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Author:(Xinnan ZONG)

1.Physical growth of children in urban, suburban and rural mainland China: a study of 20 years change.

Hui LI ; Xinnan ZONG ; Jing ZHANG ; Zonghan ZHU

Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 2011;24(1):1-11

2. Development of primary teeth among infants and toddlers in nine cities of China in 2015

Yaqin ZHANG ; Yang LI ; Hui LI ; Huahong WU ; Xinnan ZONG

Chinese Journal of Pediatrics 2019;57(9):680-685

3. Development of anterior fontanelle in Chinese children in 2015

Yang LIU ; Hui LI ; Yaqin ZHANG ; Xinnan ZONG

Chinese Journal of Pediatrics 2017;55(8):602-607

4. Survey on gross motor development of infants in nine cities of China in 2015

Yaqin ZHANG ; Hui LI ; Huahong WU ; Xinnan ZONG

Chinese Journal of Pediatrics 2018;56(12):923-928

5.Breastfeeding rates of children under two years old in nine cities of China from 1985 to 2015:a comparison between urban and suburban areas

Huahong WU ; Yaqin ZHANG ; Xinnan ZONG ; Hui LI

Chinese Journal of Perinatal Medicine 2019;22(7):445-450

6.Percentile reference value of waist circumference for Chinese children aged 3-7 years

Xinnan ZONG ; Hui LI ; Yaqin ZHANG

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 2020;41(8):1286-1290

7.Reference values and growth curves of weight/length, body mass index, and ponderal index of Chinese newborns of different gestational ages

Xinnan ZONG ; Hui LI ; Yaqin ZHANG ; Huahong WU

Chinese Journal of Pediatrics 2021;59(3):181-188

8.Survey on the influential factors of stunting among children under seven years of age in nine cities of China

Yaqin ZHANG ; Huahong WU ; Xinnan ZONG ; Hui LI

Chinese Journal of Pediatrics 2021;59(9):743-751

9.The preliminary development of reference values of carotid artery intima?media thickness in children aged 6-11 years

Liu YANG ; Xinnan ZONG ; Qin LIU ; Yaping HOU ; Min ZHAO ; Bo XI

Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine 2019;53(7):696-700

10.Development and validation of a simplified height?specific blood pressure cutoffs table for screening hypertension in Chinese children and adolescents

Yaping HOU ; Qin LIU ; Liu YANG ; Min ZHAO ; Xinnan ZONG ; Bo XI

Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine 2019;53(7):701-705

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