1.Review of 20 years of surgical treatment of deformity of foot cervix and club foot combining with orthopadic equipment and external fixation.
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;233(2):20-22
Center for the trauma and orthopady treated 200 cases of foot deformity in which 1,500 cases received operations. Most of them were congenital club foot (70%) followed by club food due to the polio fever(20%) due to the brain paralysis (5%) and due to arthrogrip ossis (5%). The orthopadic equipments were applied for 35 cases. The equipment was used within 5 weeks and continuously fixed by gypsum up to 3 months from the day of operation.
2.Introduction of urodynamic studies
Journal Ho Chi Minh Medical 2003;7(2):68-74
To survey the basic measurements of urodynamic as cystometry, uroflowmetry, electromyography, urethral profilometry. Currently, it may be to combine measurements each other or urodynamic with image diagnostic technique in order to have comprehensive consideration, more accurate on lower urinary tract function: To combine with cystometry, uroflowmetry and electromyography, detrusor pressure measurement, to combine with cystometry and observe reflection of light of cystoids under fluorescent screen, video-urodynamics
Urinary Tract
3.Varicocele - Updated knowledge on diagnosis and treatment
Journal Ho Chi Minh Medical 2003;7(4):195-200
Varicocele is a dilatation of plexus venosus in the spermatic cord. It rarely occurs before the age of puberty, but 15% of male teenager experienced varicocele (the rate is relatively high). This rate is higher when surveying data of male infertility (35% of primary infertility patients, and 75-81% of secondary infertility patients had experienced varicocele). Varicocele may affect both sides, but 90% of cases occurred in 1 side and among them 90% were in the left side. Microsurgery is a treatment with high rate of success
Spermatic Cord
4.Ecstasy – is very dangerous
Pharmaceutical Journal 2003;326(6):32-32
Ecstasy has been registered in 1914 as an anti-tired medicament for military use. From the year 1980, Ecstasy becomes an excitant using in amusing with the name of “shaking drug”, “Rabid drug”. After consumption, users become cheery, infatuated, vigilant, untiring, loosing of the feel of hunger, fond of groping for and embracing, drinking alcohol and beer, dancing in all night. In the state of passionately fond the user can kill and rape. After a stage of exciting, the user can get severe and long weakening, get psychologic disturbance, get acute hepatitis. The harmfulness of ecstasy can be continuously listed
Military Personnel
Pharmaceutical Preparations
5.Take care when utilize antibiotics
Pharmaceutical Journal 2003;9():37-38
Antibiotic use must carefully and must exactly consider according to indication and combined exactly method and disease. To against antibiotic resistance, urgent methods is needed such as drugs used exactly disease, sufficient dose and enough time. For physicians, should careful if prescribe antibiotic, don't use new drug if older drug still effective, review antibiotic resistance to choose exactly, preservation obey exact standards, limited using antibiotic for cattle and poultry
Antibiotics, Antifungal
Pharmaceutical Preparations
Delivery of Health Care
6.Study on the hemodynamometry in 2 positions to predict the development of hypertensive disorder in pregnancy
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;232(1):31-36
Fifty three of normogravid - normotensive women who subsequently developed pregnancy - included hypertension demonstrated an increase in diastolic blood pressure at least 20 mmHg when turned from the lateral recumbent to the supine position, between twenty eight and thirty six weeks of gestation. Conversely 95.8% percent of women who did not demonstrate such a rise in diastolic blood pressure when turned to supine position did not become hypertensive during that pregnancy. The results demonstrated the high validity of this method as follow: the sensivity of predictive value: 65%. The specificity of predictive value: 93%, the positive predictive value: 53%, the negative predictive value: 96%.
Pregnant Women
7.Immunohistochemical study of primary extranodal malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Journal of Medical Research 2000;13(3):20-23
Between 1996 and 1998, 31 cases of primary extranodal malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were studied immunohistochemically. Immunohistochemical study showed that the majority of the cases were of B-cell type: 19 cases (73.07%) and only 3 cases (11.53%) were of the T-cell type. According to the Working Formulation system, the most common histologic type was diffuse, large cell type (61.29%). The histologic grade was moderate grade: 23 cases (74.19%), high grades: 5 cases (16.13%).
Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin
8.Relationship between Helicobacter pylori seroprevanlence in children and history of digestive disorders in children and their parents
Journal of Medical Research 2007;55(6):141-145
Background: The role of Helicobacter pylori live in digestive tract cause digestive disorder are confirmed. Objectives: To assess the relationship between seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori (HP) in children and history of digestive disorders in children and their parents. Subjects and method: In this cross-sectional study, history of digestive disorders (recurrent epigastralgy at least 3 episodes in a duration at least 3 months, confirmed either by upper endoscopy or by gastric radiography with contrast or ameloration by treatment with anti - acid) was gathered using questionnaire with additional examination of individual health book, prescription or discharge certificate of a population of 818 children <15 years old in pediatric department, Bach Mai hospital and 369 children <18 in a rural commune. Seroprevalence was determined by ELISA with cut - off at 0.18 optic density. Results:Among in - patients, seroprevalence was 52.6% (20/38) in children with digestive history, significantly higher than 32.6% (254/780) in those who were without this history (p=0.013); risk for HP infection in children with the history was 4.8 higher than that in those who were without the history [OR (95% CI): 4.79 (1.62-9.16)), while the difference in HP seroprevalence was insignificant in children whose mother or father was with or without the history (p > 0.05). Among children in the community, the difference in HP seroprevalence of 72.7% (8/11) in children with and 55.0% (250/373) in those without the history was statistically insignificant (p>0.05). However, HP seroprevalence in children whose father or mother was with the history was of 71.8% (28/39) and 70.5% (31/44), respectivly, significantly higher than 43.1 % (94/318) and 45.6% (125/274) in those whose father or mother was without the history, respectively (p < 0.05). Risk for being HP seropositive in children whose father was with the history was 3.4 folds higher than those whose father was without the history [OR (95% CI): 3.36 (1.38-7.54)] and that in children whose mother was with the history was 2.9 folds higher than in those whose mother was without the history [OR (95% CI): 2.91 (1.41-5.26)]. Conclusion: It exsisted a discrepancy in relationship between HP seroprevalence in children and history of digestive disorders in 2 groups of population in the hospital and in the community, and further studies with larger size were warranted to better clarify this relationship.
Helicobacter pylori/ pathogenicity
Stomach/ pathology
Duodenal Diseases/ diagnosis
9.On occasion of 20 patients with the cerebral cysticercosis diagnosed by CT scanner in the center for image diagnosis
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 1999;236(6):96-97
In 1996, the center for image diagnosis implemented CT scanner on 20 patients to identify cerebral cysticercosis. The results showed that the male/female patient rate was 4/1. The cysticercosis located mainly in brain, under skin and muscle. If cysticercosis found in brain, it should find cysticercosis whether is in the skin and muscle or not. And if the cysticercosis found in the skin and muscle and there is an intracranial hyperpressure, it should find the cysticercosis in the brain
10.Evaluation of some criteria related with primary cerebral hemorrhage
Journal of Practical Medicine 1999;361(2):49-52
Review of 194 patients with cerebral hemorrhage in Central of Army Hospital No 108 during 1994- 1998 was carried out. The high risk factors of primary cerebral hemorrhage include patients with ages of 50 and above, maximal blood pressure: 140 mmHg, minimal blood pressure: 90, low level of HDL- C: 0,9 mmol/l. CT scan, test of cerebrospinal fluid, leukopenia in peripheral blood in first hours help determine diagnostics of cerebral hemorrhage and prognosis.
Cerebral Hemorrhage