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Author:(Yoshito Momose)

1.Relations of Health Practices and Serum Lipids among Farmers and Non-Farmars in Japan, 1982-1986.

Yoshito MOMOSE

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1992;40(5):1007-1018

2.Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels by Direct Assay and Their Association with Lifestyle Factors among Middle-Aged Men and Women.

Yoshito MOMOSE ; Hiroshi UNE

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2000;48(5):695-709

3.The Features of Cognitive Eating Behavior among Japanese Farmers and Their Association with Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels.

Yoshito MOMOSE ; Hiroshi UNE

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2001;50(2):114-124

4.Serum Leptin Concentrations and 10-Year Weight Gain among Middle-Aged Japanese Men and Women.

Yoshito MOMOSE ; Hiroshi UNE

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2003;51(5):760-769

5.Gender differences in the occurrence of nonfatalagricultural injuries among farmers in Fukuoka, Japan

Yoshito Momose ; Takajiro Suenaga

Journal of Rural Medicine 2015;10(2):57-64

6.The Features of Non-Fatal Fall-Related Injuries Not Due to Agricultural Machines Among Elderly Farmers in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan

Yoshito MOMOSE ; Takajiro SUENAGA

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2016;64(6):1035-1048

7.Relation between Lifestyle Factors and High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Subfraction Levels among Healthy Adults Living in a Rural District.

Yoshito MOMOSE ; Hiroshi UNE ; Hiroji ESAKI

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1994;43(1):1-7

8.Prevalence of Physiological Fatigue and Risk Factors Among Middle-Aged Strawberry Growers

Yoshito MOMOSE ; Takajiro SUENAGA ; Hiroshi UNE

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2005;54(2):97-106

9.Job Satisfaction and Mental Distress among Japanese Farmers

Yoshito Momose ; Takajiro Suenaga ; Hiroshi Une

Journal of Rural Medicine 2007;3(2):29-33

10.Three Main Types of Physical Fatigue and Their Relationship to Farmwork among Middle-Aged Strawberry Growers during the Harvest Season

Yoshito Momose ; Takajiro Suenaga ; Hiroshi Une

Journal of Rural Medicine 2006;2(1):3-12

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