1.The survival duration and prognostic factors after surgical treatment of gastric cancer
Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;478(4):50-52
The cross-sectional descriptive study was performed at Hospital K from January 1995 to December 1999 on 171 patients with gastric cancer. Among them, 110 had had fully information about their status. 31% had got 5 years old survival ability with the mean survival duration of 40 months. Post operative prognostic significant factors: the level of invasion of tumor, 5 years old survival ability minimized progressively from T1 to T4 reached 100%, 39%, 18% and 0%, glandular metastasis and distant meastasis which affected to survival duration; the tumor of a size < 5cm had got better prognosis versus that of > 5cm of size and 10cm of size; prognosis was better with higher differentiated type of cells than those of lower defferentiated type; prognosis was better in intestinal type than in dispersing type. The age, the gender, the weight loss were not related to postoperative survival duration.
Stomach Neoplasms
2.Matching the endoscopic diagnosis and anapathological damage of gastric cancer treated at K Hospital from September 2002 to September 2003
Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;483(7):50-52
Matching the endoscopic diagnosis and anapathological damage of 130 patients with gastric cancer treated at K Hospital from September 2002 to September 2003. There was a high concidence of the diagnostic locality in endoscopic observation and the post operative analysis of the sample taken at the antrum: endoscopic observation 48.2%, pathological anatomy 48.9%. At the small curvature 24.5% and 25.1%. Anterior pulory and pulory 14.3% and 15.1% respectively. The rate of diagnostic concidence was 98%, 97% and 95%. The rate of diagnostic accuracy of endoscopy attained 74.8% anf of histopathologic diagnostic accuracy attained 85.6% through endoscopic biopsy.
Stomach Neoplasms
3.Discussion of the heart failure classification in Vietnam
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2000;5():13-16
This paper introduced the basic standards of the heart failure in Vietnam and the world such as opinions of Prof. Dang Van Chung, Gleger, Vu Dinh Hai, Tran Do Trinh, world health organization, New York Heart Association... and good points and bad points of each standard. This paper also introduced the new classification of the heart failure.
Hearing Loss, Toluene
Occupational Diseases
4.Treatment of hypertension as JNC VI
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2001;4():9-12
JNC VI was the sixth report of the National Program of Hypertension Education in America. There were some differences from previous reports including reduction of body weight, and alcohol consumption, exercise, reduction of salt (less than 100 mmol), adequate complement of calcium and Magnesium, stop smoking, reduction of saturated fat and cholesterol. The blood pressure must be less than 140/90. The treatment involved the risk factors and using the diuretics and beta-blockers.
Disease Management
5.WHO guidelines for management of hypertension
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2002;(9):6-11
Guidelines for management of hypertension from WHO and international hypertension association presented in conference of hypertension in Fukuota during 29/9-1/10/1998. The guidelines included definition and classification for prognosis and factors for prognosis; treatment: objectives, measures, outlines, and method of drug choose (compulsory, possible indication and contraindication; some reviews of drugs and outlines for special hypertensive patients.
Disease Management
6.Update of hypertension
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2000;10():14-17
Studies have issued for the past decades changed significantly the perception and management of hypertension. There were some literatures approved by almost international experts. They were documents of World Health Organization issued in 1996 and 1999 about hypertension
Disease Management
7.Contribution of the ultrasound to the diagnosis of spiral cystic ovary
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;263(9):140-141
During 1/1998 - 4/1999, there were 8 patients with the spinal cystic ovary in ViÖt §øc hospital. A study on 8 these patients were carried out to describe the clinical symptoms, the ultrasound image and differentiate diagnostic signs. The results: the ultrasound found the sound empty tumor in the next of uterine, the fluid surrounds the tumor and the wall of tumor was not thick. It should combine the clinical symptoms, with biological signs and ultrasound to precisely diagnose.
8.Arrhythmias in elderly
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2001;(11):13-16
Changes of cardiac structure and action in elderly led to the arrhythmia such as extrasystole (symptoms, treatment and prognosis), arterial fibrillation (anticoagulation for reduction of the risk of cardiovascular accidents, reduction of ventricular rhythm, normalization of sinal rhythm), sick sinal syndrome and transmission disorders were studied.
9.Value of transvaginal or transrectal ultrasound in the diagnosis of bladder tumor
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):97-99
43 patients with the bladder tumor received the clinical examination have shown that the rate of male/female was 6/11, average ages of patients were 60. 93% of patients had blood urination and stimulation syndrome of bladder. The transvaginal or transrectal ultrasound found that this was a comfortable method with no complication, and its invasion was less than transurinarytract ultrasound. The sensitivity of method was 95.2%. The limitation of this method was to find incompletely the number of tumors in some cases.
Bladder Neoplasms
10.JNC 7 and the practice of management of hypertension
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(11):12-15
In the 7th report of International Committee on prevention, detection, evaluation and treatment of hypertension has collected all studies from 1997 to 2003. Classification of hypertension: prehypertension, prehypertension in stage, prehypertension in 2 stage. It is better to use stethoscope for measure blood presure. Content of checking hypertension patients: find out the reason for hypertension, calcutate BMI, hear blood pulse in neck, stomach, groin, examination of nerve system, ECG, urine test and blood test. Treatments: control life style, diuretic, block /beta, block Ca channel, block /alpha, educate for patients
Hematologic Tests