1.Prevalence and characteristics of breakthrough pain in cancer patients: a pilot study
Megumi Kishino ; Yoshiyuki Kizawa ; Yuko Sato ; Mitsunori Miyashita ; Tatsuya Morita ; Toyoshi Hosokawa
Palliative Care Research 2015;10(3):155-160
The aim of this study was to clarify the prevalence and characteristics of breakthrough pain in cancer patients. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of consecutive patients older than 20 years of age admitted to a University Hospital with a cancer diagnosis Breakthrough pain was defined as meeting all of the following criteria: Pain 1)with background pain present most of the time, 2)which is well controlled, 3)with short-lived episodes of exacerbation. One hundred and sixty-nine patients were recruited and 118(69.8%)completed the survey. Of these 118 patients, 11%(95%CI:7–18%)had breakthrough pain. Breakthrough pain occurred in 23%(14–35%)of patients with cancer-related pain and 29%(17–45%)of patients with pain from the cancer itself. Patients reported episodes occurring up to three times a day,a time to peak intensity of within 5 minutes, and a duration of untreated episodes of up to 15 minutes are 54%(29–77%), 54%(29–77%), 54%(29–77%), respectively.
2.Analysis of administrative data to investigate end-of-life cancer care in a Japanese university hospital: development of methodology
Yuko Sato ; Mitsunori Miyashita ; Kenji Fujimori ; Jun Nakaya ; Yoko Fujimoto ; Makoto Kurihara ; Kazuki Sato ; Chikashi Ishioka
Palliative Care Research 2015;10(3):177-185
Purpose:To explore a methodology for evaluating end-of-life (EOL) cancer care using diagnosis procedure combination (DPC) administrative data. Methods: We investigated care provided to inpatients whose deaths were attributed to cancer and occurred between August 2010 and December 2012. We measured the quality of palliative care by dividing the decedents into two groups: those who died in the palliative care unit (PCU) and those who died in the general wards(GW). Results: A total of 311 inpatient deaths were identified as cancer deaths. Of these, 147 patients were included in the PCU group and 164 in the GW group. We calculated the DPC data as follows: the rates of chemotherapy administered within 30 days before death (PCU 0%, GW 27%) and within 14 days before death (PCU 0%, GW 10%), admission to the intensive care unit (PCU 0%, GW 2%), life-sustaining interventions (PCU 0%, GW 3%), rehabilitation sessions (PCU 10%, GW 26%), emergency admission (PCU 2%, GW 27%), and antibiotics (PCU 32%, GW 28%). In the PCU group, rates of chemotherapy and emergency admission were significantly lower(<0.0001;<0.0001, respectively), and rehabilitation sessions were significantly higher (p=0.0002) than in the GW group. Conclusion: EOL care in a university hospital can be easily investigated using DPC data. Some limitations are the single-site study design, the health insurance system, and secondary use of administrative data. However, this methodology may be adapted to investigate the entire Japanese claim database and to evaluate EOL cancer care.
3.Analysis of the Contents of Inquiries from Operation Room Staff
Soichi Shibata ; Toshiki Nakamura ; Yuko Kobayashi ; Hiroko Syono ; Keiji Yagisawa ; Kazue Soda ; Hiroyuki Miyashita ; Hajime Matsubara
Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2016;18(1):46-49
Objective: From September 2009, the Department of Pharmacy of Kitasato University Kitasato Institute Hospital started operation room services, and the pharmacist in charge also responds to the inquiries from the operation room staff (doctors and nurses) concerning pharmaceutical compounds. In the present study, we collected the inquiries and analyzed their contents in order to understand the information of pharmaceutical compounds required by the operation room staff.
Methods: The inquiries from operation room staff received between October 2009 and March 2012 were collected and the contents were analyzed.
Results: A total of 625 inquiries (mean, 20.8 inquiries per month) were received. Regarding the contents of inquiry, the most frequent inquiry was on “the presence or absence of the stock” (70.7%), followed by “drug information” (17.0%), “handling of controlled substances” (5.9%), and “handling of non-controlled substances” (4.2%). For “the presence or absence of the stock,” the most common pharmaceutical compounds inquired were antibacterial agents, anesthetics, and infusion fluids. For “drug information,” the contents were diverse, ranging from drug efficacy to operation method, whether compounds are included in hospital drug list, in-hospital preparations, and drug selection. For “handling of non-controlled substances,” the most frequent inquiries were associated with the expiration date after unsealing.
Conclusion: The most frequent inquiry from the operation room staff was on “the presence or absence of the stock,” and the common subject of inquiry was presumably pharmaceutical compounds frequently used at the time of surgery. The analysis showed that the operation room requires a wide range of information.
