1.A Case Report of One-Staged Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Revascularization of the Lower Extremities for Severe Ischemic Heart Disease and Leriche's Syndrome.
Tatsuichiro Seto ; Hiroto Kitahara ; Yuko Wada ; Tsuneo Nakajima ; Takehiko Furusawa ; Tamaki Takano ; Hirohumi Nakano ; Jun Amano
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2002;31(2):146-149
A 44-year-old man was given a diagnosis of severe ischemic heart disease and Leriche's syndrome. He had critical ischemia in the lower extremities and ischemic gangrene in a toe of the left foot. We planned a one-stage operation for these fatal diseases. To prevent irreversible ischemia of the lower limbs after mobilization of internal thoracic arteries or during extracorporeal circulation, we performed aorto-ilio femoral bypass grafting with extra-peritoneal approach first. Then conventional coronary artery bypass grafting was carried out for three coronary arteries with bilateral internal thoracic arteries (ITAs) and the saphenous vein. The postoperative course was uneventful.
2.A retrospective study of delays in diagnosis andtreatment for malignant spinal cord compression
Chieko Kudo ; Tomohiko Niitani ; Hitoshi Wada ; Yuko Sato ; Sonoko Ichikawa ; Masahiro Inoue ; Katuo Sugiyama
Palliative Care Research 2015;10(3):305-309
The objective of our study was to examine delays between onset of symptoms and treatment for malignant spinal cord compression (MSCC) and to investigate outcomes of neurological function. We performed a retrospective study of clinical records for 25 patients who had been diagnosed with MSCC at a regional center hospital. Thirteen patients had a history of malignancy at the onset of MSCC and 12 patients had no history. For most patients, pain was the first symptom of MSCC. Pain preceded neurologic symptoms by approximately 2 months. The median delays from onset of symptoms of MSCC to treatment were 49 days for all patients, 79 days for those without a history of malignancy and 41.5 days for those with a history of malignancy. It took 39 days from onset to consultation at the hospital, 7 days from consultation to diagnosis and 11 days from diagnosis to treatment. Neurological status was not exacerbated in 8 of 9 patients who had no other neurologic dysfunction at the time of treatment, while only 4 of 10 patients who had deterioration of motor or sensory function at the time of treatment showed improvement in neurological status. In conclusion, there were many delays in all processes from onset to treatment for MSCC and these delays resulted in poor outcome of neurological function.
3.Successful One-Stage Resection of Intravenous Leiomyomatosis with Extension into the Main Pulmonary Artery
Takehiko Furusawa ; Yuko Wada ; Tatsuichiro Seto ; Tsuneo Nakajima ; Tamaki Takano ; Hiroto Kitahara ; Tanri Shiozawa ; Jun Amano
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2004;33(2):98-101
We report a case of successful one-stage resection of intravenous leiomyomatosis (IVL) with extension into the main pulmonary artery. The patient was a 50-year-old woman, who was admitted to our hospital with clinical signs of syncope. Computed tomography (CT) and 3 D helical CT images showed a tumor arising in the left side of the uterus with extension into the pulmonary outflow tract. One-stage radical operation with cardiopulmonary bypass was performed. Because IVL is related to many fields concerning various organs, it is important that general surgeons, gynecologists and cardiovascular surgeons cooperate with each other.
4.Recognition of Possibility of End-of-Life Care at Home and Analysis of Related Factors among Middle-aged and Elderly People in Special Heavy Snowfall Areas and Depopulated Mountain Villages
Utako KOYAMA ; Yuko UDA ; Mayumi FUJIYASU ; Naoko WADA ; Yumi HASEGAWA ; Yukiko KUDO ; Toru TAKIGUCHI
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2023;46(3):96-106
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to clarify factors related to recognition of the possibility of end-of-life care at home (hereafter referred to as end-of-life care) among middle-aged and elderly people living in heavy snowfall and depopulated areas.Methods: Residents aged 40~69 years in town B, prefecture A were surveyed by mail using a self-administered, unmarked questionnaire. Analysis methods were: (1) a reliability analysis of survey items, (2) basic statistics, (3) tests for differences in composition ratios, (4) tests of differences between the two groups for each item, and (5) binomial logistic regression analysis. Recognition of the possibility of end-of-life care was used as the objective variable, and sex, age, and 18 indicators significant in (3) and (4) were used as explanatory variables.Results: There were 63 in the positive group for end-of-life care, 239 in the negative group, and 120 in the unknown group (Response rate: 44.1%). Factors related to perception of the possibility of end-of-life care were positively related to "existence of a community hospital, " "positive image of end-of-life care, " and "trust in people in the community. "Conclusion: In depopulated areas, it is necessary to consider specific measures to promote the three factors that raise awareness of the possibility of end-of-life care.
