tricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonary stenosis and ruptured aneurysm of Valsalva sinus. This fact means that jet lesion of pulmonary valve is a major predisposing factor of pulmonary valve endocarditis. Surgical procedures were reported in 12 cases: resection of vegetation in 4 cases, resection of pulmonary valve in 2, and pulmonary valve replacement in 5. Appropriate surgical procedures should be chosen, depending upon the activity of infective endocarditis, severity of destruction of the valve, and pulmonary vascular resistance.
6.A Case of Isolated Internal Iliac Aneurysm Associated with Deep Vein Thrombosis: A Case Report and a Review of the Literature in Japan.
Masao Suzuki ; Masamichi Kawabe ; Kyoichiro Tsuda ; Susumu Ishikawa ; Yutaka Hasegawa ; Yasuo Morishita
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1995;24(1):40-43
An 83-year-old female was referred to our hospital because of a swelling and pain of the left lower extremity. An endoaneurysmorrhaphy and bypass surgery between the left common iliac artery and the external iliac artery were performed under the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis associated with a left isolated internal iliac aneurysm. Forty patients with isolated internal iliac aneurysm were reported in Japan and deep vein thrombosis occurred only in our patient. The external growth of the aneurysm behind the external iliac artery might cause compression, congestion and phlebitis of the common iliac vein, resulting in deep vein thrombosis.
7.A Case of Mitral Valve Papillary Fibroelastoma Leading to Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA).
Takeo Suzuki ; Yutaka Imoto ; Yoshikazu Tsuruhara ; You-Ping Wang ; Hajime Maeta
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2002;31(2):163-166
We report a case of surgical treatment for mitral valve papillary fibroelastoma which is an uncommon and rare benign tumor. The patient was a 62-year-old woman who had TIA (paralysis of left leg) and was admitted with the diagnosis of cardiac tumor. Before operation, the tumor was detected in the left atrium two-dimensional echocardiography, attached to the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. At operation, the tumor was 11×8mm in size, with a yellow jelly-like and fragile appearance, attached to the same position as indicated by echocardiography. As the tumor occupied over one third of the leaflet, it was excised including all the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve and a prosthetic valve was replaced leaving the posterior leaflet intact. The tumor was diagnosed as papillary fibroelastoma by pathological examination. The postoperative course was uneventful.
8.Efficacy of Oriental Traditional Prescription, Rikkunsi-To on Patients with Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Steroidal and Non-steroidal)-associated Abdominal Involvement.
Masahiko TANAKA ; Yuji AKIYAMA ; Shuji OHNO ; Takaki IMAI ; Tosiro KATAGIRI ; Teruhiko SUZUKI ; Yutaka DOHI
Kampo Medicine 1993;44(1):1-6
10.A Case of Polymyalgia Rheumatica where Kampo Medicine had a Beneficial Effect.
Takaki IMAI ; Shuji OHNO ; Tosiyuki ASAOKA ; Masahiko TANAKA ; Yuji AKIYAMA ; Teruhiko SUZUKI ; Yutaka DOHI
Kampo Medicine 1995;45(3):535-539
We experienced a case of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) which responded to Kampo medicine. A 53-year-old female patient first complained of stiffness and pain in the neck. Myalgia was severe and gradually eypanded to both shoulders and both upper extremities. Body weight decreased, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was greater than 100mm/hour. Because her condition tended to improve when treated with prednisolone 10mg/day, she was diagnosed as having PMR. Her condition was well controlled until the dose of prednisolone decreased. Myalgia then recurred, and the ESR increased to 83mm/hour. The patient visited our outpatient department for treatment with Kampo therapy. Two months after treatment with Sairei-to plus Yokuinin-to, all signs and symptoms disappeared other than the stiff neck. Her body weight showed a tendency to increase. Six months after she first visited us, prednisolone was decreased and then stopped. Her condition still remains well controlled with this Kampo therapy alone. She has no clinical signs and symptoms, and the ESR has improved to 16mm/hour.