1.A Case of Tick Bite.
Baik Kee CHO ; Jun Young LEE ; Jin Woo KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1985;23(4):480-485
We describe herein a case of tick bite ocurring to a 23-year-old man who has a characteristic lesion clinically and histopathologically. The tick(Ixodes sp.) was still attached to the brownish and erythematous, indurated skin of the scrotum. The engorged tick which was carefully removed from the skin with a scalpel was 8.7mm in length and 5. 5 mm in width. Histopathologically, characteristic amorphous eosinophilic materigl is deposited around a round space where the hypostorne of the tick was inserted. Heavy inflammatory cell infiltratton in the mid and lower dermis is composed mainly of neutrophils and eosinophils. A certain area of the lower dermis shows edema and capillary dilatation along with the mixed inflammatory cell infiltration, TVide excision of the indurated lesion including the tick was done. The clinical and hsitopathological findings of the tick bite was discussed.
Tick Bites*
Young Adult
2.A Case of Lipodystropha Centrifugalis Abdominalis Infantilis.
Kang Woo LEE ; Baik Kee CHO ; Won HOUH
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1975;13(2):151-155
Lipodystrophia centrifugalis ahdominalis infantilis(LCAI), an atypical form of progressive lipodystrophy, is a diseaee named by Imamura et al in 1971, and reported a few cases in japan. We report a case who has diagnosed as LCAI. The patient ia 5 and half year old boy. He had 2cm by 7cm sized, linear depressed leaion with surrounding erythema on the right inguinal region which was noticed 5 months prior to first diagnosis. There was no family history, no physical abnormality except skin lesion. Cornplete blood cell count, urinalysis, stool examination, liver function test and chest X-ray were within normal limit. Biopsy specimens from the depressed lesion and surrounding erythematous area revealed slight atrophy of the epidermis, a mild lymphocyte infiltration around the vesaels and eccrine glands in the upper part of derrnis, markedly decreased amount of subcutaneous adipoae tissue with mild lymph- ocyte infiltration in depressed area and marked lymphocyte infiltration, intermingled with histiocyte in surrounding erythematous area, but normal amount of adipase tissue.
Blood Cell Count
Eccrine Glands
Liver Function Tests
3.Clinical Studies on Childhood Bronchial Asthma.
Ha Baik LEE ; Kyu Hawn LEE ; Woo Gill LEE ; Keun Soo LEE
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(10):997-1006
No abstract available.
4.Respiratory Effects of Acute Coronary Embolism.
Jang Baik LEE ; Si Rhae LEE ; Hyun Woo LEE ; Hi Myung PARK
Korean Circulation Journal 1975;5(1):19-24
Respiratory effects of acute coronary embolism were studied in mongrel dogs. Coronary embolism was produced by Agress's method and respirtory effects were observed for two hours. In the experimental group, in which coronary embolism was produced, there were relative decreases in respiratory rate and arterial oxygen saturation along with relative increases in tidal volume, minute ventilation, ventilation equivalent and arteriovenous oxygen difference compared to those in the control group. However, differences in these various measurements between tow groups, those in tidal volume and arterial oxygen saturation, have greatly diminished in two hours. These facts suggest that changes in respiratory rate, minute ventilation, ventilation equivalent and arteriovenous oxygen difference in the experimental group are early but short-lasting responses to acute coronary embolism, whereas changes in tidal volume and arterial oxygen saturation occur early and last longer.
Respiratory Rate
Tidal Volume
5.A Case of Pemphigus Vulgaris Localized to the Oral Mucosa and Esophagus.
Hong Jin PARK ; Dong Won LEE ; Jun Young LEE ; Baik Kee CHO ; Chang Woo LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1998;36(2):360-362
We recently encountered a case of pemphigus vulgaris, which was localized within the oral mucosa and esophagus. The patient was a 62-year-old women, who had had a few recurrent erosions on the oral mucosa for 1 year. Newly developed erythematous erosions on the esophagus appeared 7 days pre previously. Histopathological findings showed suprabasal blisters in the epithelium of the buccal and esophageal mucosa. On direct immunofluorescence, intercellular IgG and C3 bindings were found in the epithelium of the buccal mucosa. Treatment with oral steroids resulted in a remission of the lesions and the other skin lesions were not found for a period of 6 months.
Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Direct
Immunoglobulin G
Middle Aged
Mouth Mucosa*
Mucous Membrane
6.A Case of Herpes Gestationis.
Dou Hee YOON ; Dong Won LEE ; Baik Kee CHO ; Chang Woo LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1995;33(4):727-732
Herpes gestationis(HG) characterized by the development of autoantibodies to the basement membrane is a pruritic bullous dermatosis of pregnancy and the postpartum period. HG is diag nosed on the basis of clinical findings, and a direct or indirect immunofluorescent test including an assaying for the denmonstration of IgG autoantibody in the serum. We report a case of herpes gestationis in Korea which showed a typical clinical and histopathologic findings accuring in a 30-year old primiparous patient. We could confirm the diagnosis in this case by in vitro C3 staining, and immunoblot analysis which revealed the presence of antibodies in her sertim against 180kD antigen of epidermal protein.
