1.A Case of Obstructive Jaundice-associated Pruritus Which Was not Improved by an Antihistamine and a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Treatment, but Was Responded to Nalfurafine Hydrochloride
Yoshito Yoshikawa ; Yoshinobu Matsuda ; Sachiko Okayama ; Juri Nimura ; Minako Doi ; Shinobu Nagata
Palliative Care Research 2017;12(1):506-510
Introduction: We encountered a patient in whom pruritus was induced by obstructive jaundice associated with metastatic liver cancer. Nalfurafine hydrochloride, a selective κ receptor agonist, improved the patient’s pruritus. Case Presentation: The patient was a 70-year-old woman who developed metastatic liver tumor-associated jaundice after surgery for colorectal cancer. She developed pruritus, which was not improved by an antihistamine or a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment. Nalfurafine was administered for suspected central pruritus. The numerical rating scale for pruritus improved from 9 to 3. Discussion: Compared to other skin diseases such as urticaria and atopic dermatitis, pruritus that accompanies a systemic disease such as chronic renal failure and liver disease does not respond to existing therapeutic drugs in many patients. Chronic liver disease-associated pruritus is intractable and central. Pruritus through central and peripheral mechanisms was mixed in this patient; however, central pruritus may have been dominant. The antipruritic effect of nalfurafine has been confirmed. It may be an effective therapeutic drug for obstructive jaundice-associated pruritus.
2.A Case of Endovascular Stent Graft Placement for a Proximal Anastomotic Aneurysm after Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery
Munehiro Saiki ; Hideki Nakashima ; Tohru Hiroe ; Yoshinobu Nakamura ; Naruto Matsuda ; Yasushi Kanaoka ; Shingo Ishiguro ; Shigetsugu Ohgi
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;34(6):406-408
A 77-year-old man was hospitalized for a proximal anastomotic aneurysm 9 years after surgery for an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The aneurysm was located 3cm distal to the renal artery. The maximum diameter was 55mm. His medical history included a reoperation for the proximal anastomotic aneurysm and cerebral infarction. Endovascular stent grafting was performed because it was possible anatomically. Postoperatively, no endoleak nor migration were found. At present, the patient is being followed up regularly in the outpatient department. Endovascular stent graft placement can be an effective method for reoperation cases of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, and if it is possible anatomically, it should be attempted.
3.A Case of Ischemic Cardiomyopathy and Left Bundle-Branch Block Surgically Treated with Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, Therapeutic Angiogenesis and Biventricular Pacing
Naruto Matsuda ; Hideki Nakashima ; Akira Marumoto ; Yoshinobu Nakamura ; Satoshi Kamihira ; Yasushi Kanaoka ; Shingo Ishiguro ; Shigetsugu Ohgi
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;34(6):435-439
A 67-year-old man was referred to our department for surgical treatment of ischemic cardiomyopathy. Chest X-ray showed cardiomegaly with a cardiothoracic ratio of 62% and pulmonary congestion. CAG revealed multiple obstructive lesions in the left coronary artery system. LVG and UCG showed ventricular dilatation and dysfunction. ECG showed complete left bundle branch block with a QRS duration of 180ms. He underwent autologous bone marrow cell implantation and biventricular pacing concomitant with coronary artery bypass grafting. He is doing well after 15 months without any complications. Combination with therapeutic angiogenesis and cardiac resynchronization therapy may contribute to the development of new regenerative strategy for patients with severe ischemic cardiomyopathy.
4.A patient with cancer pain that was successfully relieved by methadone with supportive care given by a certified nurse in palliative care in the outpatient setting
Sachiko Okayama ; Yoshinobu Matsuda ; Yoshiko Sakota ; Rie Hiyoshi ; Kaori Tohno ; Kozue Yoshida
Palliative Care Research 2014;9(3):506-510
Introduction: This is the first report about an outpatient who was successfully switched from oxycodone to methadone without any serious problems in Japan. Case report: A man in his 60s who was diagnosed as advanced pancreatic cancer with multiple bone and liver metastases. Since he complained severe cancer pain in spite of taking oxycodone 40mg/day, he was referred to the palliative care team. After discussion about switching from oxycodone to methadone in the palliative care team and obtaining informed consent from him, it was decided to prescribe methadone in the outpatient setting. During induction of methadone, a palliative care certified nurse (CN) played important roles about explanation of futures, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and side effects, education how to take, monitoring of analgesic and side effects and supports to patient anxieties about methadone. His dose titration of methadone was completed for 15 days, and his adequate dose was decided as 20 mg/day finally. After titration of methadone, pain relief could be achieved. Conclusion: Although methadone has a possibility to improve management of cancer pain, it has some serious problems, such as respiratory depression, QT interval prolongation and others due to unsuitable use. Therefore, patients with prescription of methadone must be educated, monitored and supported by special medical staff with much experiences and knowledge about cancer pain, opioid therapy and methadone. CNs may play important role to keep safety and resolve patients and families’ anxieties for prescription of methadone.
