1.Studying epidemiology, clinical, paraclinical characteristic of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura disease in National Pediatric Hospital
Thang Van Nguyen ; Huong Thi Thu Tran
Journal of Medical Research 2007;49(3):40-46
Background: Idiopathic or Immune Thrombocytopenic Pupura (ITP) is a common disease in Vietnamese children. This is a hemostatic disorder disease diagnosed by clinical symptoms combining with tests of platelet quantity in peripheral blood and other tests. Objectives: to study epidemiology, clinical, para-clinical characteristics and their relations in ITP disease. Subjects and methods: This was a prospective and retrospective study. The study included 579 pediatric patients from 3 months to 16 ages who were diagnosed and treated ITP disease in National Pediatric Hospital from 1/1/2003 to 12/31/2004. Results: Data were analyzed, including 191 infants from >3-<12 months (33.0%), 293 children from 1 - 10 ages (50.6%), 95 children >10-<16 ages (16.4%). The male/female ratio was highest in infants and decreased with age (P < 0.001). The disease occurred more in September, October and November with advantage factor being acute respiratory infection before 2 to 3 weeks. Subcutaneous hemorrhage ratio was highest with 557 cases (96.2%), intracranial hemorrhage happened in 7 cases (1.7%). There were differences among age groups about hemorrhage situation. Anemia level did not corresponding with the decrease of the platelet count. Conclusion: Characteristics of ITP depend on the number of platelet and age. \r\n', u'\r\n', u'\r\n', u'
Idiopathic/ epidemiology
2.The value of urocytogramme in normal menstruation period of adolescent girls
Yen Thi Thuy Hoang ; Nhan Thu Nguyen ; Hop Van Tran
Journal of Medical Research 2007;55(6):168-172
Background:The urocytogramme is a certain laboratory tests, although older. By studying the cellular elements from the wall of the bladder trigone desquamated in the urine, it allows cyto-hormonal diagnosis. It allows to assess the presence and importance of the biological effect of sex steroids. This examination is not commonly used because they are poorly known in our country. It's a review of how simple, noninvasive, inexpensive. Objectives:This study aims to learn about the value of urocytogramme in normal menstruation period of girls. Subjects and method:A study was conducted on 143 high school girls of Hai Ba Trung Secondary School, Hue city. The mean age was 15\xb18 months, completely puberty; the average weight was 45.7\xb16.8 kg; average height was 156.8 \xb18.5 cm. The duration of study was from September 2006 to May 2007. Results:Urocytogramme had the index which changed according to the phase of the menstrual cycle and correlated closely with sex hormone concentrations in the ovulatory phase. The IK index had the value in ovulation diagnostic phase with the sensitivity and specificity concentrations equivalent to LH and plasma Estradiol. Conclusion:Urocytogram was a useful test for the diagnosis of in normal menstruation period of adolescent girls. It was easy, cheap and truly reflected oestrogen activity to help doctors making decision for the treatment of lasting amenorrhea disorders.
Menstrual Cycle
3.Study on influences of the fixed combination antimalaria drug dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine in reproductive progress of mice
Thu Thi Minh Nguyen ; Nhu Van Truong ; Huong Tran Giang Nguyen ; Sau Thi Bui
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(1):82-89
Background: Dihydroartemisinin 40mg and piperaquine phosphate 320mg (DHA-PQP) drug combination and piperaquin phosphate (PQP) material was first successfully produced in Vietnam \r\n', u'Objective: to study influences of the fixed combination antimalaria drug dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine in reproductive progress of mice\r\n', u"Subjects and methods: This study was carried out at the Department of Malaria treatment and research, National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (NIMPE), between September, 2006 and March, 2007. The influences of the fixed combination antimalarial drug 40 mg dihydroartemisinin (DHA) plus 320 mg piperaquine phosphate (PQP), with PQP produced firstly in Vietnam, in mice's reproductive progresses were investigated in