1.Experience of holding a workshop for clinical training instructors at Daido hospital
Yoshinobu Hattori ; Mihoko Mizuno ; Kouji Nonogaki ; Yukio Ojika ; Masayuki Nishio ; Kenji Fujinaka ; Yasuhiko Konishi ; Akira Muraoka
Medical Education 2014;45(4):298-299
To improve hospital quality, the development of authorized clinical instructors is urgently needed. Therefore, we held a workshop to develop clinical instructors. At a monthly meeting of the clinical training committee in June 2014, an agenda for holding a workshop was proposed. At the meeting in July 2014, most committee members said they were reluctant to hold a workshop because of heavy clinical duties. However, the hospital president strongly suggested that a workshop might be a foundation for reforming the stagnated hospital and persuaded committee members to hold a workshop to improve the instructors’ skill in teaching residents. At the September meeting, the workshop schedule was discussed. All members of the taskforce, except the chief coordinator and a lecturer, were selected from hospital physicians, and 3 preparatory meetings and 1 rehearsal were held. With the help of administrative staff, our first workshop for clinical instructors was held at Daido Hospital in February 2014. Our workshop helped create new hopes for improving educational tasks at our teaching hospital and improved the educational skills of participants. We also achieved mutual understanding as a team to accomplish a single goal.
2.Innovation of Social Medical Corporation Kojunkai Daido Hospital for Postgraduate Clinical Training
Yoshinobu Hattori ; Mihoko Mizuno ; Kouji Nonogaki ; Yukio Kojika ; Yusuke Uno ; Kenji Fujinaka ; Katsuhiro Kotani
Medical Education 2015;46(5):441-442
The higher level postgraduate education hospitals are required to have a system with well-developed programs, instruction, and supervision of doctors in clinical training. The Social Medical Corporation Kojunkai Daido Hospital has been maintaining efforts to be a clinical training hospital of excellence.
In order to nurture supervisory doctors, the first workshop for supervisory doctors in clinical training was held at Daido Hospital on February 22nd and 23rd, 2014. With consciousness reform in mind, interprofessional relations between the many types of medical professional were established.
Daido Hospital was evaluated by the Japan Council for Evaluation of Postgraduate Clinical Training on December 12th, 2014. It was an opportunity to recognize the need for further improvement as a clinical training hospital.
On March 7th, 2015 the Objective Structured Clinical Examination for the second year of training doctors in Daido Hospital was held. Clinical training guidance doctors, Nurses, and paramedics learned the skills necessary for the methods and the evaluation in clinical teaching and evaluation.
Daido Hospital continues making efforts by conducting a review of the clinical training based on the evaluation of the clinical ability of residents, the ability for education and the clinical skill of teaching doctors, and the training environment.
3.Improving postgraduate clinical training at Social Medical Corporation Kojunkai Daido Hospital
Yoshinobu Hattori ; Mihoko Mizuno ; Yukio Ojika ; Kouji Nonogaki ; Yusuke Uno ; Katsuhiro Odani
Medical Education 2016;47(5):309-311
Social Medical Corporation Kojunkai Daido Hospital is aiming to be the best training hospital. By enhancing seminars in the hospital, we commenced a postdoctoral training program for medical instructors in February 2014 and November 2015. Since we received an accreditation for the clinical training program in 2014, we created an OSCE program on our own for trainees in August 2015 and June 2016. We also collaborated with the University of Nagoya for the OSCE program and held seminars in August 2015 and June 2016. We introduced the EPOC system for the evaluation of trainees in 2014, and Cybouze® for the constructive evaluation of and sharing of information on trainees in April 2016. Our residents obtained high scores for in the examination to evaluate knowledge of trainees held in February 2016, which shows the high quality of our educational program, established by the endless efforts of the educational committee and instructors.
4.A Case of Right Ventricular Myocardial Fibroma and a Review of Reported Cases in Japan.
Yoshinobu Hattori ; Shuichiro Sugimura ; Tadashi Iriyama ; Kouji Watanabe ; Kouji Negi ; Mitsuru Yamashita ; Isao Takeda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1998;27(5):318-322
Cardiac fibromas are rare tumors. A 12-year-old girl who had no cardiac symptoms was evaluated because of her abnormal ECG. Physical examination revealed a grade 1/6 systolic murmur. Routine laboratory examination results and the chest X-ray films were normal. The ECG showed a negative T wave at leads II, III, aVF and V3-4. Two-dimensional echocardiography demonstrated a tumor in the lower right ventricular free wall. Operation was performed on July 12, 1990. Sharp dissection was used to remove the tumor through right ventriculotomy. She had an uneventful postoperative course and is well 7 years later with no evidence of recurrence. Pathological findings including immunohistochemical studies revealed cardiac fibroma. The 22 reported cases of cardiac fibroma in Japan were reviewed.
5.Left Ventricular Myxomas. A Case Report and a Review of the Literature in Japan.
