1.Analysis of the alleles and the Genotypes at the VNTR D1S80 Locus in Koreans.
Jong Tae PARK ; Sang Woo JUHNG
Korean Journal of Legal Medicine 1997;21(1):75-86
Alleles and genotype frequencies and its distribution pattern for the highly polymorphic D1S80 locus were determined in a Korean population sample, especially in Kwangju and Chonnam, by using PCR followed by agarose gel electrophoresis with ethidium bromide staining, a procedure called the amplified-fragment-length polymorphism(Amp-FLP) technique. And the data were compared with the alleles and genotype frequencies of Finnish population, North American Caucasian, and Korean population(Seoul) which had been reported. In 203 unrelated Korean individuals 27 alleles and 84 genotypes were observed. The highest allele frequency was in allele M24(0.128) and tne next orders were inalleles M18(0.126), M29, M30, M31, and M28 and the other alleles showed relatively low frequencies. The highest frequency of genotype was in M18/M24 and the next order frequencies were M18/M30, M19/M27 M29/M29, and M18/M29. The homozyous genotypes were in 9 alleles such as M29, M24, M31, and M18, and most of heterozygous genotypes were composed of alleles of each homozygous genotypes and /or the other alleles, its composition of genotypes was 0.881(74/84), 183(0.901) of the 203 individuals alleles, its composition of genotypes was 0.881(74/84), 183(0.901) of the 203 individuals alleles, its composition of genotypes was 0.881(74/84), 183(0.901) of the 203 individuals were included. The VNTR D1S80 locus demonstrated a heterozygosity of 0.872. From the above results, VNTR D1S80 locus may be a powerful locus to identify individuals, however, the allele frequencies was not closely related to the genotype pattern, and the alleles of homozygous genotypes influenced on the chance of the recombination of the various genotypes. It is necessary to analyze the genotype distribution and the recombination pattern of alleles as well as alleles and genotype frequencies in each populations for statistical test at most highly polymorphic loci.
Electrophoresis, Agar Gel
Gene Frequency
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Recombination, Genetic
2.Democidiosis in Rosacea Type.
Wook Hwa PARK ; Seung Ki PARK ; Tae Ha WOO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1970;8(1):85-87
The authors present seven cases of Democidiosis in rosacea type and the subject of human demodetic infestation has been reviewed. According to our experience, demodex folliculorum, although a normal inhabitant of the sebaceous glands in small numbers, when encouraged to multiply by the patients excessive use of facial cream and avoidance of soap, can produce democidiosis. The diagnosis was easily confirmed by characteristic clinical appearance and simple microscopy. The characteristie clinical appearances are indurated non-comedous papules and pustules with unique cherry pinkish red erythema. The response to treatment, consisting of daily soap and water cleansing of the face, followed by the local application of a suitable antiparasitic remedies is simple and gratifying. But the erythema was not respond to antiparasitic preparation.
Sebaceous Glands
3.Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Adrenalectomy : Clinical Experinece with 18 Cases.
Woo Keun LEE ; Tae Gyun KWON ; Yoon Kyu PARK
Korean Journal of Urology 2000;41(12):1471-1476
No abstract available.
4.A Clinical Study of Urticaria.
