Abstract: objective 2+-
Toinvestigatethecorrelationbetween geneticpolymorphismofplasmamembraneCa ATPaseisoform2
PMCA2 - Methods
( )andsusceptibilitytonoise inducedhearingloss(NIHL). Atotalof228workerswithNIHLwereselectedas
the case group by simple random sampling method,and 230 normal hearing workers with similar age,length and level of noise
exposure were selected as the control group.DNA was extracted from peripheral blood of workers of the two groups,and single
PMCA2 Results
nucleotidepolymorphism (SNP)of wasgenotypedbyMassArraysystem. Theallelefrequenciesofrs1719571
and rs14154 of gene in the control population were consistent with Hardy Weinberg equilibrium (both >0.05). There
was no significant difference in the distribution of rs1719571 and rs14154 genotypes and allele frequencies between the two
groups(all >0.05).LogisticregressionanalysisshowedthattheriskofNIHLinGAgenotypeofrs1719571waslowerthanthat-P
in GG genotype (odds ratio=0.53, 95% confidence interval=0.31 0.90, <0.05), after excluding the effects of age, length of
exposure to noise, intensity of exposure to noise, smoking and alcohol consumption. The genotype of SNP rs14154 might not
P Conclusion PMCA2
contribute to the genetic susceptibility of NIHL( >0.05). The SNP of rs1719571 is associated with the