1.Real-Time Audio-Visual Sexual Stimulation with Eyeglasses-Type Monitor Improves Quality of Drug-Induced Erection during Penile Duplex Doppler Ultrasonography.
Kwangsung PARK ; Giljoo NAH ; Dongdeuk KWON ; Soobang RYU ; Yngil PARK
Korean Journal of Andrology 1998;16(2):147-152
PURPOSE: Intracavernosal injection subsequent vibrotactile or audiovisual sexual stimulation (AVSS) have frequently been utilized to produce al maximal erectile response during penile Doppler ultrasonography. However, several studies have shown that erectile quality often decreases following the placement of the sonographic probe. We examined whether real-time AVSS with an eyeglasses-type monitor enhances quality during penile duplex color Doppler ultrasonography. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 32 impotent patients underwent penile duplex color Doppler ultrasonography of the cavernosal arteries after intracavernosal injection of 10 to 20 microgram of prostaglandin E1 and subsequent manual stimulation. Real-time AVSS sas used when the patient failed to achieve a rigid erection or showed abnomal arterial blood flow. The clinical erectile response was assessed by visual inspection and palpation and graded from I to V. Peak blood flow velocities and resistance index of the both cavernosal arteries were monitored continuously. After AVSS, the sexual drive was assessed as grade I (poor), II (moderate), or III (good). RESULTS: After intracavernosal injection and genital stimulation, 3 patients (9%) had a Grade II erection, 2 (6%) a Grade III, 16 (50%) a Grade IV, and 11 (34%) a Grade V. During duplex ultrasonography, 4 patients (13%) had a Grade II erection, 7 (22%) a Grade III, 16 (50%) a Grade IV, and 5 (16%) an arade V. During real-time AVSS, 22 patients (69%) showed better drectile quality. Initial Doppler ultrasonographic scanning showed arteriogenic impotence in 9 patients (28%), veno-occlusive disease in 5 (16%), and mixed arteriogenic and venogenic impotence in 18 (25%), veno-occlusive in 9 (28%), and mixed type in 2 (6%). Therefore, the initial diagnosis turned to be different after AVSS in 26 patients (81%). The sexual drive was rated grade I in 9 (28%), grade II in 11(34%), and grade III in 12 (38%). CONCLUSION: Real-time AVSS with an eyeglasses-type monitor remarkably enhances the quality of pharmacologically induced erections. Such stimulation may be useful during penile color Doppler ultrasonography to help in making the ccorrect diagnosis of the cause of erectile dysfunction.
Blood Flow Velocity
Erectile Dysfunction
Impotence, Vasculogenic
Ultrasonography, Doppler
Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color
Ultrasonography, Doppler, Duplex*