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Author:(Yanhui DI)

1.Methylation status of TES gene promoter region in 25 patients with leukemia

Yu BAI ; Yanhui DI ; Xinhua WANG

International Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2017;38(19):2723-2725

2.Association between growth patterns and blood pressure in children and adolescents with different nutritional status:cross sectional data

CHEN Manman, CHEN Li, MA Ying, GAO Di, LI Yanhui, MA Tao, DONG Yanhui, MA Jun

Chinese Journal of School Health 2021;42(7):1068-1072

3.Cumulative influence of preadolescent lifestyles on the prevalence of elevated blood pressure among children

LI Yanhui, GAO Di, CHEN Manman, MA Ying,CHEN Li,DONG Yanhui,SONG Yi,MA Jun

Chinese Journal of School Health 2021;42(4):489-492

4.Combined effect of height growth and overweight/obesity on blood pressure in children

GAO Di, LI Yanhui, DONG Yanhui, WANG Xijie,YANG Zhaogeng,SONG Yi, MA Jun

Chinese Journal of School Health 2021;42(4):515-518

5.Association between lifestyle and fat mass index in different positions of children and adolescents

MA Qi, CHEN Manman, MA Ying, GAO Di, LI Yanhui, DONG Yanhui, MA Jun, XING Yi

Chinese Journal of School Health 2024;45(7):1021-1025

6.Association between nutritional status and puberty onset in boys

LI Yanhui, DONG Bin, QIU Aiming, CHEN Xuelin, DONG Yanhui, WANG Xijie, YANG Zhaogeng, GAO Di, ZOU Zhiyong, MA Jun

Chinese Journal of School Health 2020;41(6):807-810

7.Effects of fruits and vegetables intake and physical activities on the relationship between one-child and low height level classification

HUO Jiakang, DONG Yanhui, MA Ying, YANG Zhaogeng, WANG Xijie, LI Yanhui, GAO Di, CHEN Manman, MA Jun

Chinese Journal of School Health 2020;41(12):1820-1823

8. The epidemiological characteristics and related factors of dyslipidemia among children and adolescents aged 6-17 years from 7 provinces in China, 2012

Zhenghe WANG ; Zhiyong ZOU ; Yide YANG ; Shuo WANG ; Yanhui DONG ; Zhaogeng YANG ; Zhongping YANG ; Xijie WANG ; Yanhui LI ; Di GAO ; Jun MA

Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine 2018;52(8):798-801

9.Characteristics of percentile value changes in body composition of children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 in Beijing

CHEN Manman, MA Ying,SU Binbin,LI Yanhui,GAO Di,CHEN Li,MA Tao,DONG Yanhui, MA Jun

Chinese Journal of School Health 2021;42(11):1703-1707

10.Association between sleep duration and social anxiety in children and adolecsents

MA Ying, MA Tao, CHEN Manman, CHEN Li, LI Yanhui, GAO Di, LIU Jieyu, DONG Yanhui, MA Jun

Chinese Journal of School Health 2022;43(4):540-544

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