4.A Preliminary Survey to Measure the Quality Indicators of End-of-life Cancer Care Using the Japanese National Database
Yuko Sato ; Kenji Fujimori ; Koichi Benjamin Ishikawa ; Kazuki Sato ; Chikashi Ishioka ; Mitsunori Miyashita
Palliative Care Research 2016;11(2):156-165
Purpose: This survey aimed to develop a methodology for measuring the quality indicators of end-of-life care for cancer patients using the Japanese National Database, which was comprised of the health insurance claim data of all Japanese people. Methods: Life-sustaining treatment (LST) and chemotherapy near the time of death are accepted as reliable indicators of poor quality end-of-life care. To measure these, the Sampling Data Set (SDS) from the National Database (NDB) was used. Results: 1,233 cancer patients were studied, who had died from 14th to 31st October, 2012. The rates of LST and chemotherapy in the final 14 days of life were 8.2% (95%CI 6.7-10.1), 3.5% (2.6-4.8) for inpatients (n=1,079) respectively. In the SDS, 27-70% of chemotherapy drugs were not named, in order to prevent identification of patients receiving rare treatment. Discussion: The figures for rates of chemotherapy might be underestimated in the sampling data set, because of the anonymization of rare treatment. And in-patient and out-patient data may in some cases have been duplicated when entries applied to the same person. In the future using the NDB, it might be possible overcome some of these limitations.
5.Development and Feasibility of the Japanese language version Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient-Home
Yusuke Kanno ; Yumi Hirahara ; Kazumi Araki ; Yuko Matsumura ; Mayumi Yasugi ; Yukiko Kawamura ; Tomoyuki Koga ; Yoshikazu Chinone ; Mitsunori Miyashita
Palliative Care Research 2014;9(4):112-120
Background: The aim of this study was to develop the Japanese language version of the Liverpool Care Pathway - Home (LCP-H), and to examine the feasibility of the LCP-H in a pilot study. Methods: LCP-H was administered to cancer patients who were predicted to be in their last few days. We evaluated the achieved care goals of LCP-H. A cross-sectional anonymous questionnaire was administered to home nurses who used LCP-H to evaluate usefulness in using LCP-H. Results: LCP-H was used to 35 patients. The care goals of LCP-H were achieved in almost 80%. The nurses evaluated the usefulness of LCP-H: Providing to continuous end-of-life care each staff, Communication well between home nurses and co-medical home staff, and Education for home nurses with limited experience with end-of-life care. Conclusion: The feasibility of LCP-H was confirmed. Therefore, LCP-H should help home nurses to care for dying patients and their families as guide for end-of-life care in home, and improve the quality of end-of-life care in home. However, because the LCP is now being phased out in the UK, it may be necessary to develop an original education tool to assist in care for dying patients and their families in Japan.
6.Accuracy of the impression technique using thermoforming polymethyl methacrylate tray.
Yuko MIYASHITA ; Hiroki SUZUKI ; Masataka KISHI ; Sok Min KO
The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics 2007;45(3):389-400
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Use of the conventional dental impression procedure is problematic in patients who have difficulty opening their mouth, difficulty breathing through their nose or tendency to gag. PURPOSE: It is necessary to make individual trays more comfortable for patients during impression taking procedure. It was reported at the KAP Annual Meeting 2001 Seoul that an improved impression technique was suitable for this purpose. In this study, the accuracy of the improved dental impression method for implant was compared with the conventional dental impression method. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An oral simulator was made from clear acrylic resin block which had similar form of edentulous ridge. For setting up the standard, five fixtures were installed on it. Study casts were made using two kinds of impression techniques. One was the conventional method that was taken using silicone impression material and an individual resin tray under connection of inter-fixture relation. The other was the improved method in which was the connection of the impression coping and the thermoformed polymethyl methacrylate tray. In addition, two different study casts were made from the improved impression body. The coordinates of the fixture on the study model were measured by three-dimensional coordinate measuring equipment. Then the distances between each fixture were calculated and compared with that of oral simulator. Accuracy of the each impression method was also assessed. RESULTS: The differences of inter-fixture dimension between study casts and simulator in the improved impression technique showed 0.014+/-0.016mm and 0.017+/-0.022mm, respectively and that of the conventional method was 0.017+/-0.014mm. There was no significant difference between the improved impression technique and conventional method. CONCLUSION: The improved impression technique is useful for multiple support implants.
Polymethyl Methacrylate*
7.Serum leptin levels in healthy adolescents: Effects of gender and growth.