three generations (including the parent and FI, F2 child generations). \r\n", u'Results: In all three generations, study indices among the treated and control groups were not significantly different (the values P > 0.05). These indices included the rate of fecundation, numbers of fetuses of each mother mouse, numbers of offspring of each mother mouse, mean body weights of offspring. Early lethal fetuses, lately lethal fetuses, monsters and innate abnormally offspring were not found in P, FI and F2 generations. The necessary feeding - day numbers that offspring of P and F 1 generations reached their body weights about 20g were different insignificantly (the values P> 0.05) among the treated and control groups. \r\n', u'Conclusion: The combination DHA-PQP was found to cause no genome mutations in mice at the oral dose of 120 mg per kg per day for 5 consecutive days. \r\n', u'
fixed combination antimalarial drug
rate of fecundation
early lethal fetuses
lately lethal fetuses
monsters and innate abnormally offspring
genome mutations
4.Study on acute oral toxicities of Piperaquine phosphate and the fixed combination anti-malarial drug Dihydroartemisinin plus Piperaquine in mice
Thu Thi Minh Nguyen ; Nhu Van Truong ; Sau Thi Bui ; Huong Tran Giang Nguyen
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2004;0(3):31-38
Background: Piperaquin (PQ) is an anti-malaria drug, which belong to bisquinoline class. Vietnam has successfully produced PQ (both base and phosphate) since 2004. Objective: To evaluate acute oral toxicities of Piperaquine phosphate and the fixed combination anti-malarial drug Dihydroartemisinin plus Piperaquine in mice. Subject and Method: This study was conducted at National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology between June and October, 2005. The acute oral toxicities of piperaquine phosphate (PQP) and the fixed combination anti-malaria drug (40 mg dihydroiutemisinin plus 320 mg piperaquine phosphate (DHA-PQP), with the materials produced by Institute of chemistry) in mice were investigated. Result: PQP had a medium toxicity. Inhibition of mice's central nervous systems was the main toxicity exhibition. At the high doses of PQP, mice's convulsion was observed before their deaths. The infralethal dose (LDo), absolute lethal dose (LD100) and mean lethal dose (LD50) of PQP were 900, 2300 and 1643.98 (1537.6 \u2013 1758.92) mg/kg, respectively. The fixed combination DHA-PQP had a less toxicity than PQP powder, with LDo, LD100 and LD50 were 1400, 2800 and 2050.06 (1943.63 \u2013 2157.14) mg per kg of body weight, respectively. Conclusion: At the high doses of DHA-PQP, this combination also inhibited mice's central nervous systems. Mice convulsed strongly before their deaths. All died mice were operated for observing visually their organs such as hearts, livers, kidneys, lungs, vesicles and intestines. No abnormal signals were found.
Piperaquine phosphate
5.Expression of Heparansulfate Interacting Protein (HIP) in benign prostatic hyperplasia,prostate intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate cancer
Ngoc Thi Phuong Nguyen ; Thuy Thu Nguyen ; Chi Kim Dao ; Khanh Van Tran ; Van Thanh Ta
Journal of Medical Research 2008;56(4):98-104
Background: Heparansulfate Interacting Protein (HIP) is up-regulated in various human cancer cell lines at both transcript and protein levels. HIP expression is related to the differentiation status and cancer development. Objectives: To determine HIP in benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate cancer tissues. Materials and method: Western blot method was used to determine HIP expression in 3 different types of prostate tissue, including 11 prostate cancer samples, 2 benign prostatic hyperplasia samples and 11 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia samples. Results. HIP was particularly up-regulated in prostate cancer and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, indicating that up-regulation of HIP expression may be an early event in tumorgenesis. Conclusion: The expression of HIP was different between cancer, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia tissue and benign prostatic hyperplasia. HIP may serve as a prognostic marker for prostate carcinoma.
HIP expression
Prostate cancer
Prostatic hyperplasia.
