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Author:(Vince, John D.)

4.Forty years of postgraduate medical training at the University of Papua New Guinea

John D. Vince

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2017;60(1-2):41-50

5.Thirty years of the Paediatric Standard Treatment Book.

John D Vince ; David Mokela

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2006;49(3-4):147-55

6.The Brixia Chest X Ray Severity Score in adult patients with symptomatic Covid-19 Infection : A useful guide to management

Evelyn Gima ; John D. Vince

Pacific Journal of Medical Sciences 2023;23(2):16-24

7.Mortality in children admitted to Port Moresby General Hospital: how can we improve our hospital outcomes?

Titus Nasi ; John D Vince ; David Mokela

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2003;46(3-4):113-24

8.Assessing Preventative Maintenance and Sustainability of Oxygen Concentrators in Health Facilities in Papua New Guinea

Francis Pulsan ; Trevor Duke ; John D. Vince

Pacific Journal of Medical Sciences 2022;23(1):51-59

9.Computed-Tomography staging of Breast Cancer and its role in Patient Management in a resource-limited setting: A retrospective study from Fiji

Komal K. Singh ; John D. Vince

Pacific Journal of Medical Sciences 2021;22(1):63-69

10.Neonatal outcome at Modilon Hospital, Madang: a 5-year review.

Stella Jimmy ; Adedayo D Kemiki ; John D Vince

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2003;46(1-2):8-15

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