1.Determinants of Organizational Performance in the Christian Hospitals.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1987;20(1):67-83
This study relates to the problems of organizational performance in the Christian hospitals. In this study, quality of working life (QOWL), which harmonizes individual as well as organizational goals, was used as an indicator of organizational performance from the open systems view. In order to identify the behavioral factors influencing QOWL in hospitals, self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 1,926 employees who were randomly selected from fifteen Christian hospitals from August 1 to August 30, 1986. The following results were obtained: 1) All correlation coefficients between QOWL and behavioral variables were statistically significant even though their magnitude varied according to hospital size. 2) Using factor analysis, 32 variables were parsimoniously grouped into four factors: individual conflicts, group behavior, organizational characteristics and situation, and job characteristics. The proportion of variance explained by these factors ranged from 33.5% to 38.6% according to hospital size. 3) The overall effects of the four factors in the multiple logistic models ranged from 0.85 to 3.12 according to hospital size. Among three hospital models, the model for small hospitals showed the best statistical fit. 4) The most influential factor was organizational characteristics and situation with an odds ratio ranging from 1.99 to 3.02. Again, the odds ratio was the highest for small hospitals. 5) For large hospitals, the two main factor effects were statistically significant: organizational characteristics and situation, and job characteristics. For medium hospitals, all main factor effects except job characteristics were statistically significant. For small hospitals, all main factor effects except group behavior were statistically significant. However, a factor interaction effect was shown only for large hospitals where it was statistically significant. 6) To examine whether the four factors influence financial performance, the four factor scores from the two financial performance groups were compared using Mann-Whitney test. The test results showed that the organizational characteristics and situation factor score was significantly different only for small hospitals.
Health Facility Size
Logistic Models
Odds Ratio
Organizational Objectives
Surveys and Questionnaires
2.A Report of the 47th International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine in Budapest, Hungary.
Korean Journal of Aerospace and Environmental Medicine 1999;9(3):288-290
No abstract available.
Aerospace Medicine*
3.Measles Infections and Measles Vaccinations Rates for the Past 10 Years in Kang Wha: A Cohort Observation.
Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine 1981;14(1):43-51
The objective of the study is to measure the changes in measles infection and measles vaccination rates for the past 10 years in a rural area, Kang Wha. The study population were the entire children who were born between 1971 and 1980 in three townships (Sunwon, Naegae, Buleun) in Kangwha Country. Two interview surveys were carried out during the 10 years of period, one in 1977 and the other in 1981. The data were collected by Family Health Workers through interview with structured questionnaires. The diagnosis of measles was mainly based on histories, symptoms and sign of the disease. If a mother had reported measles history of her child, a public physician reviewed and decided the final diagnosis of the reported case. A retrospective cohort observation was done in order to see the trends of measles infections and measles vaccinations. The major findings were as follows; 1. The 5 year prevalence rate of measles vaccinations was 51.3% between 1971 and 1975 and 71.9% between 1976 and 1980 respectively. The difference between two periods was statistically significant (P<0.05). The secular trend of measles vaccinations showed increasing tendency from 1971 to 1978 and since then kept maintained. 2. In the birth cohort analysis of measles vaccinations, the vaccination rate, in general, were higher in the later cohort groups than that of earlier cohort groups. 3. The 5-year experience rates for measles infections were 24.3% between 1971 and 1975 and 17.2% between 1976 and 1980 respectively. This difference was statistically significant(p<0.05). The secular trend of experience rates for measles infections showed decreasing tendency from 1971 to 1980 except an outbreak in 1976. 4. The birth cohort analysis of experience rates for measles infections showed that the rate was higher in the later cohort groups than that of the earlier cohort groups. This decreasing tendency was prominent between 1973-1974 and 1976-1977. 5. The distribution of age specific incidence rates for measles inflections showed unimodal curve with the peak at the age of 12 to 18 months. This finding were same in both two surveys. 6. Seasonal variations of the measles inflections showed two peaks, one major peak in March through May and the another minor peak in September through December. 7. The 5-year reduction rate for measles inflections among those vaccinated was 90.4% between 1971 and 1975 and 88% and between 1976 and 1980.
Cohort Studies*
Family Health
Surveys and Questionnaires
Retrospective Studies
4.A Report of the 54th Annual Scientifice Meeting of AMDA.
Korean Journal of Aerospace and Environmental Medicine 1999;9(2):167-170
No abstract available.
6.Medication and Flying: A Pilot's guide.
Han Yong LEE ; Mi Hye LIM ; Yong Ho LEE
Korean Journal of Aerospace and Environmental Medicine 1998;8(4):369-378
No abstract available.
7.Effect of Euonymus alatus Extract on Antitumor Activity and Toxicity of Doxorubicin.
Yong MOON ; Byung Yong LEE ; Jeong Ho LEE
Korean Journal of Immunology 2000;22(4):299-309
No abstract available.
8.Clinical Usefulness of New Cervicography in Screening of Cervical Cancer.
