1.Distribution of Fibronectin in the Skin of Basal cell Carcinoma , Squamous cell Carcinoma , and Psoriasis.
Young Ho SANG ; Sang Lip CHUNG
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1990;28(6):708-714
Fibronectin(FN) is a major component of the extracellular matrix and is able to bind to cells and other components of the matrix. Although the cell producing the largest amounts of fibronectin is fibroblast, the pro duct,ion on FN also has been described in cultured keratinocyt,e and epithelial tumor cells of basal cell carcinoma(BCC). Recently, functional role nf FN in relation to biologic behavior of BCC and squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) is open to speculation. The authors investigated the localization of FN in the lesional skin of 5 cases of BCC, 4 of SCC, 5 of psoriasis and 5 normal skin using direct immunofluorescence technique with antifibronectin antibody to find out the production of FN in keratinocytes and tumor cells. 1. In the skin of BCC, FN was presented in a thick, linear depositions along the margin of tumor lobules in all cases, and as fillamentous deposits or scattered points in the nest of tumor cells in 3 cases. 2. In the skin of SCC, FN was presented in a thin, coarse depositions around the margin of tumor but not presented within the tumor nest in all cases. R. In psoriasis, FN was observed in horney layer and upper part of epidermis. It was presented more abundantly in dermo-epidermal junction, papillary and reticular dermis than in normal skin. 4. In normal skin, FN was absent in the epidermis but presented in dermo-epidermal junction and blood vessel wall of upper dermis, the amount of FN was decreased from papillary to lower dermis.
Blood Vessels
Carcinoma, Basal Cell*
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell
Extracellular Matrix
Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Direct
2.Plasma Fibronectin Levels in Patients with Psoriasis.
Ki Young SUNG ; Sang Lip CHUNG
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1989;27(5):495-501
Fibronectin(FN) is a physiologic glycoprotein presenton cell surface and in connective tissue, extracellular matrix and plasma. Increased plasma FN levels have been reported in the patients with psoriasis, connective tissue disease, internal malignancy, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. The author investigated the plasma FN levels in 30 patients (males 13, female 17) with psoriasis and 23 healthy subjects (male 13, female 10) by gelatin sepharose 4B affinity chromatography and Laurells rocket immunoelectrophoresis method. The results were as follows : Plasrna JN levels were 450.4+/-80.3pg/ml in the patients with psoriasis and 334.0-51.3pg/ml in healthy subjects. There was no relationship between age graups and sex. Plasrna FN levels in the patients with psoriasis were higher than those of healthy subjects(p<0.001). There was no relationship between the levels of plasma FN and clinical severity of psoriasis.
Carcinoma, Basal Cell
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell
Chromatography, Affinity
Connective Tissue
Connective Tissue Diseases
Extracellular Matrix
3.Three Cases of Darier's Disease Occuring in One Family.
Do Young CHOI ; Sang Lip CHUNG
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1978;16(4):337-341
Darier's disease is a congenital dyskeratosis and is as an autosomal dominant reait but a case with a family history is relatively rare and only 2 such cases have been reported in Korea. We present typical Darier's disease occuring in a mother and her 2 daughters. A 45 year-old female has shown muitiple, confluent, dirty verrucous keratotic papules on the seborrheic area and whitish papules on the sotf palate since the age of 7 year-ole. Histologically there, are corps ronds, grains and suprabssal lacunae in the epidermis.
Edible Grain
Darier Disease*
Middle Aged
Nuclear Family
4.Two Cases of Bullous Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
Do Young CHOI ; Jong Seop HA ; Sang Lip CHUNG
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1980;18(4):299-305
Dermatitis herpetiformis occurs rarely in childhood and certain features of the disease in children differ from its manifestation in adults. The eruptions are commonly bullous, show little predilection for the typical regional pattern of the adults, may be nonpruritic, have a shorter course, and often are resistant to the usual therapy. A review of literature shows that in patients over 50 years of age or older the tendency is to manifecst predominantly, although not as strikingly for children, a vesicobullous type of dermatitis herpetiformis with large bullae, varying 1 to 5cm or more in diameter. The authors present two cases of bullous dermatitis herpetiformis confirmed by histology; the first case is a 5 year-old boy who has tense bullae, pustules, and pigmentations on the inguinal region, lower abdomen, buttocks, face, and extensor surfaces of the extremities of 1 yars duration; the second case is a 44 year old housewife who has eruptions of vesicles, bullae, and erosion on the buttccks, back, abdomen, ext;remities, oral cavity, and vulva of 15 days' duration. The authors reviewed the relevant literature and discussed the clinicaI feat ures of both cases thoroughly.
Child, Preschool
Dermatitis Herpetiformis*
Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation
5.A Case of Granuloma Faciale.
