1.Pathology of Tuberculous Entercolitis: Analysis of 10 cases in special reference to macroscopic features.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1986;20(1):42-48
A total of 10 cases of surgically resected intestinal tuberculosis specimens was subjuected for analysis of its macroscopic characteristics. Intestinal tuberculosis was broadley classified into the ulcerative type (4 cases), ulcero-hypertrophic type (3 cases) and mixed type (3 cases) on the basis of its gross features. The ulcerative type was characterized by multiple, segmental lesions of napkin-ring stricture with variable length of uninvolved mucosa, secondary to the circumferential or annular ulceration. Various forms of relatively superficial ulcers were also scattered. Their ulcer beds were rather granular, being covered with a necrotic detritus although the ulcer margins were relatively well defined with areas of some nodularity. The ulcero-hypertrophic type affected the ileocecal region and ascending colon in a tubular form by segmental thickening of the wall. The diseased segment of mucosa appeared cobble-stone, represented by coalescence of irregular ulcers and hemorrhage. There were scattered small ulcers in the separate portions of terminal ileum. The macroscopic distinctions between the intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's or ischemic enterocolitis were presented in detail.
2.Self-care and Influencing Factors in Patients with Hypertension.
Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing 1997;9(3):438-452
In chronic illness patients, promotion and self-care are important strategies for maintaining and improving health. Self-care behavior of hypertensive patient are affected by various variables. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between three cognitive-perceptual resources-self efficacy, hardiness and perceived barriers and self-care in hypertensive patients. The subjects for the study were 102 patients who admitted to K medical center or visited to out-patient ward. The instruments used for this study included a survey of general characteristic. self-care, self efficacy, health related hardiness and perceived barriers. Analysis of data was done by use of mean, t-test, ANOVA, Person correlation coefficient and multiple regression The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1)The average score for the self-care was 56.18, for the hardiness was 120.90, for the self efficacy was 59.46 and for the perceived barriers was 34.60. 2)The relationships between the variables of self-care and cognitive-perceptual resource-self efficacy, hardiness, perceived barriers were significant. Self-care was significantly related to hardiness(r=.47, p<.001), suggesting that the person with high hardiness got higher self care scores. Self-care was significantly related to perceived barriers(r=-.41, p<.001), suggesting that the person with high perceived barriers got higher self care scores. A slight but significant correlation was also found between self-care and self efficacy(r=.26, p<.01). 3)In the relationships between general characteristics variables and self-care there were significant differences in gender(t=2.46, p<.05), job(t=3.72, p<.05), duration of illness(t=4.92, p<.05). 4)Stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed to examine the relationship between self-care and independent variables(self-efficacy, hardiness, perceived barriers) and selected general characteristics variables-job, duration of illness. These variables accounted for 36% of the variance in self-care score(F=13.34, p<.000). The hardiness was the most predictive factor(R2=19%) followed by job and perceived barriers. The finding of this study have implications for education of hypertensive patients and health care providers. For chronically ill patients adhere to self-care, we should focus on determining their personal resources such as hardiness and perceived barriers.
