3.A Pharmacoepidemiologic Study on the Relationship between Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Therapeutic Drugs after Influenza Infection
Toshiharu Fujita ; Yosuke Fujii ; Yoshihiro Watanabe ; Hitoshi Osaka ; Takahito Wada ; Masaaki Mori ; Shumpei Yokota
Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2010;15(2):73-95
Objective: The mechanism underlying the development of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as unconsciousness, abnormal behavior, delirium, hallucinations, and convulsions in influenza has not been thoroughly investigated. The relationship between drug administration and neuropsychiatric symptoms during influenza is also poorly understood. This study is the first pharmacoepidemiologic study focused on investigating the relationship between drug administration and neuropsychiatric symptoms.
Design: Cohort study
Methods: Study subjects were patients under 18 years old who had influenza during the 2006/07 season. We prepared two kinds of questionnaires for doctor and for patient's family, and carried out the survey between January and March, 2007. Using data from 9,389 patients, we analyzed the relationship between neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as delirium, unconsciousness and convulsion, and drug administration of acetaminophen and oseltamivir.
Results: Analysis of the relationship between delirium and drug administration provided hazard ratios of 1.55(p=0.061)for acetaminophen and 1.51(p=0.084)for oseltamivir. These hazard ratios, which were adjusted for risk factors by multivariate analysis of the proportional hazard model, showed an increasing tendency of delirium after administration of each drug. In patients who received oseltamivir, a high incidence of delirium was observed between 6 and 12 hours after onset of fever. Furthermore, delirium was found to develop in a shorter time following oseltamivir use than it did after acetaminophen use. There was no relationship between unconsciousness and acetaminophen administration, as demonstrated by a hazard ratio of 1.06(p=0.839). The incidence of unconsciousness increased significantly with oseltamivir use with a hazard ratio of 1.79(p=0.0389), and unconsciousness was found to occur in a short time after oseltamivir use.
Conclusion: The results obtained from this study suggest that there are increased risks of delirium and unconsciousness with drug administration. Further pharmacoepidemiologic studies for hypothesis testing are required to study the relationship between abnormal behavior and drug administration.
4.Gastrointestinal Complications and Intestinal Stasis after Videofluoroscopic Examination of Swallowing
Yosuke WADA ; Norimasa KATAGIRI ; Yuri SATO ; Ikuko HASHIMOTO ; Tomoyuki NAKAMURA ; Ichiro FUJISHIMA
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2010;47(11):801-805
The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of gastrointestinal complications and intestinal stasis after a videofluoroscopic examination of swallowing. Of 121 inpatients who underwent videofluoroscopic examinations from October 2008 to March 2009 and September to October 2009, we analyzed 33 patients who underwent abdominal X-ray four days after their videofluoroscopic examination. Six of 33 patients (18.2%) suffered gastrointestinal symptoms. Three patients had diarrhea, two had vomiting, and one had abdominal distention. The incidence of gastrointestinal complications after videofluoroscopic examination was estimated to be two of 33 patients (6.1%) because we assumed that two of the six patients' condition was related to their videofluoroscopic examination and that the other four were related to other factors. One of two patients with a poor general condition developed pneumonia after vomiting. There was no relationship between the incidence of gastrointestinal complications and the patient's background. Intestinal stasis as detected by X-ray was identified in 25 of 33 patients (75.8%). There was more barium sulfate intake in the patients who had intestinal stasis than the patients who had no intestinal stasis. There was no relationship between intestinal stasis and the incidence of gastrointestinal complications. Our findings suggest that the risk of gastrointestinal complications after videofluoroscopic examination is low except in patients with a poor general condition.
5.Epiglottoplasty for Dysphagia Associated Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
Yosuke WADA ; Atsuko ISHIBASHI ; Ikuko SUGIYAMA ; Makoto KANO ; Hideaki KANAZAWA ; Ichiro FUJISHIMA
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2011;48(6):410-415
This report presents the case of a patient treated with epiglottoplasty (Biller's laryngoplasty technique) for the pseudobulbar type of dysphagia associated with herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE). A 67-year-old man developed acute HSE with disturbance of consciousness and intractable aspiration. Oral intake was tried, but resulted in aspiration pneumonia and was therefore canceled at the patient's former institution. At 12 months following onset, the patient consulted our hospital and we judged that aspiration could not be controlled, and that surgical management would be needed. In order to both prevent aspiration and preserve phonation, epiglottoplasty was performed at 15 months following onset. Postoperatively, the patient was able to resume an unrestricted diet except for clear liquids. He also underwent voice rehabilitation with the support of his family and rehabilitation staff. These efforts finally enabled him to speak clearly. Epiglottoplasty is an effective treatment for intractable aspiration, but this procedure is not widely known to Japanese physiatrists. Careful patient screening and selection by the attending physiatrist is essential, as is providing adequate postoperative swallowing and voice rehabilitation.
6.Effect of Gait Exercise Assist Robot on Walking Ability in a Patient with Chronic Stroke
Ryota UEGAKI ; Tomoyuki OGINO ; Yoshihiro KANATA ; Yosuke WADA ; Kazuhisa DOMEN
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2021;58(6):699-704
We report a case of a patient with chronic stroke who improved his gait ability through weekly gait training using Gait Exercise Assist Robot (GEAR). A man in his 70s, who developed cerebral infarction 27 years ago, presented with right-sided hemiplegia. Before gait training, the patient's gait ability was assessed to be independent, but poor toe clearance was observed on the paralyzed side during the swing phase. Therefore, we started gait training using GEAR with the goal of improving his gait pattern. The patient underwent gait training using GEAR for 20 min/day, 1 day/week for 12 weeks, wherein the treadmill speed was increased as much as possible in order to improve the swing of the paralyzed lower limbs, and the visual and auditory feedback functions were also used to promote the load and swing of the paralyzed lower limbs. As a result, the overground gait velocity, Timed Up and Go Test, and 6-minute walking distance increased after 4 weeks. However, poor toe clearance was observed on the paralyzed side during the swing phase even after 12 weeks of the training. These results suggest that 4 weeks of gait training using GEAR (performed only 1 day/week) may effectively improve the gait ability of patients with chronic stroke. On the other hand, no improvement in gait pattern was observed, and further investigation is required in the future.
7.Rehabilitation of a Patient with Severe COVID-19 Using Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation:A Case Report
Daichi TSUKAKOSHI ; Shuhei YAMAMOTO ; Yosuke WADA ; Satsuki TERASHIMA ; Ryuji OSAWA ; Keiji MATSUMORI ; Shun ITO ; Yukio NAKAMURA ; Kohei NAGAMINE ; Shota IKEGAMI ; Hiroshi HORIUCHI
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022;59(1):92-98
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been spreading globally since 2019;however, comprehensive rehabilitation of elderly patients with COVID-19 pneumonia remains a challenge. A 76-year-old American woman with COVID-19 pneumonia was admitted to our hospital. Because her disease was complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), she was treated with intensive care, including invasive ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). During and after intensive care, she exhibited physical symptoms such as weakness, pain, shortness of breath, and difficulty in movement and exercise. Furthermore, during approximately 3.5 months of hospitalization, she received swallowing and speech therapies along with physical therapy. These rehabilitation therapies enabled her to get home in the United States. Her rehabilitation schedule had to be carefully planned according to her symptoms and infectiousness of COVID-19. This paper highlights few important points regarding the difficulty in rehabilitation including that of physical function, mental health, and cognitive function of patients with COVID-19. Furthermore, this report provides a problem-solving approach for long-term rehabilitation in elderly patients with COVID-19 pneumonia.