Tiankui WANG ; Ikuharu MORIOKA ; Yoshiaki GOWA ; Yuko IGARASHI ; Nobuyuki MIYAI ; Hiroichi YAMAMOTO ; Mikio ARITA ; Shintaro TAKEDA ; Kazuhisa MIYASHITA
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2004;9(2):41-46
OBJECTIVESThe purposes of this paper were to evaluate the serum leptin levels in healthy adolescents and to establish standard age variation curves.
METHODSNine hundred six (414 boys and 492 girls) healthy adolescents were investigated. The maximum increment age in height (MIA) was identified in 124 boys and 130 girls. The menarcheal age (MA) was obtained for 130 girls. Fasting leptin levels were measured by enzyme immunoassay. The MIA was calculated by proportional allotment of yearly height increments.
RESULTSSerum leptin levels did not change in boys and girls from the ages of 9 to 11. They decreased after the age of 11 in boys, while they increased in girls. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that serum leptin levels were closely related to pubertal stage. The levels decreased remarkably after MIA in boys and increased remarkably after MA in girls. We drew standard age variation curves of serum leptin levels by calculating the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles for each age in both boys and girls. The percentile curves for boys were divided into pre-MIA and post-MIA curves. Those for girls were divided into pre-MA and post-MA curves.
CONCLUSIONWe have devised a potentially useful method for evaluating serum leptin levels in adolescents considering the effects of gender and growth.
8.The Job Types and Related Factors That Physicians and Nurses Feel Easy to Consult about Pediatric Cancer Patients’ and Their Families’ End of Life Care
Yuko NAGOYA ; Mitsunori MIYASHITA ; Hitoshi SHIWAKU
Palliative Care Research 2018;13(1):89-98
Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify the job types and related factors that physicians and nurses feel easy to consult about pediatric cancer patients’ and their families’ end of life care. Design and methods: We conducted a self-reported questionnaire survey for physicians and nurses who have experienced at least one case of end of life care of childhood cancer. In the survey, we asked participants about whether they feel easy to consult about 15 job types such as palliative care team, certified nurse specialist in child health nursing, physicians and nurses of the same team. Results: A total of 427 physicians and nurses participated in this study. More than 70% of the respondents felt that it felt easy to consult with three job types such as “Nurses of the same team” and “Physicians of the same team”. Job types of the respondents were the main related factors in the most job types. Physicians felt easier to consult with person in each job type than nurses. Consideration: It was suggested that it would be necessary to consider the systems that allow individual professionals to feel easy to consult with persons in each job type, such as specifying consultation methods and procedures for each job type, and introducing inter-professional education.
9.Quality-of-life of Pediatric Cancer Patients Receiving End-of-life Care and Related Factors: Using a Proxy QOL Rating Scale from the Nurse’s Perspective
Yuko NAGOYA ; Mitsunori MIYASHITA ; Wataru IRIE ; Nobuyuki YOTANI ; Hitoshi SHIWAKU
Palliative Care Research 2020;15(2):53-64
Objectives: The study purpose was to examine quality-of-life (QOL) of pediatric cancer patients at end-of-life and related factors using a QOL proxy rating scale from the nurse’s perspective. Methods: We conducted a survey in October 2015−February 2016. The subjects to be surveyed were nurses who were primarily in charge of patients with childhood cancer at end-of-life. We investigated 22 items of the Good Death Inventory for Pediatrics (GDI-P) and their related factors. Results: In total, 53 proxy evaluate questionnaires were completed from 18 centers. Among the eight factors of GDI-P, “Relief from physical and psychological suffering” was the lowest. The total score of GDI-P was positively correlated with the structure and process of care (r=0.58). Although there was a bias in the number of cases, in the case of the place of death was the intensive care unit, the total score of GDI-P was lower than home and the general ward. Conclusions: It was suggested that the top priority in improving QOL was relief from suffering and the structure and process of care were related to QOL.
10.Feasibility, Surface and Content Validity of the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale (IPOS) for Non-cancer Patients
Palliative Care Research 2023;18(4):283-291
Purpose: To examine the feasibility of the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale (IPOS), a comprehensive palliative care scale, for non-cancer patients. Methods: Twenty non-cancer patients and 20 healthcare providers who provide care to the participating patients were asked to complete the IPOS questionnaire, and cognitive interviews were conducted with them. The interviews were analysed using content analysis, a qualitative analysis method. Results: About half to 90% of both patients and healthcare providers answered that they did not find it difficult to answer or understand all items of the IPOS. Therefore, we confirmed its surface validity, and the content validity of the IPOS was confirmed. Conclusion: The surface validity and content validity of the IPOS for non-cancer patients were confirmed, and it became clear that the IPOS can be used as a comprehensive assessment tool for the palliative care of non-cancer patients.