Yoshinobu Hattori ; Kouji Watanabe ; Kouji Negi ; Isao Takeda ; Tadashi Iriyama ; Shuichiro Sugimura
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1999;28(6):392-395
Left ventricular myxoma is very rare and only 13 cases have been reported in Japan. A 14-year-old girl was admitted to a local hospital in November, 1983, with a sudden onset of right hemiparalysis. Two-dimensional echocardiograms and left ventricular angiograms revealed two left ventricular tumors. The patient was transferred to our hospital for the operation which was performed one month later. Two tumors originating from the apical interventricular septum were removed with resection of the septum through a left ventriculotomy. The tumors were 2.0×1.7cm in size and 1.9g in weight, 1.9×1.5cm in size and 1.1g in weight, respectively. The pathological diagnosis was myxoma. Her postoperative course was uneventful, and there has been no recurrence for 15 years after surgery. Japanese literature on the subject was reviewed.
6.Successful Surgical Treatment in Four Patients with Blunt Traumatic Rupture of the Thoracic Aorta.
Yoshinobu Hattori ; Tadashi Iriyama ; Kouji Watanabe ; Kouji Negi ; Mitsuru Yamashita ; Isao Takeda ; Hiroshi Sugimura ; Shuichiro Sugimura
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1999;28(6):399-402
Urgent surgical repairs were successfully performed in four patients with blunt traumatic ruptures of the thoracic aorta. All 4 patients were involved in traffic accidents and had ruptures immediately distal to the aortic isthmus. The diagnoses were achieved by IV-DSA in case 1, by IV-DSA and enhanced CT in case 2 and by enhanced helical CT in cases 3 and 4. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography was performed in case 4. Operations were accomplished with the aid of temporary shunt in case 1, pulmonary-femoral artery bypass in case 2 and partial left heart bypass in cases 3 and 4. Prosthetic graft interposition was performed in cases 1, 3 and 4 and end-to-end aortic anastomosis was performed in case 2. There was no postoperative paraplegia in any patient. Early diagnosis and urgent surgical repair are important in treating blunt traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta. Enhanced helical CT and transesophageal echocardiography are useful for the diagnosis of this type of injury.
7.A Surgically Treated Case of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Associated with Melioidosis.
Hiroshi Sugimura ; Koji Watanabe ; Shuichiro Sugimura ; Tadashi Iriyama ; Yoshinobu Hattori ; Koji Negi ; Mitsuru Yamashita ; Ryo Hoshino ; Toru Yamamoto ; Yoshitsugu Iinuma
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1998;27(4):237-240
A 58-year-old man was admitted for pneumonia after several business trips to Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia. Despite resolution of pneumonia on chest X-ray, high fever persisted. CT scan revealed a juxtarenal, atypical-shaped abdominal aortic aneurysm of 4.5cm in size, and this was thought to be the cause of persisting fever. After prolonged antibiotic treatment, surgical resection and prosthetic tube replacement of the aneurysm was performed. The aneurysm was a pseudoaneurysm, and histological examination showed chronic inflammation with no atherosclerotic change. It was thought to be of mycotic origin. On the 12th day after operation, he became febrile, and an arterial blood culture yielded Burkholderia pseudomallei. Antibiotics chosen according to sensitivity tests, were given. He was finally discharged with no exidence of persisting infection, on the 55th day after operation.
8.Postgraduate clinical training program at Fujita Health University Hospital
Yoshinobu Hattori ; Yasuhiro Udagawa ; Kayoko Matsunaga ; Shin-ichiro Morimoto ; Teruo Ino ; Mitsushi Okazawa ; Tosikazu Matsui ; Masatsugu Ohtuki
Medical Education 2012;43(5):409-410
Since 2003, Clinical training center of Fujita Health University hospital has been cooperated with the Office for medical education of Fujita Health University, school of medicine, in reorganizing the previous training system based mainly on individual departments. After 9 years since then, we established Yanegawara style training system and the trainee–centered curriculums. Outcomes from new system are as follows:
1. Self–establishment by problem based learning became common understandings between trainers and trainees.
2. Teaching by trainers to trainees and between trainees (R2 to R1) became common in the hospital.
3. Trainees can learn the standardized approach in diagnosis and treatment of the patients in ER.
4. Unified understanding of the training system was established in the hospital.Although new system brought several good aspects, we found a large heterogeneity in fulfillment of our curriculums not only by the capability of individual residents but also by the effort induced by each department.
9.Construction of Yanegawara-style skills training in our clinical skills laboratory for new residents
Masatsugu Ohtsuki ; Toshikazu Matsui ; Kayoko Matsunaga ; Shin-ichiro Morimoto ; Teruo Ino ; Yoshinobu Hattori ; Shin Ishihara ; Akiko Osada ; Akira Nakashima ; Takao Tsuji ; Kiyotaka Hoshinaga
Medical Education 2012;43(3):211-214
1)To learn the techniques required immediately after the start of clinical practice, new residents were introduced to the skills laboratory during their orientation period.
2)We attempted to establish the Yanegawara style, which is an overlapping teaching style in which the second–year residents plan the entire training schedule and simultaneously teach the first–year residents while being supported in their teaching by more senior physicians.
3)Training with the new system resulted in greater rapport among all residents as well as a greater feeling of security among first–year residents.