5.A Retrospective Analysis of the 44 Cases with Opioid Switching to Methadone
Sachiko Kimura ; Yoshinobu Matsuda ; Kozue Yoshida ; Rie Hiyoshi ; Kaori Tohno ; Sachiko Okayama ; Hideki Noma ; Takayasu Itakura
Palliative Care Research 2015;10(3):194-200
Purpose:Methadone is an opioid used in Japan for the treatment of cancer pain. A thorough consideration of complex pharmacokinetics with individual differences and of serious adverse effects is necessary before switching to methadone; therefore, methadone is not yet widely used. We examined the analgesic and adverse effects of methadone through clinical cases and considered the clinical significance of methadone as an opioid analgesic for the treatment of cancer pain. Methods:The clinical course of 44 patients with cancer pain who were switched to methadone from other opioids was analyzed. Results:Out of the 44 cases investigated, 37 cases (84.1%) were successful. In the successful cases, pain intensity before and after methadone administration was reduced from an average of 7.5 to 2.8, respectively, on the numerical rating scale. Strong drowsiness (six cases) and nausea (three cases) were observed as adverse effects. However, no serious effects, such as QT prolongation and respiratory depression, were recognized. Conclusion:For patients with refractory cancer pain who require a high opioid dose, methadone is considered to be one of the alternatives in pain therapeutics.
6.A retrospective analysis of patients who were switched from methadone to a different opioid: How to treat cancer pain after patients become unable to take methadone orally at the end of life
Takayasu Itakura ; Yoshinobu Matsuda ; Sachiko Okayama ; Kaori Tohno ; Rie Hiyoshi ; Kozue Yoshida ; Sachiko Kimura ; Hideki Noma
Palliative Care Research 2015;10(4):245-250
Background: Methadone can only be administered orally in Japan. However, it is unclear how to treat pain when patients become unable to take methadone orally because of the progression of the disease. Aims: To assess retrospectively end-of-life pain control management after patients become unable to take methadone orally. Methods: Twenty-eight patients with cancer pain undergoing treatment with oral methadone died at a palliative care unit between April 2013 and September 2014. All patients died of cancer and were unable to swallow before death. We assessed pain control approaches after the patients became unable to take methadone orally. Results: Twenty-one patients survived 1 day or longer after becoming unable to swallow. Methadone was switched to another opioid because of pain. Of these 21 patients, 10 patients survived for 1 week or longer after being switched to another opioid. At this point, methadone would be mostly eliminated from the blood circulation. Among these 10 patients, seven patients were treated with subcutaneous morphine, and three patients were excluded because their pain could not be evaluated. The conversion ratio from final oral methadone dosage to oral morphine equivalent dose of opioids used on the seventh day was 6.1. Conclusion: Even when patients become unable to ingest methadone, switching to other opioids may not always be necessary because of the long half-life of methadone when pain is absent at the end of life. If necessary, pain could be managed by switching to other opioids with a conversion ratio of 6.1.
7.A case report with the coincidental complication of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the course of methadone administration due to cancer pain
Yoshinobu Matsuda ; Yoshito Yoshikawa ; Sachiko Okayama ; Rie Hiyoshi ; Kaori Tohno ; Momoyo Hashimoto ; Hideki Noma ; Mamoru Ohnishi ; Takayasu Itakura ; Sachiko Kimura ; Shun Kohsaka
Palliative Care Research 2016;11(1):501-505
Introduction: Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (Paf) occurred in an inpatient who has been prescribed methadone for cancer pain in our palliative care unit, but oral administration of aprindine (antiarrhythmic agent) succeeded in defibrillation and methadone administration could be continued. Case: A 75-year-old man had developed multiple bone metastases after resection of thyroid cancer. Due to refractory cancer pain, switching from oxycodone to methadone was performed. Pain relief was achieved with methadone 40 mg/day and without QT interval prolongation. After methadone administration about 9 months, there suddenly became loss of appetite in the morning of one day. ECG examination revealed Paf onset. Aprindine 20 mg was orally administered for the purpose of defibrillation. After about 2 hours sinus rhythm was gained and later without recurrence. Conclusion: This case was considered to have the coincidental complication of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the course of methadone administration. If administration of antiarrhythmic agents is performed in a patient whom has been prescribed methadone, it is feared to lead to result in QT interval prolongation due to drug interactions. It is important to carefully select an agent that rarely leads to QT prolongation.
