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Author:(Xisi WANG)

1.Evaluation of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positronemission tomography/computed tomography imaging in childhood neuroblastoma chinical staging

Ying CHEN ; Xiaoli MA ; Xisi WANG ; Tong YU ; Mei JIN ; Wen ZHAO ; Qian ZHAO ; Chao DUAN ; Xingjun LI ; Liwei LI ; Dawei ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 2017;32(15):1149-1152

2.Serum urea nitrogen and creatinine changes and its cIinicaI significance in chiIdren with retinobIastoma before and after chemotherapy

Huimin HONG ; Mei JIN ; Junyang ZHAO ; Chengyue ZHANG ; Wen ZHAO ; Xisi WANG ; Qian ZHAO ; Chao DUAN ; Yan SU ; Xiaoli MA

Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 2019;34(3):183-187

3.AnaIysis of cIinicaI characteristics and prognosis of chiIdren of Iess-than-2-year oId with rhabdomyosarcoma

Qian ZHAO ; Mei JIN ; Dawei ZHANG ; Wen ZHAO ; Xisi WANG ; Chao DUAN ; Xiaoli MA

Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 2019;34(3):192-195

4.Analysis of the initial symptoms and its diagnostic significance in children with neuroblastoma

Xindi WANG ; Chao DUAN ; Dawei ZHANG ; Mei JIN ; Wen ZHAO ; Xisi WANG ; Qian ZHAO ; Xingjun LI ; Cheng HUANG ; Sihui LI ; Ying CHEN ; Xiaolu NIE ; Xiaoxia PENG ; Xiaoli MA

Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 2019;34(5):359-363

5.Clinical study on 48 children with head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma treated by multi-disciplinary therapy

Chao DUAN ; Shengcai WANG ; Mei JIN ; Dawei ZHANG ; Wen ZHAO ; Xisi WANG ; Qian ZHAO ; Jun TAI ; Jie ZHANG ; Jianguo ZHANG ; Lejian HE ; Xin NI ; Xiaoli MA

Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 2019;34(7):529-533

6.Related factors of intestinal necrosis caused by midgut volvulus in neonates

Xisi GUAN ; Zhe WANG ; Qiuming HE ; Haiqing ZHENG ; Wei ZHONG ; Jiakang YU

Chinese Journal of Neonatology 2022;37(3):225-228

7.Analysis of clinical features and prognostic factors of neuroblastoma with bone metastasis in infants

Sidou HE ; Shihan ZHANG ; Chiyi JIANG ; Zhixia YUE ; Libing FU ; Tong YU ; Xisi WANG ; Mei JIN ; Yan SU ; Xiaoli MA

Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 2022;37(10):758-762

8.Programmed management in prenatal diagnosed pyriform sinus fistula: analysis of eight cases

Xinhao ZENG ; Qiuming HE ; Wei ZHONG ; Zhe WANG ; Bin YAN ; Xisi GUAN ; Xiaoli XIE ; Jiakang YU

Chinese Journal of Perinatal Medicine 2021;24(10):734-740

9.Cause of death of children with intraocular retinoblastoma in the Beijing Children's Hospital 2009-2017

Shihan ZHANG ; Xiaoli MA ; Chengyue ZHANG ; Dayong BAI ; Yanhui CUI ; Yan SU ; Dawei ZHANG ; Xisi WANG ; Chao DUAN ; Junyang ZHAO ; Mei JIN

Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases 2022;38(3):182-186

10.Clinical analysis and prognosis of children with neuroblastoma with pancreatic infiltration

Xi CHAI ; Cheng HUANG ; Sihui LI ; Ying CHEN ; Xindi WANG ; Wen ZHAO ; Xisi WANG ; Qian ZHAO ; Zhixia YUE ; Xiaoman WANG ; Hong QIN ; Xiaoli MA

Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 2018;33(7):523-527

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