1.Investigation into the clinical suitability of Institute of Medicine 2009 guidelines regarding weight gain during pregnancy for women with full term singleton fetus in China
Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2012;47(9):646-650
ObjectiveTo study whether the current Institute of Medicine (IOM) pregnancy weight gain recommendationsvarybypre-pregnancybodymassindex(BMI)wassuitabletoChinese people.MethodsA study was conducted on 4736 term singleton live birth gravidas,who were diagnosed normal glucose metabolism and delivered in Peking University First Hospital in 2005 and 2009,by reviewing the medical records.Based on the pre-pregnant BMI,the selected cases were divided into 3 groups:low body mass group ( BMI < 18.5 kg/m2,n =465 ),normal body mass group ( BMI 18.5 - 24.9 kg/m2,n =3549),over body mass group ( BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2,n =722).All the cases were divided into 3 subgroups based on pregnancy weight gain as below,within,and above the IOM recommendations in each pre-pregnant BMI group.Totally 4736 newborns were divided by birth weight into 3 groups:normal birth weight group ( weight 2500 - 4000 g,n =4339 ),macrosomia group ( weight ≥ 4000 g,n =359 ) and low birth weight group (weight < 2500 g,n =38).The difference of age,gestational age,pre-pregnant weight,pre-pregnant BMI and history of delivery of cases between 2005 and 2009 were analyzed.The difference of pregnancy outcome of women whose gestational weight gain was below,within,and above the IOM recommendations was analyzed.Results (1) Compared to mothers with pregnancy weight gain within IOM recommendations in low body mass group,risk of low birth weight in offspring was elevated tendency with pregnancy weight gain below IOM recommendations ( OR =3.71,95% CI:0.97 - 14.12,P =0.055 ).(2) In normal body mass group, compared to women with pregnancy weight gain within IOM recommendations, risk of macrosomia in offspring was elevated with pregnancy weight gain above IOM recommendations ( OR =2.14,95% CI:1.62 - 2.83,P < 0.01 ).( 3 ) In over body mass group,compared to women with pregnancy weight gain within IOM recommendations,risk of macrosomia in offspring was elevated ( OR =3.25,95% CI:1.65 -6.39,P =0.001 ) and risk of hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy was high ( OR =1.79,95% CI:1.04 -3.09,P =0.037 ) in women with pregnancy weight gain above IOM recommendations.ConclusionThe current IOM pregnancy weight gain recommendations vary by pre-pregnancy BMI may be suitable to Chinese people.
2.Ultrasound soft markers and fetal cardiac structural assessment at 11-14 weeks
Yandong YANG ; Yongliang ZHANG
Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2014;49(3):188-192
Objective To evaluate the detection rate of congenital heart defect (CHD) during the first trimester screening for chromosomal abnormalities,the role of ultrasound soft markers including increased nuchal translucency (NT),tricuspid regurgitation (TR) and abnormal ductus venosus (DV) flow in the screening for cardiac anomalies was also investigated.Methods From January 2009 to January 2012,4 673 fetuses were scanned at 11-14 weeks at Department of Fetal Medicine,the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University.The ultrasound findings and follow up outcomes were recorded,False-positive rate of different first-trimester ultrasound markers for the detection of CHD was calculated,sensitivity of the markers for all major CHD was calculated as well.Results There was a significant association between major CHD and first trimester ultrasound markers.(1) Overall findings:among the 4 673 fetuses,31 fetuses were diagnosed CHD prenatally,17,12 and 2 of which were detected in the first,second and third trimester,respectively.In 22 of the 31 CHD cases,invasive procedure was performed,fetal karyotype was abnormal in 12 cases,including triosmy 21 (5 cases),trisomy 18 (2 cases),trisomy 13 (2 cases),Turner syndrome (2 cases) and pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 (1 cases).(2) NT measurement and prenatal detected CHD:in 4 673 cases,NT measurement between 95th-99th percentile were present in 206 (4.41%),5 cases were diagnosed CHD prenatally,in 4 of 5 cases were detected in first trimester; NT measurement < 95th percentile were present in 4 430(94.80%),16 cases were diagnosed CHD prenatally,in 5 of 16 cases were detected in first trimester; NT measurement > 99th percentile (> 3.5 mm) were present in 37 (0.79%,37/4 673),10 cases were diagnosed CHD prenatally,in 8 of 10 cases were detected in first trimester.