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Author:(Yukio KATORI)

1.Distribution of CD10-positive epithelial and mesenchymal cells in human mid-term fetuses: a comparison with CD34 expression.

Ji Hyun KIM ; Si Eun HWANG ; Hee Chul YU ; Hong Pil HWANG ; Yukio KATORI ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Baik Hwan CHO

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2014;47(1):28-39

2.Fetal anatomy of the upper pharyngeal muscles with special reference to the nerve supply: is it an enteric plexus or simply an intramuscular nerve?.

Shinichi ABE ; Masayuki FUKUDA ; Shigeki YAMANE ; Hideki SAKA ; Yukio KATORI ; Jose Francisco RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ ; Gen MURAKAMI

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2013;46(2):141-148

3.Heterogeneity of glandular cells in the human salivary glands: an immunohistochemical study using elderly adult and fetal specimens.

Yukio KATORI ; Shogo HAYASHI ; Yoshitaka TAKANASHI ; Ji Hyun KIM ; Shinichi ABE ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Tetsuaki KAWASE

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2013;46(2):101-112

4.Innervation of submandibular and sublingual glands in elderly donated cadavers: a preliminary histological study of differences in nerve morphology between mucous and serous acini.

Sachiko ASAKAWA ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Yukio KATORI ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Masaaki KASAHARA ; Satoru MATSUNAGA ; Shin Ichi ABE

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2015;48(1):36-43

5.Initial stage of fetal development of the pharyngotympanic tube cartilage with special reference to muscle attachments to the tube.


Anatomy & Cell Biology 2012;45(3):185-192

6.Synovial tissue morphology of the cricoarytenoid joint in the elderly: a histological comparison with the cricothyroid joint.

Sakura KATSUMURA ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Kei KITAMURA ; Masaaki KASAHARA ; Yukio KATORI ; Shin Ichi ABE

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2016;49(1):61-67

7.Macrophage density in pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles greatly exceeds that in other striated muscles: an immunohistochemical study using elderly human cadavers.

Sunki RHEE ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Kei KITAMURA ; Kasahara MASAAKI ; Yukio KATORI ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Shin ichi ABE

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2016;49(3):177-183

8.Factors Affecting the Variation of Maximum Speech Intelligibility in Patients With Sensorineural Hearing Loss Other Than Apparent Retrocochlear Lesions.

Izumi YAHATA ; Tetsuaki KAWASE ; Hiromitsu MIYAZAKI ; Yusuke TAKATA ; Daisuke YAMAUCHI ; Kazuhiro NOMURA ; Yukio KATORI

Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology 2015;8(3):189-193

9.Fetal development of the carotid canal with special reference to a contribution of the sphenoid bone and pharyngotympanic tube

Yohei HONKURA ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; José Francisco RODRÍGUEZ-VÁZQUEZ ; Gen MURAKAM ; Hiroshi ABE ; Shin-ichi ABE ; Yukio KATORI

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2021;54(2):259-269

10.Fetal development of the carotid canal with special reference to a contribution of the sphenoid bone and pharyngotympanic tube

Yohei HONKURA ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; José Francisco RODRÍGUEZ-VÁZQUEZ ; Gen MURAKAM ; Hiroshi ABE ; Shin-ichi ABE ; Yukio KATORI

Anatomy & Cell Biology 2021;54(2):259-269

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