1.Efforts for Perioperative Care in Children with Congenital Heart Defects
Yuki Tanaka ; Takashi Miyamoto ; Shuichi Yoshitake ; Takeshi Yoshii ; Yuji Naito
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015;44(1):1-7
Background : Perioperative care in congenital heart surgery has evolved in recent years, and it was considered a contributive factor to improve surgical outcome and prognosis. Objective : To extract perioperative clinical protocols that have been applied in our hospital, then assess their usefulness for better clinical outcome. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed our patients' records to analyze representative perioperative protocols that might have contributed to surgical outcome, such as intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (ITEE), extubation in the operating room on patients of atrial septal defect (ASD), ventricular septal defect (VSD), tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), Glenn procedure and Fontan procedure. We also assessed clinical pathway of ASD and VSD, and each protocol was individually explored to calculate achievement ratio in order to show its adequacy. Results : This study included 482 of on-pump surgery patients and 146 of off-pump surgery patients from June 2007 to June 2014. ITEE was performed in 474 of on-pump surgery patients and 102 of off-pump surgery patients. No case had a residual lesion immediately after operation. Extubation in the operating room was performed in cases without severe pulmonary hypertension (PH). The extubation ratio was 94.7% (ASD repair), 60.0% (VSD repair), 50.0% (TOF repair), 42.5% (Glenn procedure), and 45.2% (Fontan procedure), respectively. Clinical pathways of ASD and VSD included patients without severe PH. Achievement ratio of the clinical pathway was 98.2% in ASD and 94.2% in VSD patients, respectively. Four patients were excluded because of high c-reactive protein (CRP), and one patient because of familial circumstance. Conclusion : ITEE was useful in evaluation of cardiac function, residual issue and residual air at weaning of cardiopulmonary bypass. Reintubation did not occur in any clinical course of extubation in the operating room, but the extubation rate was not high because of safety concerns. Achievement ratio of the clinical pathways of both ASD and VSD was more than 90%, therefore, application of the clinical pathway was considered appropriate.
2.Aorto-bilateral External Iliac Artery Bypass Graft in a Patient with Leriche Syndrome and an Ileal Conduit
Tetsuya Kajiyama ; Shinya Fukui ; Masataka Mitsuno ; Hiroe Tanaka ; Masaaki Ryomoto ; Yuji Miyamoto
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2014;43(3):158-161
We report a patient with Leriche syndrome who had ileal conduit and a right lower quadrant stoma. A 47-year-old man with a history of bladder cancer had undergone radical total cystectomy with formation of an ileal conduit and right lower quadrant stoma 2 years previously. CT scanning revealed total occlusion of the distal aorta. He experienced right lower leg pain after 30 m of walking. Through a repeat midline laparotomy incision, the abdominal aorta was dissected with a transperitoneal approach. To avoid dissection around the ileal conduit, the retroperitoneum was incised (open) at the right of the ascending colon and at the left of the sigmoid colon. A prosthetic graft (Interguard 14×7 mm) was pulled bilaterally through these incisions, to the external iliac arteries. Abdominal aorto-bilateral external iliac artery bypass grafting was performed and the patient was discharged without complications on the 15th postoperative day.
3.Consumer Opinions on the Online Sales of Over-The-Counter Drugs
Shuki Fukushima ; Mitsuko Onda ; Mitsuru Nakazono ; Yuji Kawaguchi ; Syota Nakano ; Shingo Fujii ; Yuka Tanaka ; Yukio Arakawa
Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2015;16(4):186-192
Objective: To identify consumer opinions on the online sales of over-the-counter drugs (“OTCs”) and related factors.
Methods: A Web survey of consumers was conducted. The main questions were: (1) Respondent attributes; (2) Frequency of purchasing OTCs; (3) Behaviors while in poor physical condition or while ill; (4) Experience of side effects; (5) Experience of purchasing health foods and OTCs online; (6) Opinion on online sales, and (7) The reasons for their opinion. Respondents were grouped into two categories based on whether they were for or against online sales in (6). The distributions of the answers to (1) through (5) from these groups were verified using the χ2 test. Text mining was used to closely examine the answers to (7).