(3) TR and inverted a-wave at the DV and prenatal detected CHD:among 4 673 cases,TR or inverted a-wave at the DV were present in 51 (1.09%),98 (2.10%) respectively.TR was present in 8 of 31 CHD cases,inverted a-wave at the DV was present in 7 of 31 CHD cases.(4)Sensitivity of different first trimester ultrasound markers for detection of major CHD cases:in 31 CHD cases diagnosed prenatally,23 eased were defined as major CHD.Sensitivity of at least one of the ultrasound narkers,NT measurement between 95th-99th percentile,> 99th percentile(> 3.5 mm),TR or inverted a-wave at the DV for detection of major CHD eases was 74% (17/23),22% (5/23),39% (9/23),35% (8/23),30% (7/23),respectively.(5) Specificity of different first trimester ultrasound markers for detection of CHD cases:specificity of NT measurement between 95th-99th percentile,> 99th percentile(> 3.5 mm),TR or inverted a-wave at the DV for detection of major CHD cases was 4.30% (201/4 673),0.58% (27/4 673),0.92% (43/4 673),1.94% (91/4 673).Conclusions Routine first trimester soft markers for chromosomal abnormalities screening combined with cardiac assessment can detect quite a number of major heart defects.Increased NT,TR and abnormal DV flow can be important indicators for echocardiography,which is favorable to early prenatal diagnosis of CHD.
3.Factors relevant to newborn birth weight in pregnancy complicated with abnormal glucose Metabolism
Yandong YANG ; Guirong ZHAI ; Huixia YANG
Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2010;45(9):646-651
Objective To investigate the influencing factors of neonatal birth body mass in women with abnormal glucose metabolism during pregnancy. Methods A study was conducted on 1157 singleton gravidas, who were diagnosed and treated for abnormal glucose metabolism and delivered in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, First Hospital, Peking University from January 2005 to December 2009, by reviewing the medical records. Based on the pre-pregnant body mass index, the selected cases were divided into 4 groups: low body mass group [ body mass index (BMI) < 18.5 kg/m2, n =53], ideal body mass group ( BMI 18.5 - 23.9 kg/m2, n = 647 ), over body mass group ( BMI 24.0 - 27.9 kg/m2, n = 323 ),and obese group (BMI≥28.0 kg/m2, n = 134). 1157 newborns were divided by birth body mass into 3 groups: normal birth body mass group (body mass 2500 -4000 g, n =987), of which 545 cases of birth body mass 3000 -3500 g for the appropriate newborns, macrosomia group (body mass≥4000 g, n = 112);low birth body mass group (body mass < 2500 g, n = 58 ). The following information was collected,including pre-pregnancy body mass, height, gestational age of diagnosis and body mass gain after diagnosis,maternal serum level of cholesterol, history of adverse pregnancy, and family history of diabetes, gestational age, delivering body mass, neonatal birth body mass. The influence of pre-pregnant BMI, body mass gain during pregnancy, gestational age of diagnosis, body mass gain after diagnosis, maternal serum level of cholesterol, family history of diabetes on the newborns' birth body mass was analyzed. The appropriate ranges of gestational body mass gain were calculated in women with abnormal glucose metabolism. Results ( 1 )The average neonatal birth body mass for each group respectively were (3142 ±333) g for low body mass group, (3339 ±476) g for the ideal body mass group, (3381 ±581) g for over body mass group, and (3368 ± 644) g for obese group. The neonatal birth body mass was increasing with maternal pre-pregnant BMI, and average birth body mass of the newborns in low body mass group was lower than other 3 groups,respectively, the difference was statistically significant ( P < 0.05 ). The difference was not statistically significant ( P > 0.05 ), when it was compared among the obese group, ideal weight group and over body mass group. (2)The body mass gain during pregnancy in women delivered normal birth weight newborn and delivered macrosomia for each group respectively were ( 13.5 ±4.5 ) and ( 17.1±5.4) kg for the ideal body mass group, ( 11.6 ± 4.9 ) and ( 15.3 ± 6.4 ) kg for the over body mass group, ( 10.3 ± 5.0) and ( 14.7 ±7.4) kg for the obese group. The difference was statistically significant in 3 groups (P < 0.05 ). The difference of body mass gain during pregnancy in women delivered normal birth weight newborn and delivered macrosomia for low body mass group could not be compared statistically, because of only 1 case delivered macrosomia. (3)The gestational age of diagnosis in women who delivered normal birth weight newborn and macrosomia for the ideal body mass group respectively were ( 27.8 ± 5.8) and ( 29.8 ± 5.3 ) weeks, the