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Author:(Yayoi Takamoto)

1.A Case of Septic Pulmonary Embolization due to Pacemaker Infection in Which Long-Term Perioperative Ventilation Was Required

Takashi Yoshinaga ; Ryuji Kunitomo ; Shuji Moriyama ; Kentaro Takaji ; Yayoi Takamoto ; Hidetaka Murata ; Michio Kawasuji

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(4):262-265

2.A Case of Infective Endocarditis in Which Surgical Removal of Both Eyes Was Inevitable because of Bacterial Endopthalmitis

Yayoi Takamoto ; Ryuji Kunitomo ; Toshiharu Sassa ; Hisashi Sakaguchi ; Syoichiro Hagiwara ; Shuji Moriyama ; Kentaro Takaji ; Michio Kawasuji

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2007;36(6):348-351

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