Chronic Disease
Health Personnel
Self Care*
Self Efficacy
3.Comparison of Pathologic Findings of Cortical Lobectomy for Intractable Seizures between Children and Adults: An Analysis of 164 Cases.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1999;33(12):1175-1181
Many pathological surveys of brain tissue in patients with intractable epilepsy have been reported. There have been, however, few studies focused on the differences between childhood and adults in pathological alterations of brain. We retrospectively analyzed histopathology of 164 lobectomy specimens for intractable epilepsy in view of the differences between children and adults. Among 164 cases, 28 cases were children (less than 15 years) and 136 cases adults. We compared frequency of histopathologic features, distribution of involved cortex (temporal or extratemporal lobe), previous injury histories, such as brain trauma, encephalitis or febrile seizure, and coexistence of other lesions (dual pathology) between two groups. Pathologic alterations were encountered in 92% of 164 patients. In children focal cortical dysplasia (n=16, 57.1%), neoplasm (n=8, 28.6%), hippocampal sclerosis (n=6, 21.4%), cortical tuber (n=1, 3.6%), leukomalacia (n=1, 3.6%), and Rasmussen's encephalitis (n=1, 3.6%) were observed, whereas focal cortical dysplasia (n=81, 59.6%), hippocampal sclerosis (n=80, 58.8%), neoplasm (n=19, 14%), and cerebral cysticercosis (n=3, 2.2%) were found in adults. Pediatric patients had a higher proportion of severe focal cortical dysplasia (17.9% in children, 0.7% in adults). Neoplasia and extratemporal lobe involvement were more commonly found in children (28.6%, 50%) than in adults (14.0%, 24.3%), whereas hippocampal sclerosis and dual pathology were more common in adults (58.8%, 44.9%) than in children (21.4%, 17.9%). Previous injury history was statistically significant in patients with hippocampal sclerosis, and lent support to the hypothesis that hippocampal sclerosis is related with acquired lesions. Incidence of focal cortical dysplasia was nearly similar in both adult (59.6%) and pediatric groups (57.1%), and supported the hypothesis that focal cortical dysplasia is developmental abnormality occurring during a prenatal period.
Brain Injuries
Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe
Malformations of Cortical Development
Retrospective Studies
Seizures, Febrile
4.Morphologic Characterization of Polycystic Kidney in inv Transgenic Mouse.
Yeon Lim SUH ; Mi Kyung KIM ; Joungho HAN
Korean Journal of Pathology 1998;32(7):479-487
The aim of this study was to characterize the morphology of a polycystic kidney which was found in 100% of the transgenic mice homozygous for inv mutation and to gain insight into the pathogenesis of inherited polycystic kidney disease during the pre- and postnatal periods. The fetal and postnatal kidneys from the homozygous and heterozygous transgenic mice were examined by the light, transmission and scanning electron microscopes, image analyzer, and an immunohistochemistry utilizing the antibodies specific for each segment of the renal tubules (Tetragonolobus purpureas, Arachis hypogaea, Tamm-Horsfall protein, AE1/AE3, EMA, vimentin, Phaseolus vulgaris) was performed to determine the site of origin of renal cysts. Two developmental phases of a cystic disease were identified. The first phase, seen in fetal kidneys, was characterized by dilatation mainly of the proximal tubules and a few distal tubules. The later phase, in postnatal period, was characterized by progressive enlargement of the kidneys due to mainly cystic change of the collecting ducts, which distorted the normal architecture of both cortex and medulla and almost completely replaced the renal parenchyma. The cystic dilatation involved all segments of the nephron and the collecting duct as well as the Bowman's spaces of glomeruli. The epithelial cell hyperplasia was found as a micropolyp formation within the renal cysts and an increase in PCNA positive cells. These findings suggest that a cyst is not simply a ballooning of a renal tubule and the stretching of cells, formerly thought to be due to an altered compliance of an abnormal basement membrane, but indeed the result of increased numbers of tubular epithelial cells.
Basement Membrane
Epithelial Cells
Mice, Transgenic*
Microscopy, Electron
Polycystic Kidney Diseases*
Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen
5.Malignant Lymphoma of Thyroid Associated with Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis and Occult Sclerosing Carcinoma: A case report.
Yeon Lim SUH ; Seong Hoe PARK ; Yong Il KIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1985;19(1):107-111
Although the reported number of malignant lymphoma of the thyroid has been increased, primary malignant lymphoma of the thyroid associated with chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis has been sporadically reported since its first description by Graham in 1931. The apparent coexistence of these two conditions has undoubtedly been noted by other observers. And they suggested that malignant lymphoma of the thyroid might arise from the lymphoid tissue ina wide variety of preexisting thyroidal disease. This report was made to record a case of primary thyroid lymphoma recently seen in this department with special emphasis on the associated thyroiditic changes in the uninvolved portion of the gland, which suggest the antecedent presence of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis.
6.Congenital Laryngeal Atresia: An autopsy case.