Results: 68.5% of the 2,609 respondents were in favor of online sales, with 31.5% against. Females and elderly respondents had higher rates of opposition. Consumers who frequently purchased OTCs, used drugs while in poor physical condition or while ill, and had experience purchasing health foods and OTCs online had higher rates of favoring it. The top reason for favoring online sales was “convenience,” while the main reasons for opposing it were “safety,” “difficulty in selection,” and “liability.”
Conclusion: Pharmacists will need to respond to consumer concerns when selling OTCs by developing the “ability to observe consumers’ condition and understand their concerns,” thereby improving their communication ability in face-to-face sales.
4.Ankylosing Spondylitis with Complete Atrioventricular Block and Aortic Regurgitation
Shinya Fukui ; Masataka Mitsuno ; Mitsuhiro Yamamura ; Hiroe Tanaka ; Masaaki Ryomoto ; Tetsuya Kajiyama ; Ayaka Satoh ; Yuji Miyamoto
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015;44(4):241-244
Ankylosing spondylitis is chronic, progressive, inflammatory disease involving the spine, peripheral joints, and periarticular structures. Cardiac abnormalities associated with ankylosing spondylitis are well recognized, but a case with DDD pacemaker implantation for complete atrioventricular block and aortic valve replacement for aortic regurgitation has not been previously reported. We report a case of a 66-year-old man with ankylosing spondylitis who was successfully treated by DDD pacemaker implantation for complete atrioventricular block and aortic valve replacement for severe aortic regurgitation.
5.Long-Term Results of Open Heart Surgery in Hemodialysis Patients-CABG vs. Valve Replacement-
Mitsuhiro Yamamura ; Yuji Miyamoto ; Hideki Yao ; Sukemasa Mukai ; Hiroe Tanaka ; Masaaki Ryomoto ; Yoshiteru Yoshioka ; Masanori Kaji
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;34(1):9-13
We evaluated 30 patients who required hemodialysis (HD) before open heart surgery between January 1990 and September 2003. The patients were divided into 2 groups according to surgical procedure: 20 patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG group: 14 men and 6 women, mean age, 63 years), and 10 patients underwent valve replacement (VR group: 6 men and 4 women, mean age, 56 years). The mean duration of HD in the CABG group was significantly shorter than that in the VR group (67 months: 121 months, p=0.02). The actual survival rate was calculated by Kaplan-Meier's method. No patient was lost to follow-up. There were 3 hospital deaths in the CABG group (cerebral infarction, arrhythmia, and mediastinitis), and 2 hospital deaths in the VR group (gangrenous cholecystitis and sepsis). There were also 5 late deaths in the CABG group (acute subdural hematoma, pneumonia, AMI, heart failure and gastric cancer) and 4 deaths in the VR group (uterus cancer, 2 intracerebral hemorrhages and PVE). All cardiac event deaths in the CABG group had undergone CABG only with vein grafts. The 4-year actuarial survival rates were 56% (n=5) in the CABG group with a mean follow-up period of 29 months (max 156 months), and 47% (n=3) in the VR group with a mean follow-up period of 35 months (max 131 months). There are 3 points to improve the prognosis of open heart surgery in hemodialysis patients: control of postoperative infection in both groups, prevention of cardiac events in the CABG group and careful anticoagulation therapy in the VR group.
6.Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients Aged 80 Years or Older
Sukemasa Mukai ; Yuji Miyamoto ; Mitsuhiro Yamamura ; Hiroe Tanaka ; Masaaki Ryomoto ; Yoshiaki Yoshioka ; Masanori Kaji
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;34(5):327-330
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in elderly patients has been increasing in recent years. Between June 1981, and February 2004, 32 patients aged 80 years or older (mean 81.8) underwent CABG in our hospital. Twenty one patients (67%) were in New York Heart Association class III or IV. Incidence of emergency surgery in the elderly (17 of 32, 53%) was significantly (p<0.0001) higher than that in younger patients (131 of 969, 13.5%). Total hospital deaths were 19% (6 of 32, emergency procedures 5, elective 1). The hospital deaths in patients with an ejection fraction (EF) of 45% or more (5 of 12, 42%) were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those in patients with an EF of more than 45% (1 of 20, 5%). The main features of CABG in octogenarians was the high rate of emergency surgery and high mortality. Thus CABG in octogenarians should be performed early, before the cardiac function deteriorates, in order that treatment not be denied because of age alone.