Han Sung PARK ; Chung Koo CHO ; Tae Ha WOO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1976;14(2):101-106
Urticaria is a common disease and a well known reaction pattern of the skin eharacterized by erythema or wheals and edema, that is the results of a local leakage ef plasma, from minute vessels into the connective tissue of the dermis. Seven hundred and sixty cases of urticaria visited to this department from January 1973 to December 1974 were studied clinically in various ways. Patients were classified as acute and chronic urticaria-acute form when the hives have been present for less than 8 weeks and chronic form when the hives lasted longer. In all patients, a detailed history, a complete physical examination, a total and differential leukocyte count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and routine stool examination were performed. Foods were incriminated as the exciting causes of urticaria by history, diet elimination test and ingestion test. An ice cube test was done for corroboration of cold allergy. Cholinergic urticaria, was diagnosed by the appearance of small wheals surrounded by erythema after exercise, emotional disturbances or hot drinks. The diagnosis of urticaria due to drug was based on the history of urticaria following the taking of a certain drug. Infection as the inciting cause was determined by history and physical examination. The results: 1. The incidence of urticaria is 4. 6% to total number of dermatologic patients. 2. Among the 760 urticaria patients, acute cases were 498 which were 2 times more than chronic cases, and female patients were 474 cases that revealed marked high incidences than male patients. 3. The age of the patients ranged from 2 months to 87 years, and the patients between 20 and 39 years occupied more than half of the all patients. 4. Abnormal hematologic findings were more marked in acute form; leukocytosis and neutrophilia were dominate in acute form, and lymphocytosis and eosinophilia were more marked in chronic form. 5. Among the etiologic factors, the bacterial infection was the most frequent which occupied 22. 4% of the all urticaria patients. 6. Seven cases of urticaria due to parasites were clonorchis sinensis, in which I had experienced the complete recovery with the treatment of subcutaneous injection of clonorchis sinensis antigen (1: 10,000) 0.01- 0.1ml at the interval of one week. 7. In this study, the inciting or perpetuating causes could not be found in 50.8% of patients-46.2% of acute form and 59.5% of chronic form.
Affective Symptoms
Bacterial Infections
Blood Sedimentation
Clonorchis sinensis
Connective Tissue
Injections, Subcutaneous
Leukocyte Count
Physical Examination
5.A Case of Macular Displacement after Surgical Reattachment of a Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Induced with Penetrating Injury.
Tae Kwann PARK ; Dong Hee KIM ; Hyung Woo KWAK
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2000;41(12):2755-2760
No Abstract Available.
Retinal Detachment*
6.Nodular vasculitis Simulate to papulonecrotic Tuberculid.
Tae Ha WOO ; Yoon Kee PARK ; Hong Sang CHIN
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1973;11(3):163-166
The nodular vasculitis described by Montgomery on 1945 and is characterized by relatively chronic, persistent, or recurrent nodular lesions of nontuberculous origin chiefly on the legs. In the differential diagnosis the following must also be considered; erythema induratum, eythema nodosum, Weber-Christian disease, erythema nodosum migrans, recurrent thrombophrebitis and periarteritis nodosa. The authors observed one case of nodular vasculitis caused by sulfa drug. This patient was diagnosed to papulonecrotic tuberculid at first and treated by prednisolone 20 mg, INH 300 mg and streptomycin l.0 gm BIW. By the treatment, the patient, was cured completly within 3 months but visited again because of recurrence after 6 months. Therefore, same medication was given, but did not show improvment and added sulfa drug, Lederkyne. But, unfortunately the skin lesions was aggrevated after sulfa medication. It was suggestive that the cause of aggrevation was sulfa drug and discontinued the sulfa drug. The skin lesions were completely cured after the drug was discontinued.
Diagnosis, Differential
Erythema Induratum
Erythema Nodosum
Panniculitis, Nodular Nonsuppurative
Polyarteritis Nodosa
Tuberculosis, Cutaneous*
7.Association of Herpes Zoster and Lymphosarcoma: Report of one Case.
Seung Ki PARK ; Chung Koo CHO ; Tae Ha WOO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1970;8(1):89-91
Herpes zoster is generally believed to be caused by the activation of varicella-zoster virus present in the body since an original infection with varicella. According to the thesis, the virus remairis in a latent state in the cells of the sensory ganglia until immunity has waned sufficiently to pezmit multiplication of the virus and clinical infection. There are a number of reports that in patient with malignant disease, especially Jymphoma, a frequenry af association of zoster is greater and severity of its symptom is increased to be marked contrast to the benign uneventful course of zoster seen in healthy person. The author observed one case of zoster seen in patient with malignant disorder, and frequency of association of zoster in malignant disease and its etiological factors are reviewed in the literature.
Ganglia, Sensory
Herpes Zoster*
Herpesvirus 3, Human
Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin*
8.A Survey of Post -Operative Daily Life Behavior and Degree of Satis faction in Patients Two or More Years after Cataract Surgery.