8.Beliefs About Spiritual Pain among Palliative Care Physicians and Liaison Psychiatrists: A Nationwide Questionnaire Survey
Akemi Shirado NAITO ; Tatsuya MORITA ; Keiko TAMURA ; Kiyofumi OYA ; Yoshinobu MATSUDA ; Keita TAGAMI ; Hideyuki KASHIWAGI ; Hiroyuki OTANI
Palliative Care Research 2021;16(2):115-122
Objectives: Spiritual pain is not formally defined. The aim of this study was to clarify the beliefs about spiritual pain among Japanese palliative care physicians and liaison psychiatrists and to compare their beliefs. Methods: A nationwide questionnaire survey was conducted by mail August, 2019 on certified palliative care physicians and liaison psychiatrists. We asked 9 questions about spiritual pain (i.e. current status, definition, and the delivery of care) using a 5-Likert scale. Result: 387 palliative care physicians (response rate, 53%) and 374 psychiatrists (45%) responded. 72% (76% of the palliative care physicians/69% of the psychiatrists) reported that spiritual pain was distinct from depression, but 69% (66/71) reported that it was not defined adequately; and 59% (59/60) perceived the risks of using the words ambiguously. Only 43% (40/47) recommended the universal definition of spiritual pain, and opinions about how spiritual pain should be defined (i.e, higher being, meaning/value, or specific terms) differed among physicians. Perception about spiritual pain of the physicians were significantly associated with their religion, while beliefs about spiritual pain were essentially similar between palliative care physicians and psychiatrists. Conclusion: Although physicians regarded the definition of spiritual pain as being inadequate, the opinions about preferable definition differed among physicians. Discussion about the value of developing a consensus of spiritual pain is needed.
9.The Effect of Fan Therapy for Dyspnea in Patients with Chronic Progressive Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Jun KAKO ; Yoichi NAKAMURA ; Tomohiro NISHI ; Yusuke TAKAGI ; Yoshinobu MATSUDA ; Hiroaki WATANABE ; Yoko KASAHARA ; Sho GOYA ; Hiroyuki KOHARA ; Masanori MORI ; Takashi YAMAGUCHI
Palliative Care Research 2022;17(1):33-42
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of fan therapy for the relief of dyspnea in patients with chronic progressive disease. Methods: A systematic electronic database search of all available articles published before October 23, 2019 was conducted using Ichushi-Web of the Japan Medical Abstract Society databases, CENTRAL, EMBASE, and MEDLINE. In addition, a hand-search for updates was performed using PubMed on June 30, 2020 and December 7, 2021. The inclusion criteria were: 1) any RCTs comparing the effect of fan therapy with any other intervention, and 2) patients aged ≥18 years. Exclusion criteria were: 1) duplicate references, and 2) conference presentations. Results: We identified 110 studies, of which 10 met our criteria for inclusion. Finally, five studies were used in the meta-analysis. Fan therapy significantly improved dyspnea in patients with chronic progressive disease compared to control groups with a standardized mean difference of −1.43 (95% confidence interval: −2.70 to −0.17, I2=94%, p<0.0001). Conclusion: Fan therapy was found to be effective in reducing dyspnea in chronic progressive disease.
10.The Effect of High-flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen for Dyspnea in Patients with Advanced Disease: Systematic Review
Sho GOYA ; Yasushi NAKANO ; Hiroaki TSUKUURA ; Yusuke TAKAGI ; Hiroaki WATANABE ; Yoshinobu MATSUDA ; Jun KAKO ; Yoko KASAHARA ; Hiroyuki KOHARA ; Masanori MORI ; Takeo NAKAYAMA ; Takashi YAMAGUCHI
Palliative Care Research 2023;18(4):261-269
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen (HFNC) for dyspnea in patients with advanced disease. Methods: A literature search was conducted using MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Ichu-shi Web. Inclusion criteria were: 1) randomized controlled trials evaluating the effect of HFNC on dyspnea; 2) aged 18 years or older with advanced disease with hypoxemia; 3) control group was conventional oxygen therapy or noninvasive positive pressure ventilation. Exclusion criteria were: 1) patients in intensive care unit, 2) weaning from ventilator. Results: Six studies (4 from database searches, and 2 from hand searches) were included. In the 2 studies evaluating short-term intervention, one showed HFNC was more efficacious, and the other conventional oxygen was more efficacious. In the 2 studies evaluating long-term interventions: one showed HFNC was more efficacious, and the other showed no significant difference. In the 2 studies evaluating the intervention during exercise, one showed HFNC was more efficacious, and the other showed no significant difference. Conclusion: HFNC may be effective for dyspnea in patients with advanced disease associated with hypoxemia.