6.Spoligotyping technique: improvement and application in classification Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Lien Thi Kim Vu ; Au Thi Hai Tran ; Khanh Van Tran ; Nga Thi Quynh Do ; Hung Van Nguyen ; Dung Thi Thu Nguyen ; Trao Tan Vu ; Ulf R.Dalhe
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;17(6):23-29
Background: There are many methods used in epidemiological studies of tuberculosis (TB) bacteria but Spoligotyping method is widely used with high accuracy, simple procedure, and carried out on strains containing a little of IS6110 segment \r\n', u'Objectives: To improve Spoligotyping technique and apply this technique to classify Mycobacterium tuberculosis\r\n', u'Subjects and method: Subjects and methods: The study included 12 medical waste samples collected at Thai Binh Hospital of Tuberculosis and 19 samples obtained from the The Hanoi Institute for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. Spoligo model of 31 samples were analyzed based on Spotclust and SpoIDB4 database and divided up into family and subfamily.\r\n', u'Results: Spoligotyping technique has good results with the PCR product amplified 40 cycles and presented the film in 18 hours. Obtained results in 31 medical waste samples belong to 4 families: Beijing, EAI, T1 and H3-LAM9. EAI and Beijing are dominant families with 45.16% and 38.7%), respectively. T1 and H3-LAM9 are 12.9% and 3.22%, respectively. The number of samples in the study is little but the obtained rate of different spoligo models of strains are quite diversified (41.9%)\r\n', u'Conclusion: This result is relatively appropriate with previous studies on the distribution of EAI and Beijing families in Vietnam and the world. Spligotyping technique distinguished samples belonging to Beijing or non-Beijing families, which support for clinical treatment and development of new vaccines.\r\n', u'\r\n', u'\r\n', u'
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
7.Study on influences of the fixed combination anti-malarial drug dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine in constitutions and some biochemical and haematological indices of rabbits
Thu Thi Minh Nguyen ; Nhu Van Truong ; Huong Tran Giang Nguyen ; Dao Minh Le ; Sau Thi Bui
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2004;0(3):44-55
Background: The combination of dihydroartemisinin and piperaquine is interested because of its efficiency and safety in treating malaria. Objective: To evaluate the influences of the fixed combination anti-malarial drug dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine in constitutions and some biochemical and haematological indices of rabbits. Subject and Method: The sub-chronic toxicity of the fixed combination anti-malarial drug of 40 mg dihydroartemisinin plus 320 mg piperaquine phosphate (DHA-PQP), with the materials produced by Institute of Chemistry, in rabbits was investigated. Rabbits were treated daily by oral route with DHA-PQP at the dose regimens of 64 and 100 mg/kg per day for 28 consecutive days. Result and Conclusion: DHA-PQP did not affect on rabbits' constitutions. Generally, all rabbits had normal ingestions, activities, and defecations. Rabbits' body weights increased regularly along the study period and significantly increased between day 28 and day 0 (P < 0.05). At the dose regimen of 64 mg/kg per day for 28 consecutive days, DHA-PQP did not change significantly rabbits' biochemical indices (including GOT, GPT, bilirubin, creatinine and protein) and haematological. These changes were insignificantly different between the treated and control groups at the same study points (P > 0.05). With the dose regimen of 100 mg/kg, the combination did not affect significantly (P>0.05) on some rabbits' biochemical and haematological indices. But hemoglobin, erythrocyte count and rate of monocytes increased significantly on day 14 comparing to that the control group (P < 0.05) and became in normal limits on day 29 (P > 0.05). Protein concentration also increased significantly on days 14 and 29 comparing to that of day 0 (P < 0.05).
Dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine combination
8.Epidemiology of rotavirus diarrhea in the National Pediatric Hospital
Hien Dang Nguyen ; Huong Thu Ngo ; Luan Thi Le ; Man Van Nguyen ; Dung Trung Le ; Ha Thi Ngan Dang ; Huong Thi Mai Nguyen ; Hanh Bich Tran
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;18(6):12-16
Background: Rotavirus type A is the most common cause of acute gastrointestinal inflammatory in children under 5 years old, especially in age groups 6 and 36 months. Some rotavirus strains are common; seen recently in Vietnam are G1, G2, G3, G4 and G9, P4, P6 and P8. Objective: Surveillance of epidemiological characteristics of rotavirus induced diarrhea in the National Pediatric Hospital from September, 2007 to March, 2008. Subject and methods: Collection of 322 stool specimens of pediatric patients with acute diarrhea (including 213 specimens from male, 109 specimens from female), who were treated in the National Pediatric Hospital. All of these specimens were determined for causes of rotavirus with the enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Results and Conclusion: Among these 322 stool specimens, there were 195 rotavirus positive specimens, accounted for 60.56%. The rate of monthly distribution of rotavirus diarrhea from September, 2007 to March, 2008 were 76%, 56%, 62%, 61%, 64%, 56% and 44%, respectively. Number of rotavirus positive cases in male and female was 56 (26.29%) and 79 (72.48%), respectively. The rate of rotavirus positive children compared to total number of specimens with the age 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-24 months, 24-36 months and over 36 months was 7.69%, 15.9%, 41.54%, 32.82%, 1.54% and 0.51%, respectively. The results of type identification indicated that phenotypes of 37 among 40 specimens were identified (92.5%) in which there were 5 specimens of G1P8 (12.5%), 20 specimens of G3P8 (50%), 1 specimen of G9P8 (2.5%), 2 specimens of G1Pmixed (5%), 9 specimens of G3Pmixed (22.5%), 1 specimen of G unidentified-type P8 (2.5%) and 2 specimens of G3 P unidentified-type (5%).