5.A Case of Patent Ductus Arteriosus with Infectious Endocarditis in Adult
Takamitsu Terasaki ; Tamaki Takano ; Toshihito Gomibuchi ; Megumi Fuke ; Kazunori Komatsu ; Kohei Takahashi ; Yuko Wada ; Tatsuichiro Seto ; Daisuke Fukui ; Jun Amano
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2010;39(5):281-284
Infectious endocarditis (IE) concomitant with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is now considered rare because the early treatment of PDA in infancy has become standard. We report a case of PDA with IE diagnosed by computed tomography (CT). A 51-year-old man complained of arthralgia and numbness of the left extremities. He had fever of 39°C and left hemiplegia, and was referred to our hospital. A chest X-ray film showed infiltration in both lungs. CT revealed a mass lesion in the main pulmonary artery and a tubular connection between the main pulmonary artery and the aortic arch. Multiple small infarctions were also found in the brain, lungs, kidneys and spleen. Ultrasonic cardiography revealed a bi-leaflet aortic valve, and vegetations on the aortic and mitral valves. Staphylococcus aureus was detected by culture of an intravenous catheter tip. These findings suggested IE concomitant with PDA, and we started intravenous administration of antibiotics. However, congestive heart failure occurred due to severe aortic and mitral regurgitation 2 days after hospital admission, and therefore, we performed emergency surgery. The main pulmonary artery was incised after cardiopulmonary bypass was initiated. A 20-mm length of vegetation was found on the orifice of the PDA. The vegetation was removed and the PDA directly closed. Aortic and mitral valve replacement was then performed. The post-operative course was uneventful and his neurological symptoms did not exacerbate. No sign of IE recurrence was observed 2 years after the surgery. CT clearly showed PDA and vegetation in the main pulmonary artery, although ultrasonic cardiography did not. CT was useful to make a diagnosis of PDA with IE in the present case.
6.Aortic Valve Repair for an Aortic Valve Periprosthetic Leakage
Taishi Fujii ; Tamaki Takano ; Megumi Fuke ; Kazunoki Komatsu ; Kazuyoshi Otu ; Takamitsu Terasaki ; Yuko Wada ; Daisuke Fukui ; Jun Amano
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2012;41(5):262-265
A 77-year-old man underwent aortic valve replacement with a Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Magna (19 mm) for aortic stenosis. He presented with a low grade fever and congestive heart failure 6 months after the initial valve replacement. Staphylococcus aureus was detected in blood culture, and peri-valvular leakage was revealed by echocardiography. Prosthetic valve endocarditis was diagnosed and underwent re-aortic valve replacement with Medtronic Mosaic 21 mm bioprothesis. Six months after the re-do operation, perivalvular leakage was newly observed between the right and non-coronary cusps, which was opposite to endocarditis affected cusps. The peri-valvular leakage was considered to have resulted from the fragile valve annulus because he did not have fever, and repeated blood culture showed no bacterial growth. We performed a third surgery and repaired the leakage by adding sutures through the right atrium and the interventricular septum to avoid directly suturing the fragile annulus. The post-operative course was uncomplicated, and no sign of endocarditis nor perivalvular leakage was observed during 9-months of observation. It is considered that the aortic valve fixation sutures through the right atrium and inter-ventricular septum are useful alternatives for fragile aortic annulus after prosthetic valve endocarditis.