difference was statistically significant ( P <0.05 ). The gestational age of diagnosis in gravidas who delivered normal birth weight newborn and macrosomia for the over body mass group respectively were ( 26.7 ± 6.8)and (30.2 ± 4.1 ) weeks, the difference was statistically significant ( P < 0.05 ). The gestational age of diagnosis in women who delivered normal birth weight newborn for obese group was (26.2 ± 7.5 )weeks, less than that of pregnant women who delivered macrosomia [ ( 25.7 ± 9.3 ) weeks ], but the difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05 ). The difference of the diagnosed gestational age for low body mass group could not be compared statistically, because of only 1 case delivered macrosomia. (4)Tbe serum triglyceride (TG) levels of pregnant women who delivered macrosomia was (3.1 ± 1.5) mmol/L, higher than that of pregnant women who delivered normal birth weight newborn [ (2.7 ± 1.2) mmol/L], and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.01 ). The serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels of pregnant women who delivered macrosomia was ( 1.4 ± 0.3 ) mmol/L, lower than that of pregnant women who delivered normal birth weight newborn [( 1.7 ±0.9) mmol/L], and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). The serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and cholesterol level of pregnant women who delivered macrosomia respectively was ( 2.8 ± 0.8 ) and ( 5.4 ± 1.1 ) mmol/L, less than those of pregnant women who delivered normal birth weight newborn [ (3.0 ±0.9) mmol/L and (5.6 ±1.1) mmol/L], but the difference was not statistically significant (P >0.05). (5)The final regression model of variables into the top three were pre-pregnant BMI, body mass gain during pregnancy and maternal serum level of HDL-C, when analyzing the related factors of affecting neonatal birth body mass with multiple logistic regression analysis such as age, history of adverse pregnancy, family history of diabetes, prepregnancy BMI, body mass gain during pregnancy and after diagnosis of abnormal glucose metabolism,maternal serum level of cholesterol, abnormal glucose metabolism categories, gestational age and other factors ( P < 0.01 ). Conclusion Pre-pregnant BMI, body mass gain during pregnancy and maternal serum level of HDL-C may affect the neonatal birth body mass whose mothers were complicated with abnormal glucose metabolism during pregnancy.
4.Study on mode of delivery and singleton newborns term birth weight in 3 hospitals
Yandong YANG ; Chunfeng WU ; Huixia YANG
Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2013;(2):98-101
Objective To study newborns weight in singleton term births and the associationbetween newborns birth weight and mode of delivery in 3 hospitals.Methods From Jan.2005 to Dec.2009,13 963 singleton term live neonates born in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Peking University First Hospital(PU group),6519 neonates in Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical College (BMC group,)and 8725 neonates in Miyun Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University,Yanjing Medical College(MYC group)were enrolled in this retrospective study.The newborns weight and the rate of macrosomia was calculated and compared.Those newborns from PU group and MYC group were divided into 2288 neonates at macrosomia group and 20 400 neonates at non-macrosomia group,their mode of deliveries were analyzed.Results(1)The mean neonatal birth weight were(3386 ± 414)g at PU group,(3389 ± 446)g at BMC group and(3445 ± 449)g at MYC group.Neonates born weight in MYC was significantly higher than those from in PU group and BMC group(P =0.000).Neonates born weight in BMC showed higher than those in PU group,which did.not reached statistical difference(P =0.638).(2)The incidence of macrosomia were 7.935%(1108/13 963)in PU group,9.802%(639/6519)in BMU group and 13.524%(1180/8725)in MYU group.The incidence of macrosomia in MYC group was higher than those in PU and BMC group,the incidence of macrosomia in BMC group was higher than that in PU group,which reached statistically difference(P =0.000).(3)The proportion of cesarean delivery were 75.306%(1723/ 2288)at macrosomia group,50.765%(10 356/20 400)at non-macrosomia group,which showed statistical difference(P =0.000).Conclusions(1)The difference of newborns birth weight existed in different administrative level hospital.(2)The risk of cesarean delivery due to macrosomia is higher than that of nonmacrosomia.(3)Obstetricians should pay more attention to nutrition in gestation period to lessen the incidence of macrosomia and cesarean section.
