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Author:(Winnie TONG)

1.Successful cholecalciferol desensitisation in a case of delayed hypersensitivity

Anthea ANANTHARAJAH ; Anthony LAMPROGLOU ; Sylvia BRIDLE ; Weiwen CHEN ; Winnie TONG

Asia Pacific Allergy 2019;9(2):e14-

2.Does Acupuncture Therapy Alter Activation of Neural Pathway for Pain Perception in Irritable Bowel Syndrome?: A Comparative Study of True and Sham Acupuncture Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Winnie C W CHU ; Justin C Y WU ; David T W YEW ; Liang ZHANG ; Lin SHI ; David K W YEUNG ; Defeng WANG ; Raymond K Y TONG ; Yawen CHAN ; Lixing LAO ; Ping C LEUNG ; Brian M BERMAN ; Joseph J Y SUNG

Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2012;18(3):305-316

3.High Thyroid Stimulating Receptor Antibody Titre and Large Goitre Size at First-Time Radioactive Iodine Treatment are Associated with Treatment Failure in Graves' Disease.

Wei Lin TAY ; Chiaw Ling CHNG ; Carolyn Sy TIEN ; Kelvin Sh LOKE ; Winnie Wc LAM ; Stephanie Mc FOOK-CHONG ; Aaron Kt TONG

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2019;48(6):181-187

4.Current Status and Growth of Nuclear Theranostics in Singapore

Hian Liang HUANG ; Aaron Kian Ti TONG ; Sue Ping THANG ; Sean Xuexian YAN ; Winnie Wing Chuen LAM ; Kelvin Siu Hoong LOKE ; Charlene Yu Lin TANG ; Lenith Tai Jit CHENG ; Gideon Su Kai OOI ; Han Chung LOW ; Butch Maulion MAGSOMBOL ; Wei Ying THAM ; Charles Xian Yang GOH ; Colin Jingxian TAN ; Yiu Ming KHOR ; Sumbul ZAHEER ; Pushan BHARADWAJ ; Wanying XIE ; David Chee Eng NG

Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2019;53(2):96-101

5.Current Status and Growth of Nuclear Theranostics in Singapore

Hian Liang HUANG ; Aaron Kian Ti TONG ; Sue Ping THANG ; Sean Xuexian YAN ; Winnie Wing Chuen LAM ; Kelvin Siu Hoong LOKE ; Charlene Yu Lin TANG ; Lenith Tai Jit CHENG ; Gideon Su Kai OOI ; Han Chung LOW ; Butch Maulion MAGSOMBOL ; Wei Ying THAM ; Charles Xian Yang GOH ; Colin Jingxian TAN ; Yiu Ming KHOR ; Sumbul ZAHEER ; Pushan BHARADWAJ ; Wanying XIE ; David Chee Eng NG

Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2019;53(2):96-101

6.A summary of the Malaysian Clinical Practice Guidelines on the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis, 2022

Terence Ing WEI ONG ; Lee Ling LIM ; Siew Pheng CHAN ; Winnie Siew SWEE CHEE ; Alan Swee HOCK CH’NG ; Elizabeth GAR MIT CHONG ; Premitha DAMODARAN ; Fen Lee HEW ; Luqman bin IBRAHIM ; Hui Min KHOR ; Pauline Siew MEI LAI ; Joon Kiong LEE ; Ai Lee LIM ; Boon Ping LIM ; Sharmila Sunita PARAMASIVAM ; Jeyakantha RATNASINGAM ; Yew Siong SIOW ; Alexander Tong BOON TAN ; Nagammai THIAGARAJAN ; Swan Sim YEAP

Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia 2023;9(2):60-69

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