7.Qualitative Study of Outpatients’ Eating-related Distress and Struggle in Cancer Center Hospital
Yasutaka Kimura ; Makiko Murase ; Tamae Hiramatu ; Mayumi Tsukagoshi ; Chihoko Wada ; Yoichi Shimizu ; Ayako Mori ; Miki Hosoya ; Kyoko Toju ; Yuko Shimizu ; Maki Obana ; Misae Maruguchi
Palliative Care Research 2017;12(2):239-249
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to clarify the state of eating -related distress and struggle in the daily lives of cancer outpatients in cancer center hospital. Methods: Cancer outpatients who consented to participate in the study filled out self-administered questionnaires regarding eating distress and the means of coping with them. The data were qualitatively analyzed via content analysis method. Results: Data from 176 patients who responded that they experienced eating difficulties were analyzed. A total of 222 codes were extracted for eating-related distress, and these were classified into five categories, which included eating-related symptoms accompanying the disease and its treatment, difficulties related to food preparation, and concerns about eating outside food. A total of 224 codes were extracted for eating-related struggle made by the patients, and these were classified into eight categories, which included adjusting eating methods to make food easier to eat, controlling one’s feelings when unable to eat certain foods, and adjustments related to food preparation. Conclusions: The study results suggested that cancer outpatients require care not only at early stages after treatment for eating-related symptoms but also related to food preparation and concerns when eating outside food.
8.A Case of Bilateral Coronary Ostial Aneurysms and an Aortic Root Pseudoaneurysm after a Modified Bentall Procedure with the Button Technique
Masaki KOMATSU ; Shuji CHINO ; Toru MIKOSHIBA ; Haruki TANAKA ; Hajime ICHIMURA ; Takateru YAMAMOTO ; Noburo OHASHI ; Megumi FUKE ; Yuko WADA ; Tatsuichiro SETO
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2020;49(4):210-213
A 62-year-old man with Marfan syndrome had a modified Bentall procedure and total arch replacement for annuloaortic ectasia, aortic insufficiency and thoracic aortic aneurysm fifteen years ago at another hospital. A follow-up CT revealed bilateral coronary artery aneurysms and an aortic root pseudoaneurysm, and thus he was referred to our hospital. The previous prosthetic valve was removed, followed by the re-Bentall procedure. Coronary artery aneurysms were resected and consequently coronary arteries were reconstructed directly. Although the shortcoming of the Bentall procedure was pseudoaneurysm, the outcomes of the modified Bentall procedure have shown some improvements. However, as there is still a high risk of postoperative complication in connective tissue diseases, long-term follow-up is required.
9.Chronic Expanding Hematoma with Constrictive Pericarditis
Masaki KOMATSU ; Kazuki NAITO ; Shuji CHINO ; Haruki TANAKA ; Hajime ICHIMURA ; Takateru YAMAMOTO ; Kou NAKAHARA ; Megumi FUKE ; Yuko WADA ; Tatsuichiro SETO
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2022;51(2):105-109
We report the successful treatment of a rare case of chronic expanding hematoma and visceral pericardium thickening constrictive pericarditis with no history of trauma or surgery. A 70-year-old woman, who had no history of trauma or surgery was admitted for exertional dyspnea. An echocardiographic study demonstrated a mass located anterior to the right ventricle that severely compressed the right ventricle toward the ventricular septum. Enhanced chest computed tomography demonstrated pericardial calcification and a 125-mm heterogeneous mass in the middle mediastinum. A mosaic pattern was seen on T1, T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Surgical resection of the mass and removal of the visceral pericardium were planned to treat heart failure and to confirm the diagnosis of the mass. The mass was old degenerated coagula. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of chronic expanding hematoma. The postoperative course was uneventful. There has been no sign of recurrence 19 months after the operation.
10.A Case of Right Pulmonary Artery-Left Atrial Communication with Brain Abscess
Noburo OHASHI ; Shuji CHINO ; Masaki KOMATSU ; Hajime ICHIMURA ; Takateru YAMAMOTO ; Ko NAKAHARA ; Megumi FUKE ; Yuko WADA ; Tatsuichiro SETO
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2024;53(1):6-9
Right pulmonary artery-left atrial communication is a rare congenital heart disease that is usually diagnosed before adulthood, and its main symptoms are cyanosis and dyspnea on exertion. We report a 51-year-old man with a large aneurysm of the right pulmonary artery and left atrial communication, which was diagnosed after a brain abscess. We are concerned that simple ligation alone may cause embolism, so we report on the use of an autologous pericardial patch to close the opening to the left atrium.