1.Experimental study of interstitial Nd:YAG laser hyperthermia on rabbit tongue mucosa.
Youn Woo NAM ; Kwang Yoon JUNG ; Jong Ouck CHOI
Korean Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 1993;36(5):977-989
No abstract available.
Mucous Membrane*
2.The Effect of Mitomycin on the Experimental Filtering Surgery.
Woo Jung KIM ; Jee Youn KIM ; Dong Ho YOUN
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1993;34(6):530-539
In tiis study, an expenmental model of glaucoma filtering surgery in rabblts was used to evaluate the effect of single intraoperative application of Mitomycin Full-thickness filtering surgery, posterior lip sclerectomy, was performed after application of 0.5mg/ml Mitomycin-soaked Week-Cel(TM) sponge for 5 minutes in one eye of 15 pigmented rabbits and was irrigated copiously with balanced salt solution(BSS(TM)). The same procedure was done in the contralateral eye as a control, using BSS(TM). In Mitomycin-treated group, the filtering blebs were more prominent with sparse vascular tissues and were maintained through postoperative 8 weeks or more. Histologically, there loas was amount of inflammatory reactions in Mitomycin-treated group. The fibroblastic activity and proliferations of the collagen were also suppessed markedly in Mitomycin-treated group. These results suggest that a single intraoperative application of Mitomycin can be used adjunctively to improve the success rate of glaucoma filtering surgery.
Filtering Surgery*
3.Usefulness of Lung Perfusion Scan for the Evaluation of Pulmonary Arteries after Total Correction of Right Ventricular Outflow Obstructive Disease.
Youn Woo KIM ; Ho Sung KIM ; Chung Il NOH ; Jung Yun CHOI ; Yong Soo YUN
Korean Circulation Journal 1995;25(3):648-652
BACKGROUND: For the evaluation of pulmonary nrtery branches after operation of right ventricular outflow obstructive disease, we reviewed the usefulness of both simple X-ray and lung perfusion scan with 99mTc-macroaggregated albumin compared with cardiac angiography. METHODS: From March, 1986 to July, 1993, at Seoul National University Children;s Hospital, we chose 23 cases who underwent both simple X-ray and cardiac angiography among the patients who had distinct difference between right and left pulmonary blood flow in lung perfusion scan after operation of right ventricular outflow obstructive disease. So we calculated the ratio of right and left pulmonary blood flow and Spearman correlation coefficient. RESULTS: Of the 23 cases, 17 cases were tetralogy of Fallot, 4 cases pulmonary atresia, 1 case double outlet right ventricle, and 1 case truncus arteriosus. The mean age at poeration was 27 months, and the mean postoperative follow-up period was for 68 months. The correlation coefficient between cardiac angiography and simple X-ray was 0.86(p<0.01), and that beteen cardiac angiography and lung perfusion scan was 0.80(p<0.01). CONCLUSION: The cardiac angiography has been known as the best diagnostic tool for the evaluation of pulmonary artery branches after operation of right ventricular outflow obstructive ddisease, but we proposed that the lung perfusion scan should be widely used because its results were similar with those of cardiac angiography.
Double Outlet Right Ventricle
Follow-Up Studies
Pulmonary Artery*
Pulmonary Atresia
Tetralogy of Fallot
Truncus Arteriosus
4.A Comment on the Corneo-Scleral Sutures.
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1963;4(1):49-52
No abstract available.
5.The Relationship of Mitral Valve Area Measured by 2-Dimensional Echocardiography with the M-Mode Measurements in Mitral Valvular Stenosis.
Sung Pyo SON ; Tae Won JUNG ; Youn Ho KIM ; Yung Woo SHIN ; Young Kee SHIN
Korean Circulation Journal 1983;13(2):295-302
Mitral valvular orifice area is important for the evaluation of prognosis and treatment of patients with mitral valvular stenosis. Until recently, Gorlin's formula using cardiac catheterization has been utilized in the measurement of mitral valve area, but it is invasive and impractical to examine repeatedly. Recently 2-Dimensional echocardiography appeared to be a practical and useful substitute in measurement of valve area and also it is economical and has no risk to patients. In 31 patients with mitral valvular stenosis examined at the echocardiography room of Busan national University Hospital from March 1982 to March 1983, we measured the mitral valve area with 2-Dimensional echocardiography and evaluated its relationship with the left ventricular functions measured on M-mode echocardiogram. Among many parameters on M-mode measurements EF slope, excursion amplitude and the ratio of left atrial dimension to aortic root dimension were rather helpful for the assessment of severity of mitral valvular stenosis than other parameters. And each relationship with the valve area showed correlation coefficient of 0.60, 0.05 and -0.58, respectively.
