1.Research progress on detection methods for nitrobenzene compounds in air
WU Fan YUAN Jing HU Jia wen HE Jia heng MENG Rui bo WU Bang hua RONG Wei feng
China Occupational Medicine 2022;52(04):443-
Nitrobenzene compounds (NBCs) are widely used in the world. It has 40 isomers such as nitrobenzene, dinitrobenzene
and nitrotoluene, that are highly toxic and difficult to degrade and can cause harm to human health in different degrees. At pres⁃
ent, there is no unified standard method and occupational exposure limit for the detection of NBCs in the air. In terms of sampling
medium, solid adsorption tube is mostly used for trapping vapor state NBCs, and filter membrane and solid adsorption tube are
mostly used in series for sampling coexist NBCs in vapor state and aerosol state. In the detection methods, gas chromatography
and liquid chromatography are common, and ultraviolet spectrophotometry, Raman spectroscopy, ion migration spectrometry and
some other rapid response methods and technologies are also used in the detection of NBCs. In the detection of NBCs by gas chro⁃
matography, capillary column separation is commonly used, and the main detectors are flame ionization detector, electron capture
detector and mass spectrometry detector. It is of practical significance to establish a method with high sensitivity, strong practica⁃
bility, convenient operation, and can simultaneously collect and detect a variety of NBCs in different states.
2.Chloro-nitrobenzene compounds air sampling tube preparation and determination method
WU fan RONG Wei feng YUAN jing HE Jia heng HU Jia wen MENG Rui bo WU Bang hua YU Ri an
China Occupational Medicine 2022;49(06):697-
Objective - -
To prepare the GDH 5 air sampling tube for simultaneous collection of eight kinds of chloro nitrobenzene
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compounds CNBs in the air of workplace and establish a matching determination method using gas chromatography.
Methods - - ,
Eight kinds of CNBs in vapor and aerosol state were collected by self developed GDH 5 air sampling tube desorbed
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by toluene separated by polysiloxane gas chromatography column detected by microcell electron capture detector and
Results - ( -
quantified by external standard method. It was determined that the air sampling tube was assembled by XAD 2 ion
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exchange resin and glass fiber filter membrane. The linear range of CNBs was 0.80 240.00 mg/L and the linear correlation
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coefficients were greater than 0.999 9. The detection limit was 7.87 13.03 μg/L. The minimum detectable concentration was 0.60
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1.33 μg/m and the minimum quantitative concentration was 2.00 4.22 μg/m sample 45.00 L . The average desorption
- - (RSD) - , - RSD
efficiency was 101.2% 110.0%. The within run relative standard deviation was 0.8% 4.1% and the between run
- Conclusion -
was 0.3% 5.8%. The samples could be stored for more than 30 days at room temperature. GDH 5 air sampling
tube and its associated determination method can be used for the collection and determination of eight kinds of CNBs in
workplace air.