Basement Membrane
Immunoglobulin G
Pemphigoid Gestationis*
Postpartum Period
Skin Diseases
7.Factors Affecting Pulmonary Function in the Elderly Ex-Smokers.
Belong CHO ; Keun Seok LEE ; Sangwoo OU ; Woo Kyung KIM ; Taiwoo YOO ; Hyun Wook BAIK
Journal of the Korean Geriatrics Society 2001;5(1):56-66
BACKGROUND: The elderly ex-smokers are not free from the effect of previously exposed smoking, and have a tendency to participate in health promoting behavior eagerly. This study was designed to evaluate factors that affect pulmonary function in the elderly ex-smokers. METHODS: The ex-smokers with normal chest radiological findings who visited Seoul National University Hospital Health Promotion Center were analyzed. The effect of various factors including age, height, smoking amount, and duration of smoking cessation on pulmonary function indices were analyzed with bivariate correlation analysis. Multiple regression analysis was performed using factors indentified significant in bivariate correlation tests. RESULTS: Multiple regression analyses were done for the all age group and the elderly group. Factors significantly affecting Forced vital capacity(FVC) were height,age and duration of smoking cessation for both grroups. Smoking amount was not significant. Forced expiratory volume in 1 second(FEV1) was significantly influenced by height, age, duration of smoking cessation, and smoking amount for both group. In the all age group, peak expiratory flow(PEF) was siginificantly influenced by age, regular exercise, and duration of smoking cessation. In the elderly group, PEF was significantly affected by height, age, regular exercise, and duration of smoking cessation. The factors significantly affectiong FEV1/FVC were age, smoking amount in the all age group, and regular exercise, smoking amount in the elderly group. CONCLUSION: Smoking amount was a significant factor decreasing FEV1 in the elderly ex-smoker. Duration of smoking cessation was significant in normalization of pulmonary function indices in both the all age group and the elderly group. It is inferred that smoking cessation is beneficial in reversing the adver sely affected pulmonary function indices even in the elderly.
Forced Expiratory Volume
Health Promotion
Smoking Cessation
8.A Case of Hypergammaglobulinemic Purpura of Waldenstrom.
Yeon Ho PARK ; Young Ho YOO ; Dong Won LEE ; Sung Woo CHOI ; Baik Kee CHO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1994;32(5):911-915
Hypergammaglobulinemic purpura of Waldenstrom is a distinct syndrome consisting of recurrent episodes of purpura, elevated serum r-globulins, elevated erythrocyteed rnentation rate, and mild anemia. This disease has been divided into the prirnary type without an uncerlying disease, and the secondary type with a known underlying disease. We diagnosed a hypergammaglobulinemic purpura of Waldenstram in a 53-year-old woman who presented sudden onset of showers of purpuric macules and petechiae of 24 hours duration involving her lower extremities with a 10-rnonth history. She showed characteristic laboratory findings consistent with those of hypergammiglobulnemic purpura of Waldenstrorri and also showed positive results of antinuclear antibody and rheumatoid factor. We tried to find out if there we any associated underlying disases such as systemic lupus erythematosus or Sjogren synirorne through various tests but faile it find any. We concluded she showed a primary type of hypergarnmhglobulinemic purpura of Waldcnstrorn.
Antibodies, Antinuclear
Lower Extremity
Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic
Middle Aged
Purpura, Hyperglobulinemic*
Rheumatoid Factor
9.A case of perifollicular fibroma.
Dong Won LEE ; Jin Sung PARK ; Sung Woo CHOI ; Baik Kee CHO
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1993;31(6):999-1002
Perifollicular fibromas are very undsual adnexal tumor of the skin. Clinically, they are small firm akin colored or pinkish papules and usually located on the face and neck. We report a case of perifollicular fibroma which occurred in a 30-year-old woman, who had asymptomatic multiple small skin colored papules on the right side of her face for about 20 years. On physical examination, the papules were ferm and non-tender. The biopsy specimen demonstrated concentric proliferation of fibrous tissue surrounding hair follicles ad the collagen fibers within concentric fibrous sheaths surrounding hair follicles stained green with Masson's trichrome stain, which were quite typical for perifollicular fibroma. Because we could not find any epithelial proliferation in the serial sections, fibrofolliculoma could be ruled out. The skin lesions were removed by electrodesiccation and followed up for 5 months without recurrence.
Hair Follicle
Physical Examination
10.Purification of the urease of helicobacter pylori and production of monoclonal antibody to the urease of helicobacter pylori.
Jae Im KIM ; Seung Chul BAIK ; Myung Je CHO ; Woo Kon LEE ; Kwang Ho RHEE
Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology 1991;26(6):531-540
No abstract available.
Helicobacter pylori*