7.Efficacy of Oriental Traditional Prescription, Rikkunsi-To on Patients with Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Steroidal and Non-steroidal)-associated Abdominal Involvement.
Masahiko TANAKA ; Yuji AKIYAMA ; Shuji OHNO ; Takaki IMAI ; Tosiro KATAGIRI ; Teruhiko SUZUKI ; Yutaka DOHI
Kampo Medicine 1993;44(1):1-6
8.A Case of Polymyalgia Rheumatica where Kampo Medicine had a Beneficial Effect.
Takaki IMAI ; Shuji OHNO ; Tosiyuki ASAOKA ; Masahiko TANAKA ; Yuji AKIYAMA ; Teruhiko SUZUKI ; Yutaka DOHI
Kampo Medicine 1995;45(3):535-539
We experienced a case of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) which responded to Kampo medicine. A 53-year-old female patient first complained of stiffness and pain in the neck. Myalgia was severe and gradually eypanded to both shoulders and both upper extremities. Body weight decreased, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was greater than 100mm/hour. Because her condition tended to improve when treated with prednisolone 10mg/day, she was diagnosed as having PMR. Her condition was well controlled until the dose of prednisolone decreased. Myalgia then recurred, and the ESR increased to 83mm/hour. The patient visited our outpatient department for treatment with Kampo therapy. Two months after treatment with Sairei-to plus Yokuinin-to, all signs and symptoms disappeared other than the stiff neck. Her body weight showed a tendency to increase. Six months after she first visited us, prednisolone was decreased and then stopped. Her condition still remains well controlled with this Kampo therapy alone. She has no clinical signs and symptoms, and the ESR has improved to 16mm/hour.
9.A Case of Intractable Polymyositis Improved by Kampo Therapy(Rokumi-Gan, Chorei-To).
Tosiro KATAGIRI ; Shuji OHNO ; Yuji AKIYAMA ; Tosiyuki ASAOKA ; Takaki IMAI ; Masahiko TANAKA ; Teruhiko SUZUKI ; Yutaka DOHI
Kampo Medicine 1995;45(4):881-885
In 1984 a 42-year-old female complaining of general malaise and loss of strength in the proximal muscles of the limbs came to the 2nd Department of Internal Medicine for an examination. From her high CPK value, electromyogram, muscle biopsy, etc., she was diagnosed as having polymyositis. Initially she responded well to steroids, but a year later the condition recurred. Treatment with various methods such as the immunosuppressants methotrexate and azathioprine, steroid pulse therapy and plasma replacement were tried without success. In September 1991, the patient's CPK value remained abnormal at about 800mU/ml. According to the Oriental Medical viewpoint, the condition was diagnosed as Kidney yin Deficiency. Rokumi-gan was therefore administered daily (7.5g/day) for a period of 80 days. The CPK value was brought down to the vicinity of 200mU/ml, and the feeling of general malaise and lack of strength in the proximal muscles of the limbs was improved. However, due to the persistence of edema in the lower limbs, the Kampo formula was changed from Rokumigan to Chorei-to, also administered at a dosage of 7.5g/day. This reduced the edema and normalized the CPK value to the 100mU/ml range. During this period, steroid administration was maintained with prednisolone (30mg/day). At present, with the improvement in the CPK value, steroid administration is gradually being reduced.
10.Combined Therapy Using Sairei-to (TJ-114) and Camostat Mesilate for Chronic Glomerulonephritis.
Yuji AKIYAMA ; Shuji OHNO ; Toshihisa FUJIMAKI ; Satoru ODAGIRI ; Toshiyuki ASAOKA ; Masahiko TANAKA ; Teruhiko SUZUKI ; Yutaka DOHI
Kampo Medicine 1996;47(3):405-410
Twenty-two patients with chronic glomerulonephritis were treated with Sairei-to (7.5g/day), either alone or in combination with camostat mesilate (600mg/day), to determine the efficacy and adverse effects of these regimens. Although there was significant improvement in proteinuria (p<0.05) after 8 weeks of treatment with Sairei-to alone, this was not longlasting. Combination therapy resulted in sustained significant improvement (p<0.03; there were two dropouts). No adverse effects were seen with either regimen. The results suggest that combination therapy using Sairei-to and camostat mesilate may be a safe and efficacious method of treatment for patients with chronic glomerulonephritis.