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Author:(Wan Mohd Nazaruddin Wan Hassan)

1.The History of Awake Craniotomy in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia

Wan Mohd Nazaruddin Wan Hassan

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2013;20(5):67-69

2.Passive Warming using a Heat-Band versus a Resistive Heating Blanket for the Prevention of Inadvertent Perioperative Hypothermia during Laparotomy for Gynaecological Surgery

Wan Muhd Shukeri Wan Fadzlina ; Wan Hassan Wan Mohd Nazaruddin ; Mohamad Zaini Rhendra Hardy

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2016;23(2):28-37

3.Target-controlled Infusion Propofol Versus Sevoflurane Anaesthesia for Emergency Traumatic Brain Surgery: Comparison of the Outcomes

Wan Mohd Nazaruddin Wan Hassan ; Yusnizah Mohd Nasir ; Rhendra Hardy Mohamad Zaini ; Wan Fadzlina Wan Muhd Shukeri

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2017;24(5):73-82

4.Life-Threatening Dyskalaemia after Barbiturate Coma Therapy: The Strategy of Management

Yeap Boon Tat ; Wan Mohd Nazaruddin Wan Hassan ; Ting Yung Chuen

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2017;24(2):100-105

5.Balanced Fluid Versus Saline-Based Fluid in Post-operative Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: Acid Base and Electrolytes Assessment

Mohamad Hasyizan Hassan ; Wan Mohd Nazaruddin Wan Hassan ; Rhendra Hardy Mohd Zaini ; Wan Fadzlina Wan Muhd Shukeri ; Huda Zainal Abidin ; Chong Soon Eu

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2017;24(5):83-93

6.The First Awake Clipping of a Brain Aneurysm in Malaysia and in ASEAN: Achieving International Standards

Zamzuri IDRIS ; Regunath KANDASAMY ; Neoh Yee YIK ; Jafri Malin ABDULLAH ; Wan Mohd Nazaruddin Wan Hassan ; Mohd Erham Mat Hassan

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2018;25(1):1-4

7.Comparison of the Effects of Dexmedetomidine on the Induction of Anaesthesia Using Marsh and Schnider Pharmacokinetic Models of Propofol Target-Controlled Infusion

Wan Mohd Nazaruddin Wan Hassan ; Tan Hai SIANG ; Rhendra Hardy Mohamed Zaini

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2018;25(1):24-31

8.Effect of Single Dose Pre-induction Dexmedetomidine on Anaesthetic Requirement and Pain Profile in Orthopaedic Surgery: A Placebo-controlled Double Blind Randomised Controlled Trial

Samantha Rampal ; Nik Abdullah Nik Mohamad ; S Praveena Seevaunnamtum ; Mohd Zulfakar Mazlan ; Sanihah Che Omar ; Wan Mohd Nazaruddin Wan Hassan

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2021;17(No.4):157-161

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