5.Application of laser capture microdissection to capture pure cells in lung cancer and their paired normal lung tissues
Yingxuan TIAN ; Yandong NAN ; Shuanying YANG
Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Medical Sciences) 2004;0(05):-
Objective Microheterogeneity is an important problem in molecularly biological and proteomic research on malignancies.The goal of this study was to investigate the method to purify targeted cells in lung cancer and its paired normal tissues for proteomic study on lung cancer applying laser capture microdissection(LCM).Methods LCM technique was emploged to obtain the cells of lung cancer tissues and their paired normal tissues from frozen sections.Results LCM can be applied to quickly and precisely obtain pure targeted cells subgroup or single cell without interstitium under the microscope.Conclusion LCM can tackle the problem of tissue heterogeneity in molecular analysis successfully.These results indicate that LCM has a potential as a tool in lung cancer proteomic research.
6.Relationship between maxillofacial complexion and age-sex in Han nationality
Yandong MU ; Xiaomin YANG ; Yonglie CHAO
Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology 2002;0(01):-
Objective To explore the relationship between the maxi ll ofacial complexion and age-sex in Han nationality. Methods The maxillofacial skin chroma L*, a* and b* were measured a nd compared in 1462 people aged from 18 to 85 years old in Han nationality, incl uding 682 men and 780 women, by means of Minolta Chroma Meter CR-100. Results Male had the lower L* and b* value and the hig her a* value than those in female. The maxillofacial chroma L* and a* were related to age negatively, and b* was related to age positiv ely. Conclusion The effect of sex and age on color of the maxillofacial skin should be considered while matching colors in construction o f maxillofacial defect.
7.Analysis of the status of retention level and its influencing factors for male nurses
Haina LIU ; Yandong WANG ; Jingtian QI ; Jingying LIU ; Yang YANG
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing 2014;30(36):42-45
Objective To investigate the retention level and its influencing factors for male nurses,and explore effective strategies to increase retention level of male nurses.Methods A sample of 610 male nurses from many hospitals in Tianjin were investigated with the self-designed demographic questionnaire,Retention Scale and Perceived Organization Support.The results underwent analysis.Results Male nurses' retention score was (20.71±4.00) points.Single factor analysis found that marriage,age,number of children,time engaged in nursing work,the working years in present position,the purpose of the work had statistically significant influence on retention scores of the male nurses.Multiple linear regression analysis showed that marriage,professional and technical titles,the purpose of work,work support and value identification were the predictive effect on the degree of the retention.Conclusions The retention of male nurses in Tianjin was in the medium level.Hospitals and all relevant departments should take effective measures,improve the professional sense of worth of the male nurses and job satisfaction,in order to enhance the man nurses' retention rate,promote the sustainable development of the nursing team construction.
8.Effects of inhibitor of growth 4 (ING4) gene on the proliferation of melanoma cell line M14
Limin CAI ; Yandong WANG ; Jing YANG ; Jianfang SUN
Chinese Journal of Dermatology 2008;41(11):749-752
Objective To construct the pCDNA3.1-ING4 eukaryotic expression vector and investigate its effect on the proliferation of melanoma cell line M14. Methods The targeted cDNA fragment encoding ING4 was cloned by reverse transcription-PCR with normal gastric mucosa from patients with gastric ulcer, and subcloned into eukaryotie expression vector pcDNA3.1. PCR and DNA sequencing were performed to identify the eukaryotic expression vector pCDNA3.1-ING4, which was then transfected into M14 cells with Lipofectamine 2000 reagent. The expression of ING4 was detected in untransfected, pCDNA3. 1-ING4-transfected and pcDNA3.1-transfected M14 cells by Western blot and immunocyto-chemistry, and cell proliferation by MTT assay. Results A fragment of expected size (750 bp) was amplified by PCR analysis, and DNA sequencing confirmed the correctness of the recombinant plasmid. As shown by immunocytochemistry, the percentage of cells positive for ING4 protein was significantly higher in pCD NA3. 1-ING4-transfected MI4 cells than in non-transfected M14 cells and pcDNA3.1-transfected M14 cells (71.80%±9.88% vs 4.20%±3.35%, P < 0.01). Western blot also revealed an increased expression of ING4 in pCDNA3.1-ING4-transfected cells. Decreased cell viability was observed in ING4-transfected cells compared with nontransfected cells and pCDNA3.1-transfected cells (both P < 0.01). Conclusions The pCDNA3. 1-ING4 eukaryotic expression vector has been constructed successfully, and M14 cells transfected by this recombinant plasmid could effectively express ING4 protein, which may inhibit the cell proliferation of M14 cells.