Sang Won KIM ; Do Young CHOI ; Sang Lip CHUNG
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1978;16(3):223-227
A case of 38 year old woman had noted 3 lesions with asymptomatic, reddish brown colored, coin sized, slightly elevated, confluent patches on the right postauri-cular for about 20 years. The infiltrate in the patches felt moderately firm to the touch. the lesions were suspected to be chronic dermatitis group, erythema multiforme or granuloma annulare clinically, but the histopathologic features showed the typical findings of granuloma faciale. Literature was briefly reviewed for the discussion and comparision of clinical features and histopathological findings of author's case with the 2 cases previously reported in Korea.
Erythema Multiforme
Granuloma Annulare
6.The Present Status of Venereal Disease Morbidity for prostitutes of Foreign Soldiers.
Do Young CHOI ; Sang Lip CHUNG ; Sang Won KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1979;17(5):329-337
Two hundreds and ninty-four prostitutes of foreign soldiers of K2 area in Taegu were investigated for their general circumtances, clinical and bacteriological studys from Mar. 1978 to May 1979. The results were as foIIows: The age group of 20-24 year-old constituted highest proportion at the level of about 53.4% Averge age of total casea was about 26.2. The propartion of those who were more than 35 occupied about 7.2%. The positive rate of Cram negative displococci (GND) on dirert smers showed highest in December and, January and lowest in-April. Wcekly distribution shwed a higher in second and fourth week. Nongonococcal infect.ions occupied about 45.4%. and total raes. The causative oanism. were niostly Gram negative and Gram positive bacilli. The mothly spells and perons with gonorrhea priod prevaIence rate showed a higher rate in Becember, January and July. The prevalence ratio of gonorrhea and syphilis was 13: 1. The examined cases occupied about 34.3, during first 2 month is after registration. The seasoal vari tion of registrators and cancellators were both most in winter. The positive rate of GND was ahout 53.1% in new comers less than two month-examinations after regiatration. Cervical erosion or chronic cervicitis .;howed about 44.8% among the examined 96% cases. Gonococci were isoIated about 25.6% among the ones with cervical lesions on Thayer-Martin media. On the other hand, the ones without lesions were about 11.3% comparatively. Syphilis period prevalence rate was about 8. 5 A. The titers of VDRL slide test were low (1; 8 or less). Two-thirds of positive cases of GND were treated by penicillin, although tetracycline and spectinomycin were also used in a few cases. The penicillin hypersensitivity sho- wed positive results in 9.7% of all treated cases.
Military Personnel*
Sex Workers*
Sexually Transmitted Diseases*
Uterine Cervicitis
7.Serum Testostrone Levels in Leprsy Patients.
Eui Soo PARK ; Joon Young SONG ; Sang Lip CHUNG ; Tai Ho CHUNG
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1981;19(6):865-874
Testicular involvement in male patients with leprosy is well documented and may be associated with impotence, sterility and gynecomastia. Testicular histology shows atrophy of the seminiferous tubules with hypertropy and clumping of Leydig cells and hyalinization of the small and medium sized vessels. The hormonal functions of the testes have been studied by a number of workers, usually in patients with testicular atrophy and gynecomastia. In these particular patients, androgens are generally diminished while gonadotropins are increased. The pathogenesis of testicular damage is uncertain, though Wall and Wright(1974) found that testicular germinal cell antibodies were present in 75% of lepromatous, and postulated that :autoirnmunity, Erythema Nodosum Leprosum imrnune complex damage and direct invasion by Mycobacterium leprae may all be contributory.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erythema Nodosum
Leydig Cells
Mycobacterium leprae
Seminiferous Tubules
8.A Case of Molluscum Contagiosum Treated with Diphenylcyclopropenone Immunotherapy.
Do Won KIM ; Ki Young SEONG ; Young Du KIM ; Sang Lip CHUNG ; Jae Bok JUN
Annals of Dermatology 1990;2(1):55-57
We are reporting a case of molluscum contagiosum in a 3-year-old boy who showed a good response to diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP) immunotherapy. The lesions were multiple, 2 to 7mm in size, centrally umbilicated, normal skin-colored papules of 7 months' duration which were distributed on the penoscrotal area, extremities and trunk. In spite of several treatments using extraction and curettage, new lesions developed continuously. The patient was sensitized with 0.1ml of 1% DPCP solution in acetone on his right shoulder and there-after challenged with solution of varying concentrations (0.05 to 0.1%) on his left shoulder once or twice a week to maintain a mild eczema. Clinical improvement was noted 1 week after sensitization and almost all of the lesions cleared after 8 week's treatment.
Child, Preschool
Molluscum Contagiosum*
9.Histiocytosis-X with Chronic Weeping Ulcers in the Anogenital Areas.
Young Ho SANG ; In Chul CHOI ; Jae Bok JUN ; Do Won KIM ; Sang Lip CHUNG
Annals of Dermatology 1990;2(2):128-131
No abstract available.
Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell*
10.A Case of Bullous Pemphigid in a Patient with Chronic Renal Failure.
Young Ho SANG ; Kuk Hyeong LEE ; Sang Lip CHUNG ; Do Won KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1990;28(5):615-619
No abstract available.
Kidney Failure, Chronic*