Objective:To explore the features of self-serving bias among adolescents with different tspes of high self-esteem.Methods:A total of 1 027 adolescents were sampled.Among them 230 adolescents with explicit high self-esteem were selected with the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale(RSES),36 adolescents with secure high self-esteem and 36 adolescents with fragile high self-esteem were selected with the Implicit Self-esteem Test(IAT).A 2x2 two factors mixed experimental design by using Face Working Memory Task was conducted to study the self-serving bias of 72 different high self-esteem adolescents.Results:The self-serving bias of different high self-esteem adolescents had statistically significance[F(1,35)=85.41,P<0.001,η2=0.23].Secure high self-esteem adoles-cents did not show self-serving bias with correct[t(35)=-6.51,P<0.001,d=5.44]and wrong feedback[t(35)=-10.79,P 0.001,d=6.50].Similarly,fragile high self-esteem adolescents did not show self-serving bias with correct feedback[t(35)=-2.85,P<0.05,d=2.5],but they showed self-serving bias with wrong feedback[t(35)=6.99,P<0.001,d=4.49].The interaction between heterogeneous high self-esteem groups and feedback types was significant[F(1,35)=28.65,P<0.001,η2=0.14].Conclusion:The adolescents with fragile high self-es-teem show obvious self-serving bias with false feedback.The heterogeneity differentiation of high self-esteem is the factor for different self-serving bias among adolescents.