Yeon Lim SUH ; Sang Yoon KIM ; Je G CHI
Korean Journal of Pathology 1986;20(2):209-214
Atresia of larynx is a rare fatal anomaly that should bring an immediate medical attention for proper managenent. We reported a case who died in neonatal period because of respiratory difficulty. His first problem was difficulty of inserting tracheal tube through the larynx. It was of interest in this case that he was presented with generalized edema and also massive lung edema. The lung was characterized by total absence of squamous and amniotic debris in the alveolar spaces and massive inflation of the alveoli by clear fluid that was thought to be amniotic fouid produced by the lung per se. Because there was no connection between oral cavity and the lungs, there would be no way the amniotic fluid outside the fetus. The laryngeal atresia was of infraglottic type and was complete with dispalced cricoid cartilage. Associated anomalies were left persistent supperior vena cava, perimembranous ventricular septal defect, spina bifida and focal cerebellar heterotopia.
Infant, Newborn
7.Microvillous Inclusion Disease: An analysis of 4 cases.
Daesu KIM ; Nam Seon BECK ; Yeon Lim SUH
Korean Journal of Pathology 2000;34(3):208-213
Microvillous inclusion disease (MID) or congenital microvillous atrophy is a rare cause of intractable, persistent secretory diarrhea shortly after birth or at birth. The prognosis of MID is very poor and most of the reported patients have died within 6.5 years. Diagnosis is based on the ultrastructural demonstration of intracytoplasmic inclusion of microvilli. There have been several cases reported in the literature. To evaluate the clinicopathologic features of MID, we have reviewed 4 cases of MID which was confirmed by the ultrastructural study of the duodenal biopsy. All patients suffered from life-threatening diarrhea since birth. Many other radiologic or laboratory findings were of no value in the evaluation of causative agents. One of the patients died of the disease and remaining patients have been alive on intravenous fluids or total parenteral nutrition. Histological findings of all cases were similar and characterized by varying degrees of mucosal atrophy and chronic inflammatory cell infiltration in the duodenal mucosa. PAS stain revealed a discontinuous brush border over the atrophic villous surface with or without small vacuoles in the cytoplasm of the surface epithelium. Ultrastructural changes were found mainly in the surface epithelium of the duodenal mucosa and characterized by the presence of membrane bound inclusions lined by intact or degenerating microvilli, as well as degeneration of surface epithelial cells with loss of microvilli, or with sparse, short microvilli.
Cytomegalovirus Infections*
Epithelial Cells
Mucous Membrane
Parenteral Nutrition, Total
8.Myofibroblastoma of the Male Breast: Report of a case.
Ji Eun KIM ; Yeon Lim SUH ; Howe Jung REE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1996;30(7):623-629
A case of myofibroblastoma of the breast in a 55-year-old man is described. Myofibroblastoma is a relatively recently recognized benign stromal tumor, and predominantly occurs in middle aged men. The pateint presented with a nontender firm mass in his right breast. Fine needle aspiration biopsy revealed bland looking stromal cell clusters without epithelial cells. Simple excision was done and the patient discharged uneventfully. The mass was well demarcated, lobulated and sligtly myxoid. Microscopically bipolar elongated spindle cell fascicles with interspersing broad collagen bands are so characteristic. Ultrastructurally the tumor cell show features of fibroblast as well as smooth muscle cell.
9.Spinal Fluid Cytology of Retinoblastoma.
Je G CHI ; Chul Woo KIM ; Yeon Lim SUH
Korean Journal of Pathology 1988;22(2):123-130
Of all the primary central nervous system tumors, the medulloblastoma, glioblastoma multiforme, ependymoma and pineal germinoma tend to exfoliate in the cerebrospinal space. With all other types of the tumor, abnormal cells may seldom be definitely identified in the cerebrospinal fluid. Up to now the tumor cells have been rarely found in CSF cases of retinoblastoma. We have experienced a case of advanced retinoblastoma that showed exfoliated cells in spinal fluid.