1.Acceptability and adaptability of children with yogurt
Journal of Practical Medicine 2001;397(5):21-23
The study was conducted to evaluate the acceptability and the adaptability with a new food (yogurt) of young healthy children in community setting. Seventy-nine healthy children who were 6-24 months of old at baseline from a rural commune were selected to involve in this study. The children received 150 ml yogurt each day, six day a week for 13 weeks. The amount of yogurt consumed by children was recorded daily by health workers. In the first week, the 6 to 12, 13 to 18 and 19 to 24-month-old children consumed 68%, 65% and 84% serving portion, respectively. Age was the only factor that affected on the acceptability of the children (p<0.01). The young children adapted well with yogurt within 1-3 weeks. The older children adapted faster than the younger ones. The results showed that the acceptability and adaptability of the young children with new foods was high, although was slower in the younger children.
2.Serum Lipid Levels in Relation to Consumption of Yogurt: The 2012 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
Bong Kyung SEO ; Nam Eun KIM ; Kyong Min PARK ; Kye Yeung PARK ; Hoon Ki PARK ; Hwan Sik HWANG
Korean Journal of Family Medicine 2017;38(5):249-255
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate serum lipid levels in Korean adults after consumption of different types of yogurt. METHODS: Study subjects were 3,038 individuals (≥19 years of age) who participated in the 2012 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Yogurt intake was assessed with a food frequency questionnaire by using the 24-hour recall method. We conducted complex samples general linear analysis with adjustment for covariates. RESULTS: The serum triglyceride levels in the group consuming viscous yogurt were lower than those in the group consuming non-viscous yogurt. CONCLUSION: Consumption of viscous yogurt is associated with low serum triglyceride levels in Korean adults.
Nutrition Surveys*
3.Evaluation of a Nutrition Education Program Designed to Reduce Sugar Intake in Preschool Children.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2016;22(3):179-192
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a nutrition education program designed to reduce sugar intake in preschool children. The nutritional knowledge, dietary attitude, dietary behavior, and food intake with a sweet taste in preschool children were tested before and after 4 weeks of nutrition education from March 8 to April 1, 2016. The preschool children were recruited in Dobong-gu, Seoul. The subjects were divided into two groups; educated (N=59) and non-educated group (N=40). Statistical analyseis were performed using SPSS 22. The nutritional knowledge about sweet tasting food was significantly increased (P<0.01) in the educated group and significantly decreased (P<0.01) in the non-educated group. The dietary attitude toward sweet tasting food was significantly decreased (P<0.05) in the educated group but not significantly changed in the non-educated group. The dietary behavior toward sweet tasting food was significantly decreased (P<0.05) in the educated group and significantly decreased (P<0.01) in the non-educated group. The major food sources of sugar intake were not significantly changed in either groups. The major food sources of sugar intake in the 5 years old children were yogurt products>sweetened breads>cookies/biscuits>chocolate>cereals>beverages>sweetened milk>sweet spicy chicken>Tteokbokki. Although there are some limitations in this study, due to the short length of the nutrition education and lack of active participation by the parents, the results suggest that effective nutrition education on sweet tasting food can bring about changes in nutritional knowledge as well as dietary attitude.
Child, Preschool*
4.Milk Consumption and Perception of School Milk Program among Elementary, Middle, and High School Students in Korea.
Young Eun LEE ; Dong Hee HWANG ; Min Sun JEON
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2016;22(3):163-178
This study was designed to examine the level of milk consumption and perception of the school milk programs among elementary, middle and high school students, which provides the information to improve the school milk program. Using a self-administered questionnaire survey, the data collected from 1,725 students nationwide were analyzed. The results showed that whole milk was the type of milk most frequently drunk by the students, although flavored milk and yogurt products were also highly preferred. When asked whether they wanted the school milk program or not, approximately 30% of the students in the schools presently participating in the school milk program and 50% of the students in the schools not participating the school milk program answered "yes". However, all of the respondents preferred to have a choice for the school milk program. The elementary school students showed a higher level of satisfaction with the school milk program than the middle and high school students. Especially, the level of satisfaction with the taste and flavor of the milk was the lowest among the various satisfaction items. However, the students were reported to believe that milk is highly nutritious and good for their health in the present study. Our results suggest that providing a choice of dairy products would improve the students' satisfaction with the school milk program, and that continuous education about the benefits of drinking milk would also encourage them to participate in the school milk program.
Dairy Products
Surveys and Questionnaires
5.The Comparisons of Elementary School Children's Food Purchasing and Consumer Competency for a Healthier Diet by Their Attitude toward the Meal Management.
