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Author:(Yasutomo Oda)

1.The Assessment of Undergraduate Curriculum of Communication Skills Evaluated by Performance Measurement Using Actual Outpatient Satisfaction

Yasutomo Oda ; Hirotaka Onishi ; Seiji Yamashiro ; Shunzo Koizumi

General Medicine 2003;4(1):1-6

2.The Role of COOP/WONCA Charts in Predicting Psychological Distress in Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms and Doctor-shopping Behavior

Masahiko Yamada ; Kenji Ishii ; Yasutomo Oda ; Sei Emura ; Shunzo Koizumi

General Medicine 2006;7(1):9-14

3.Objective Structured Clinical Examination for Essential Neurological Examination. Validation and Association Between the Score and the Learning Behaviors.

Hirotaka ONISHI ; Yasutomo ODA ; Sei EMURA ; Seiji YAMASHIRO ; Shunzo KOIZUMI

Medical Education 2000;31(4):265-270

4.Humanistic Quality Ratings for Medical Students: an Association with Actual Patient Satisfaction in a Outpatient Clinic

Seiji Yamashiro ; Yasutomo Oda ; Hirotaka Onishi ; Takeru Shimada ; Sei Emura ; Toshinobu Takashima ; Shunji Imanaka ; Shunzo Koizumi

General Medicine 2000;1(1):17-21

5.Evaluating an Undergraduate Curriculum for Communication Skills by Assessing Outpatient Satisfaction

Yasutomo ODA ; Hirotaka ONISHI ; Sei EMURA ; Masahiko YAMADA ; Seiji YAMASHIRO ; Shunzo KOIZUMI

Medical Education 2004;35(2):89-94

6.Mixed-Method Outcome Evaluation of a Community-Based Education Program for Medical Students

Makoto Kikukawa ; Yasutomo Oda ; Kenji Ishii ; Maiko Ono ; Hiromi Nabeta ; Motofumi Yoshida ; Sei Emura ; Shunzo Koizumi ; Takanobu Sakemi

General Medicine 2014;15(1):21-28

7.Issues to conduct randomized controlled trials in medical education area

Hirotaka ONISHI ; Atsushi WATANABE ; Hirono ISHIKAWA ; Yasutomo ODA ; Sugimoto SUGIMOTO ; Rika MORIYA ; Motofumi YOSHIDA ; Takeshi MORIMOTO ; Akinobu YOSHIMURA ; Ryoko ASO ; Toshiro SHIMURA

Medical Education 2010;41(1):65-71

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