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Author:(Yiluan HU)

1.The preference for Front-of-Pack Labeling and its association with the understanding of Nutrition Facts Panel among residents aged 18 to 70: results of a survey in 6 provinces of China

Yiluan HU ; Ruijie YAN ; Yan JIANG ; Jingwen ZHANG ; Lihong YE ; Lin XIANG ; Jia CUI ; Yuxiang TANG ; Chao GAO ; Li XIAO ; Yuexin YANG ; Juan ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine 2022;56(7):952-959

2.The preference for Front-of-Pack Labeling and its association with the understanding of Nutrition Facts Panel among residents aged 18 to 70: results of a survey in 6 provinces of China

Yiluan HU ; Ruijie YAN ; Yan JIANG ; Jingwen ZHANG ; Lihong YE ; Lin XIANG ; Jia CUI ; Yuxiang TANG ; Chao GAO ; Li XIAO ; Yuexin YANG ; Juan ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine 2022;56(7):952-959

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