Cardiac Catheterization
Cardiac Catheters
Constriction, Pathologic*
Mitral Valve*
Ventricular Function, Left
6.Detection of the anti-neural antibodies in the sera of leprosy patients.
Joo Young PARK ; Jung Koo YOUN ; Sang Nae CHO ; Woo Ick YANG ; Choon Myung KOH
Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology 1992;27(3):239-251
No abstract available.
7.Studies on retrobulbar optic neuritis: I. Clinical findimgs.
Chang Shoo CHOI ; Jung Woo YOUN ; Jong Won RHEE
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1966;7(2):27-31
Authors experienced 100 cases of retrobulbar optic neuritis among the patients who visited the Chang Shoo Choi Eye Clinic during the last 2 years, from September 1, 1964 to August 31, 1966. The chief complaints are asthenopia, blurring vision, ocular pain, headache and photophobia. Of 100 cases, 46 cases wanted to be refracted. The corrected visual acuities are not always poor, though they are very variable from time to time as the tests are processing. The most cases revealed central relative scotomas instead of cecocentrals as previously believed. Fields are taken with glasses if corrected. In our cases, the age distribution of the patients are very interesting, the most susceptible age groups are 11~13 years.
Age Distribution
Optic Neuritis*
Vision, Ocular
Visual Acuity
8.A Case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Oculocutaneous Abinism.
Woo Kwon JUNG ; Jong Suk LEE ; Sang No YOUN ; Young Lip PARK ; Young Keun KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1995;33(1):109-113
Albinism is an inherited ongenital disarder in which there is sgr neralized decrease or absence of pigrnent in the eyes, skin, and hair. There are two general groups (1) Oculocutneou albinism, (2) Ocular albinism. Skin cancers in albinos are rare in ternperate clirnats and t.hey occur rnostly on sun ex posed areas. We present a case of recurrance of squarnous cell carcinoma ir a Korean albinoid on both sides of the neck and right ear. On liistopathologic examination, we find I or pearls, and irregular mases of epidermal cells that proliferite downward into the devmis. The invaing cell masses are composed of atypical squamous cells.
Albinism, Ocular
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell*
Skin Neoplasms
Solar System
9.A case of CREST syndrome proven anti-ced entromere antibody.
Jong Han KIM ; Heon Mok JUNG ; Jeong Ik WOO ; Youn Soo LEE ; Sang Hwa LEE ; Ki Woo KWAK ; Bang Bu YOUN
Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1992;13(1):85-90
No abstract available.
CREST Syndrome*
10.A Demonhstration of a Tracheal Bronchus by Bronchoscopy and Computed Tompgraphy.
Byoung Gu KONG ; Youn Kyung LEE ; Eun Young JEONG ; Woo Ki LEE ; Kwang Woo KIM ; Jung Kon KOH
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2000;43(11):1501-1504
Tracheal bronchus is an aberrant bronchus that arises most often from the right tracheal wall above the carina and is the result of an additional tracheal outgrowth early in embryonic life. It; incidence ranges between 0.1 and 5%. This anomaly is usually diagnosed incidentally during bronchoscopy, bronchography or computed tomography. Occasionally, it represents the underlying etiology for chronic pulmonary disease, especially if it involves the right upper lobe and reflects an abnorrnal pulmonary clearing mechanism. The tracheal bronchus may be associated with other bronchopulmonary anomalies, tracheal stenosis, or Down's syndrome. Asymptornatic tracheal bronchus does not require any treatment. In case of tracheal bronchus associated recurrent right upper lobe diseases, tracheal bronchus therapy should include resection of the aberrant bronchus as well as the lob it supplies. (J Korgan Pediatr Soc 2000;43:1501-1504)
Down Syndrome
Equipment and Supplies
Lung Diseases
Tracheal Diseases
Tracheal Stenosis