The Korean Journal of Nutrition 2008;41(4):353-364
In this study elementary school children's food purchasing and consumer competency for a healthier diet were compared by their attitude toward the meal management. The subjects were 779 sixth grade elementary school children (417 boys and 362 girls) in Busan. They were classified into three groups: 'High' was composed of 226 subjects who had more than the mean +1/2 SD of attitude toward the meal management; 'Medium' was composed of 343 subjects who had the mean +/-1/2 SD; and 'Low' was composed of 210 subjects who had the less than the mean -1/2 SD. The results were as follows. The high group had less pocket money than the low group, and thought that their allowances were adequate to their needs. They also had a habit of entering amounts into an account book. The children in the low group purchased mostly snacks without making or practicing a budget. The high group purchased yogurt, fruit, or bread as snacks more frequently than the low group. More children checked the nutrient facts on the package in high group than in the low group. There were no significant differences in the consumer's knowledge of a healthy diet among the groups; but there were significant differences in the consumer's skill, and the consumer's attitude toward a healthy diet among the groups. The high group had higher skills and more positive attitudes than the low group. This research suggests that education can elevate interest and can help develop more positive attitudes toward healthy diets among children. The education can help them to develop planned food purchasing habits, and improve their consumer competency for a healthy diet.
6.Effect of Yogurt Enriched Water-soluble Fiber on Functional Constipation.
Jung Wook HUH ; Yoon Ah PARK ; Seung Kook SOHN ; Song Mi LEE ; Eun Joo JUNG ; Kang Young LEE ; Sun Jung KIM ; Woel Kyu HA
Journal of the Korean Society of Coloproctology 2007;23(5):312-320
PURPOSE: Although a diet that is rich in fiber is widely recommended to prevent and treat constipation, the efficacy of fiber supplements with yogurt has not been studied sufficiently. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a yogurt enriched water-soluble fiber on the various symptoms of constipation in female adults with functional constipation. RESULTS: We did a double-blind and case-controlled study between two groups (placebo vs. fiber group), which were randomly allocated out of 42 subjects with functional constipation by using Rome II criteria. Bowel habits, daily nutritional intakes and physical activities were determined by using a questionnaire, and the segmental colonic transit time was evaluated three times: before treatment, after 4 weeks of treatment, and at the end of the study (2 weeks after treatment). RESULTS: After 4 weeks of treatment, all defecation symptoms tested, except manual evacuation, showed significant improvements in the fiber group; fiber-enriched yogurt increased the number of bowel movements (P=0.002), reduced the presence of hard stools (P=0.001), improved the frequency of straining (P=0.048), the sense of incomplete evacuation (P= 0.013), and the sense of anorectal obstruction (P= 0.032). The total colonic transit time was shortened after intake of fiber-enriched yogurt (P=0.023). Satisfactory relief was significantly higher in the fiber group (P= 0.011). CONCLUSIONS: Functional constipation may be improved with water-soluble fiber supplements in yogurt without serious side effects.
Case-Control Studies
Motor Activity
Surveys and Questionnaires
7.Preference and Consumption Pattern of Middle and High School Students on Milk and Milk Products, in Geochang Area.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2005;11(4):449-461
This study was performed to investigate the preference and consumption pattern on milk and milk products of middle and high school students. The subjects were 1,195 students(590 middle school and 605 high school students) living in Geochang area. The survey was conducted by using a self-administered questionnaire in November, 2004. The results were as follows. Sixty-three point four percent of the subjects liked milk, and the main reason was 'accelerate growth and development'(55.4%). Preferred tastes of milk were 'savory taste'(35.4%) and 'sweet taste' (29.9%). Banana milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, ice cream, yoplait and yogurt were highly preferred. General preference for different kinds of milk was significantly higher in high school students and male students than in middle school students and female ones. With regard to preference for dairy products, cream (p<0.01) and butter(p<0.05) was preferred more by male students than by female ones, ice cream(p<0.05), yoplait (p<0.05) more by female students than male ones. The score of milk intake frequency was 3.84(3~4 times a week) out of 5 points(7 times a week) for white milk, and that of chocolate milk was 1.98, banana milk 1.96, strawberry milk 1.72, coffee milk 1.65, showing that these products were drank less then once a week. In addition, the white milk intake frequency was significantly higher in middle school students and male students than in high school students and female students(p<0.001). Preference for milk showed a positive correlation with preference for dairy products (r=0.543, P<0.001) and frequency of milk intake(r=0.429, P<0.001). This suggests that those who prefer milk high tend to prefer dairy products and to show high milk intake frequency. In addition, milk intake frequency was in a high positive correlation with dairy product intake frequency(r=0.648, P<0.001).