9.Epidemiology of ROTA virus diarrhea in Ho Chi Minh city from 12/2006-11/2007
Hien Dang Nguyen ; Huong Thu Ngo ; Luan Thi Le ; Man Van Nguyen ; Dung Trung Le ; Ha Thi Ngan Dang ; Huong Thi Mai Nguyen ; Hanh Bich Tran ; Tu Van Phan ; Thao Thi Thanh Nguyen ; Phuc Le Hoang
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;97(5):46-51
Background: Acute gastroenterophathy usually caused by the Rota virus for children under 5 years old. Objectives: To present various types of data on epidemiology of ROTA virus diarrhea in Ho Chi Minh city from 12/2006-11/2007. Material and method: The data were collected from 500 stool specimens of diarrhea diagnosed chilren hosptalised at Thuy Dien Pediatric hospital 1, Ho Chi Minh city from December/2006 to November /2007. Results:There were 322 rotavirus-positive specimens, representing 64.4%. The proportions of monthly distribution of cases with diarrhea due to rotavirus were 90.1%, 54.39%, 85.37%, 74.51%, 72.92%, 41.67%, 26.67%, 58.33%, 79.31%, 52.63%, 69.05% and 57.78%, respectively. The numbers of rotavirus-positive cases in male and female were 216 (65.26%) and 106 (62.72%), respectively. The proportions of Rota virus positive children compared to total number of diarrheal cases with age 0-3, 3-6, 6-12, 12-24, 24-36 and over 36 months were 2.80%, 7.76%, 40.06%, 40.68%, 5.28% and 3.42%, respectively.\r\n', u'The results of typing identification indicated that the phenotypes of 98 among 100 specimens were identified (98%) in which there were sixty-one specimens of G1P8 (61%), one specimen of G2P8 (1%), fourteen specimens of G3P8 (14%), four of specimens of G4P8 (4%), eighteen specimens of GmixedP8 (18%). There were only two specimens of GnontypeableP8 (2%). Conclusion: Further studies should be carried out to clear this issue.\r\n', u'
gel type.
10.Evaluating clinical experience from a case of hepatocellular carcinoma with combinated therapy of transarterial chemoembolization and percutaneousethanol injection afterward emerging metatasis caused by fine needle aspiration cytology
Long Cong Nguyen ; Truong Xuan Bui ; Thong Minh Pham ; Ho Thi Thu Pham ; Hung Quoc Nghiem ; Phuong Minh Tran ; Long Van Dao ; Trach Khanh Nguyen
Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(2):69-73
Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary hepatic tumor and one of the most common cancers worldwide. HCC is a primary malignancy of hepatocellular origin. Objectives:The aim of study is to combinate therapy of transarterial chemoembolization and percutaneousethanol injection afterward emerging metatasis caused by fine needle aspiration cytology. Subjects and method: A 50 years old male patient with hepatocellular carcinoma having a diameter of tumor more than 5 cm was treated by combination of transarterial chemoembolization and percutaneous ethanol injection from December 2000. Results & Conclusion: Results of study showed that: Transarterial chemoembolization and percutaneous ethanol injection are the two of non-surgical methods for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma which are most commonly available in applied clinical activities at present. Up to now, the patient's life expectancy after therapy is more than 6 years that means the result of treatment is very good. However, the emerging metatasis into the anterior-right-Iower chest wall that was caused by fine needle aspiration cytology should be reviewed for further evaluating clinical experience, especially in cases with quite clear imaging features of untrasonography and significantly elevated AFP level higher than 200 ng/rnl.
Hepatocellular/ pathology