Sang Woo PARK ; Tae Bum CHEONG ; Kyung Hwan SHYN
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2000;41(3):651-659
Recently, the number of cataract surgeries has rapidly increased. This study was devised to evaluate the post-operative daily life behavior and degree of satisfaction in the patients who underwent cataract surgery two or more years ago. Of 400 patients who underwent ECCE with IOL implantation, 125 patients[31%]replied to the mail questionnaire consisted of thirty questions. Hospital records were also reviewed. 84%of the patients were satisfied with outcomes of cataract surgery, which was significantly correlated with current visual acuity[p<0.01]. Degree of satisfaction was significantly higher in patients with bilateral surgery compared with those with unilateral surgery[p<0.05]. Age, sex, occupation, economic and general health status were not significantly associated with degree of satisfaction. As for life behavior, discomfort while driving an automobile was the most common complaint, especially in the patients who underwent unilateral surgery. Concerning ocular symptoms, many patients complained of foreign body sense, epiphora, glare, fatigue, and near vision discomfort. We reconfirmed that the decision to perform cataract surgery should be made with careful consideration of long term prognosis and above results.
Foreign Bodies
Hospital Records
Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases
Postal Service
Surveys and Questionnaires
9.Light and Electron Microscopical Studies on the Stroma of Hydatidiform Mole.
Jong Tae PARK ; Sang Woo JUHNG ; Kyu Hyuk CHO
Korean Journal of Pathology 1987;21(4):240-248
Many investigators were interested in the pathogenesis and the relationship between microscopical features and clinical behavior of hydatidiform mole. Trophoblastic cells in the trophoblastic disease were intensively examined histologically, ultrastructurally, immunohistochemically, and with hormone assay method, etc. But ultrastructural study on the stroma of hydatidiform mole was scarcely reported. In this paper, hydatidiform mole was examined at light and electron microscopic levels, with emphasis on the stroma. The results were as follows: 1) Hydropic degeneration of H-mole is more severe in the center of stroma and is not related with the degree of trophoblastic proliferation. Hofbauer cell and vascular structure are extremely rarely observed in the periphery of stroma which has relatively preserved cellular components. 2) Basement membrane is sometimes separated from trophoblastic layer. Degenerated cells in the stroma contain vacuoles, autophagosomes, and lipid droplets. Collagen is abundant in the loose interstitium. Hofbauer cells have no lysosome or phagosome. Vascular lumen is patient and endothelial cells are degenerated. From the above results, H-mole may be produced due to abnormal changes of trophoblasts and stromal changes may be a secondary process, so called autolysis. Hofbauer cells are not engaged in the stromal degeneration and may be different from usual tissue macrophages.
10.One Case of Poikiodermatomyositis.
Yoon Kee PARK ; Wook Hwa BARK ; Tae Ha WOO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1971;9(3):71-75
The authers observed one case of typical poikilodermatomyositis who was 47 year old female. The poikiIodermatomyositis is a rare disease which is a variant of dermatomyositis and has never been reported in Korea. This patient complained of a weakness of left lower leg and tingling sensation of both fingers since one year ago, And she has a difficulty of both finger flexion since 20 days ago. The skin lesions revealed mottled dark brownish pigmentation, hardness, scattered atrophic patches and telangiectasia in the lesion on the left lower leg since one year ago. The same skin changes appeared on the thigh, lower abdomen and upper chest on 4 months ago. Histopathologically, a biopsy was performed from the skin of lower leg, the skin shows typical poikiloderma, i.e. the epidermis shows moderate atrophy of the stratum malpighii, flattened rete ridges and hydropic degeneration of the hasal cells. The dermis is edematous and a band like dense lymphocytic cellular infiltration. And the muscIe biopsy from gastrocnemius muscle shows dermatomyositis finding which the muscle bundles are edematous and degenerative. Many inflammatory cells present between muscle bundles but there is no suppurative change. Diagnosis was confirmed by clinical appearance, histopathologically and other laboratory studies. The patient was markedly improved by the prednisolone 80 mg and vasculat (vascular dilatator) 100 mg daily.
Middle Aged
Muscle, Skeletal
Rare Diseases