Dairy Products
Ice Cream
Surveys and Questionnaires
8.The Changes of Dish Consumption Frequencies, Dietary Attitudes and Health-Nutrition Risk for Single Living Female Elderly on Food-Aid Program.
Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association 2005;11(3):286-298
This study aimed to estimate the effect of the home based food supplying program in single living female elderly on the basis of depression, Health and Nutrition Risk Index, dietary attitude and dish consumption frequencies. The Food Supplying Program was carried out for 8 months for 27 single living female elderly from lower income status in Bucheon city. Main supplied foods were consisted with soymilk, vegetables, fruits and fish. The effect of the food supplying program were analyzed for 22 elderly who completed the program (group supplied with food : GSF) compared to the group not supplied with food (GNSF). The results of this study were as follows: Degree of depression estimated with depression score and Health-Nutrition Risk Index were decreased and the scores of dietary attitude and behaviors were increased for GSF after 8 months. However these improvements were not shown in the GNSF. GSF showed significantly increased consumption frequencies in soybean milk, tangerine, stir fried anchovy and yogurt, where as GNSF was observed with the decreasing trend in most of the dishes. In conclusion, home based food supplying program for single living female elderly not only increased the consumption frequencies of some dishes but also improved depression rate, Health and Nutrition Risk Index and dietary behavior concomitantly.
9.The Effects of Bolus Volume and Texture on Pharyngeal Pressure Events Using High-resolution Manometry and Its Comparison with Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study.
Ju Seok RYU ; Donghwi PARK ; Yoongul OH ; Seok Tae LEE ; Jin Young KANG
Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2016;22(2):231-239
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The purpose of this study was to develop new parameters of high-resolution manometry (HRM) and to applicate these to quantify the effect of bolus volume and texture on pharyngeal swallowing. METHODS: Ten healthy subjects prospectively swallowed dry, thin fluid 2 mL, thin fluid 5 mL, thin fluid 10 mL, and drinking twice to compare effects of bolus volume. To compare effect of texture, subjects swallowed thin fluid 5 mL, yogurt 5 mL, and bread twice. A 32-sensor HRM catheter and BioVIEW ANALYSIS software were used for data collection and analysis. HRM data were synchronized with kinematic analysis of videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) using epiglottis tilting. RESULTS: Linear correlation analysis for volume showed significant correlation for area of velopharynx, duration of velopharynx, pre-upper esophageal sphincter (UES) maximal pressure, minimal UES pressure, UES activity time, and nadir UES duration. In the correlation with texture, all parameters were not significantly different. The contraction of the velopharynx was faster than laryngeal elevation. The durations of UES relaxation was shorter in the kinematic analysis than HRM. CONCLUSIONS: The bolus volume was shown to have significant effect on pharyngeal pressure and timing, but the texture did not show any effect on pharyngeal swallowing. The parameters of HRM were more sensitive than those of kinematic analysis. As the parameters of HRM are based on precise anatomic structure and the kinematic analysis reflects the actions of multiple anatomic structures, HRM and VFSS should be used according to their purposes.
Data Collection
Deglutition Disorders
Prospective Studies
10.A Study on the Parents' Perceptions of Children's Favorite Foods.
Ji Hye JUNG ; Kyung Hee SONG ; Ji Young YOON
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition 2009;14(1):67-76
The purpose of this study was to investigate the parents' perceptions of children's favorite foods. Mothers of elementary school students in Seoul were asked in a survey about their perceptions of children's favorite foods and their opinions of the related policy. Respondents pointed out the problems of children's favorite foods including insufficient sanitation, concerns with food additives, untrustworthy manufacturer, unsafe food distribution system and overuse of MSG. Overall hazardous perceptions of children's favorite foods were 2.71 out of 4.00. Most respondents believed that the children's favorite foods contained some harmful ingredients or over nutrients, and 69.2% of those respondents knew exactly which ingredients may cause children's health problems. The hazardous perception of chocolate, yogurt, sport drink and fruit drink were low compared to others, whereas hazardous perceptions and accuracy were high in candies, icebars, hamburgers and pizza, In terms of comprehensive countermeasures against unsafe children's foods, the respondents perceived that the establishment of standard amounts of nutrient value and food additives was the most important issue.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Food Additives
Sodium Glutamate