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000;43(5):777-786
OBJECTIVE: This study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of New cervicography by comparing cervicographic finding with Papanicolaou smear and result of colposcopically directed biopsy. METHODS: This study group consisted of 189 patients who visited the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chung-Ang University Pildong Hospital from September 1998 to August 1999. All women simultaneously underwent Papanicolaou smear and New cervicography. If either method was positive, the patient was referred for colposcopically directed biopsy. RESULTS: The New cervicography was significantly more sensitive than the Papanicolaou smear(92.2% vs 60.8%, p<0.01), whereas the Papanicolaou smear was significantly more specific than the New cervicography(99.3% vs 75.0%, p<0.05). The false positive rate of New cervicography was 75%, significantly higher than 0.7% of Papanicolaou smear. There was no significant difference between the negative predictive value of cervicography and Papanicolaou smear. When New cervicography and Papanicolaou smear were used together, the sensitivity was significantly higher than Papanicolaou smear used alone(98.1% vs 60.8%, p<0.01) and false negative rate was significantly lower than Papanicolaou smear(1.9% vs 39.2%, p<0.01). However the specificity, positive predictive value of the combined test were lower than Papanicolaou smear. CONCLUSION: Cervicography is one of the Papanicolaou smear adjunctive tests and a useful method to detect cervical cancer. Our study confirms the previously suspected low sensitivity of Papanicolaou smear and demonstrate that cervicography is more sensitive than Papanicolaou smear and less specific. From the above results, when New cervicography and Papanicolaou smear were used together, the detection rate of cervical cancer will be increased more easily since the cases missed by one method may be picked up by another.
Mass Screening*
Papanicolaou Test
Sensitivity and Specificity
Uterine Cervical Neoplasms*
9.Fertility Outcome after Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy.
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999;42(3):525-531
OBJECTIVE: It is generally accepted that ectopic pregnancy (EP) may adversely affected on the female fertility. However, it is not fully understood how it influences on the future fertility after treatment of an EP, so we intended to evaluate its effects, METHODS: This study was undertaken on 473 patients with clinically and pathologically proven diagnosis of ectopic pregnancies at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Anam Hospital, Kroea University Medical College hom Jan. 1, 1989 to Aug. 31, 1996. RESULTS: The incidence of ectopic pregnancy was 1 in 19.6 deliveries (5.1%). The overall spontaneous conception rate after treatment of ectopic pregnancy was 67.4%, and among them, the rate of intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) and repeat ectopic pregnancy (rEP) was 56.3% and 11.1% respectively. The occurrance rate of infertiity after treatment of EP was 32.6%. The mean time to IUP after treatment of EP was 16.5 months, and 79.0% of all IUP were conceived within 2 years after treatment. The mean time to repeat ectopic pregnancy was 15.9 months. With increasing maternal age, IUP rate was decreased and rEP rate was increased but they were statistically not signiTicant. Repeat EP rate was also increased in multiparous women but it was also statistically not significant. Overall PR (IUP and rEP) was decreased in women who have organic lesions (adhesions, endometriosis, PID etc.) in pelvic cavity(p=0.003). Patients who were treated with conservative surgery achieved a lower conception rate without statistical significance and it may be due to low cases. CONCLUSION: Future fertility rate was not significantly altered by EP itself, but rather affected by patient's age, organic lesions and previous history of pelvic surgery. Recently, the advent of assisted reproductive technology and its associated techniques improved the female fertility in women with such a problem.
Birth Rate
Maternal Age
Pregnancy, Ectopic*
Reproductive Techniques, Assisted
10.Transvaginal Selective Fetal Reduction in Multifetal Pregnancy induced by Assisted Reproductive Technology.
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999;42(3):517-524
OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of multifetal pregnancies has increased up to 30% as a result of the introduction of ovulation inducing agents for assisted reproductive teclmology(ART). An exttemely poor pognosis could be expected for viable pregnancies in multifetal gestation. So, to decrease the consequence of multiple pregnancies and prevent complications, especially premature baby irreversibly damaged, selective fetal reduction to the smaller number of fetuses should be considered in an early gestational period. METHODS: From May 1994 to Apr 1998, transvaginal selective fetal reduction in 13 pati including 9 triplet, 3 quadruplet and 1 quintuplet. Of the 13 patients, 4 were obtained by controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with intrauterine insemination (COH with IUI), 6 were by IVF-ET, 2 wae by controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with natural contact and 1 was by natural conception. Selective fetal reduction using intracardiac KC1 injection and aspiration of amniotic fluid carried out in 8-11 weeks of gestation. RESULTS: After procedures, 8 patients were remained as twin pregnancies, 5 patients as singleton pregnancies and 1 of the remaining twin embryos vanished after procedure. There have been 7 sets of twin delivery including 1 stillbirth and 3 singleton delivery. 1 cases are ongoing state. All of the singleton delivery were completed after 37 weeks of gestation. Of the twin delivery, 2 cases were delivered after 37 weeks of gestation, 2 cases in 35-37 weeks, and 3 cases before 35 weeks of gestation. Unfortunately, 1 stillbirth occurred in 20 weeks of gestation and 2 cases of singleton were aborted. As 3 losses(2 singleton, 1 twin) occurred, the delayed fetal loss rate in this selective fetal reduction was 25.0%(3/12). There was no fetal anomaly related to the procedure. CONCLUSION: Selective fetal reduction in multifetal pregnancies is a rather safe procedure and it may improve the outcome of multiple pregnancies.
Amniotic Fluid
Embryonic Structures
Pregnancy Reduction, Multifetal*
Pregnancy, Multiple
Pregnancy, Twin
Reproductive Techniques, Assisted*