9.Study on Water Extraction Process of Traditional Chinese Medicine Qubai Granule by Orthogonal Test
Aixia YANG ; Kai YI ; Yandong YI ; Shihe LIN
China Pharmacist 2016;19(10):1849-1851,1852
Objective:To optimize the water extraction process of traditional Chinese medicine ( TMC) Qubai granule. Methods:The orthogonal test was used to study four influencing factors including water amount, soaking time, extraction time and extraction times with dry extract yielding rate and the content of ferulic acid as the evaluation indices. Results:The optimum extraction process was as follows:A2 B1 C2 D2 , namely adding 10-fold amount of water, without soaking in advance, extracting twice with 2 h for each time. Con-clusion:The process is simple, stable and reproducible, which provides basis for the industrial production.
10.Influence of S100A6 gene RNA interference on the biological behaviors of A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells
Yandong NAN ; Hua JIANG ; Faguang JIN ; Shuanying YANG
Journal of International Oncology 2016;43(3):161-166
Objective To investigate the influence of S100A6 gene RNA interference on the biological behaviors of A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells.Methods The S100A6 gene RNA interference vector was transfected in A549 lung adenocarcinoma by lentivirus.The experiment was divided into three groups:pLenR-GPH group (the vector without S100A6 RNAi gene was transfected),negative control group (no vectors was transfected),and RNAi group (the vector with S100A6 RNAi gene was transfected).S100A6 mRNA and protein were detected using real-time PCR and Western blotting.The biological behavior including cell proliferation,invasion,cell cycle and cell apoptosis were detected by 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazoly)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide,transwell,and flow cytometer,respectively.Results The expression of S100A6 mRNA of A549 lung adenocarcinoma cell line in RNAi group (0.009 ± 0.001) was significantly decreased than those in negative control group (0.049 ± 0.005) and pLenR-GPH group (0.030 ± 0.006),with statistically significant differences (t =57.56,P =0.000;t =48.21,P =0.000).The expression of S100A6 protein of A549 lung adenocarcinoma cell line in RNAi group (0.107 ± 0.002) was significantly decreased than those in negative control group (0.341 ± 0.005) and pLenR-GPH group (0.311 ± 0.006),with statistically significant differences (t =37.34,P =0.000;t =27.51,P =0.001).The ability of cell proliferation at 48 hours in RNAi group (0.230 ± 0.008) was significantly declined than those in negative control group (0.292 ± 0.038) and pLenR-GPH group (0.307 ± 0.013),with statistically significant differences (t =25.31,P =0.003;t =29.42,P =0.001).The number of transmembrane cells in RNAi group (11.40 ± 1.36) was significantly declined than those in negative control group (26.80 ± 1.83) and pLenR-GPH group (25.80 ± 1.93),with statistically significant differences (t =29.44,P =0.001;t =23.17,P =0.005).The cell proportion of S phase in RNAi group (28.26% ± 0.38%) was significantly lower than those in pLenR-GPH group (44.73%±0.66%) and negative control group (45.15% ± 1.69%),with statistically significant (t =63.69,P=0.000;t =71.55,P =0.000).Cell propotion of G2-M phase in RNAi group (26.99% ± 0.29%) was signi-ficantly higher than those in negative control group (13.26% ±0.49%) and pLenR-GPH group (12.41% ± 0.46%),with statistically significant (t =56.31,P =0.000;t =51.39,P =0.000).The cell apoptosis proportion in RNAi group (8.90% ±0.48%) was significantly higher than those in negative control group (5.84% ±0.21%) and pLenR-GPH group (5.99% ±0.37%),with statistically significant (t=51.34,P =0.000;t =47.27,P =0.000).Conclusion S100A6 gene involves the proliferation,invasion,cell cycle and apoptosis of tumor cells,which has close correlation with occurrence,development and metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma.S100A6 gene is hopeful to become a molecular target for the diagnosis and treatment of lung adenocarcinoma.