1.Definitions of Terminology in Perinatal Epidemiology and Recommendations for Grouping in Statistics : by definition of ICD 10th revision (WHO) and NVSR (CDC, USA).
Sung Hoon CHUNG ; Yong Sung CHOI ; Chong Woo BAE
Korean Journal of Perinatology 2011;22(3):161-168
Perinatal period, which is a series of consecutive periods of pregnancy, delivery, birth and neonatal life, gives many important information about national public health statistics and data. It is fundamental and important in the epidemiological statistics to understand clearly the definitions of terminology in perinatal epidemiology, and to group diseases and its characteristics, prognosis and mortality according to the definitions. Therefore, the present review article should be helpful in understanding the terms of perinatal epidemiology based on the international criteria and also to understand the uniformity of the international criteria in the grouping the periods when making the statistic products. By reviewing and presenting the perinatalogic definitions based on criteria of 10th revision of International Statistical Classification of Disease (ICD) and Related Health Problems (WHO), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) of Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Statistics Korea, and Statistics of Japan Ministry of Health Labour, and Welfare. And also by understanding the grouping in statistics, we intended to propose the uniformity of the statistics in the perinatal epidemiologic papers in Korea.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.)
National Center for Health Statistics (U.S.)
Public Health
Vital Statistics
2.Effects of Public Health Service Impartiality on Subjective Health Happiness: Mediated Effect of Public Health Service Quality
Health Policy and Management 2019;29(3):323-331
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of impartiality in providing public health services on subjective health happiness and the mediated effects of public health service quality. Based on this, this study intends to present policy implications to improve public health services. METHODS: The research method is multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis of the mediating effects is performed by Baron & Kenny's test, Sobel-Goodman's test, and Bootstrap. RESULTS: The impartiality of public health services and the quality of public health services are shown to have a statistically significant effect on subjective health happiness. Quality of public health service appears to be mediating the relationship between impartiality in providing public health care and subjective health happiness. CONCLUSION: To promote people's subjective health happiness, it is necessary to secure impartiality in providing public health services in the first place and improve the quality of public health services.
Diagnostic Self Evaluation
Linear Models
Public Health
United States Public Health Service
3.Analysis of the Korean Emergency Department Syndromic Surveillance System: Mass Type Acute Diarrheal Syndrome.
Shin AHN ; Jae Ho LEE ; Won KIM ; Kyung Soo LIM
Healthcare Informatics Research 2010;16(3):177-184
OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to compare the data from the emergency department syndromic surveillance system of Korea in detection and reporting of acute diarrheal syndrome (mass type) with the data from the Korea Food and Drug Administration. And to offer fundamental materials for making improvements in current surveillance system was our purpose. METHODS: A study was conducted by reviewing the number of cases reported as acute diarrheal syndrome (mass type) from the Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention between June, 2002 and July, 2008. And the data were compared with the number of mass food poisoning cases during the same period, reported from the Korea Food and Drug Administration. The difference between two groups was measured and their transitions were compared. RESULTS: The emergency department syndromic surveillance system's reports of the numbers of acute diarrheal syndrome (mass type) cases were different from the transition of mass food poisonings, reported by the Korea Food and Drug Administration. Their reports were not accurate and they could not follow the trends of increase in mass food poisonings since 2002. CONCLUSIONS: Current problems in the emergency department syndromic surveillance system in Korea are mostly related to inaccuracies of daily data reporting system. Manual data input by the reporters could play a big role in such inaccuracies. There need to be improvements in the ways of reporting data, such as automated information transport system linking electronic medical record.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.)
Electronic Health Records
Foodborne Diseases
Research Design
United States Food and Drug Administration
4.Research on constitution of Chinese medicine and implementation of translational medicine.
Ji WANG ; Ting WANG ; Ying-shuai LI ; Yan-fei ZHENG ; Ling-ru LI ; Qi WANG
Chinese journal of integrative medicine 2015;21(5):389-393
Translational medicine is a new concept presented in recent decades, the core of which is to build a bridge between basic medical research and clinical application. From the beginning of constitution of Chinese medicine, clinical application has been given priority. Therefore, the idea of translational medicine is fully demonstrated in the research into the three key scientific problems of "classification of constitution of Chinese medicine", "relationship between constitution and disease" and "adjustment of constitution". Under its guidance, not only was the systematic theory of constitution of Chinese medicine established, but also the Constitution of Chinese Medicine Scale and the Standards of Classification and determination of Constitution of Chinese Medicine were developed, which translates methods of classifying the nine constitutional types into guidance for prevention of disease, management of health and clinical application. The research findings of constitution of Chinese medicine have been applied in clinical practice and public health, establishing the diagnosis and treatment model of constitution-disease-syndrome differentiation. The nationwide application of constitution differentiation has shown good effect. In the future, constitution of Chinese medicine should strengthen the evidence-based research and multi-disciplinary cooperation, and establish a research team on comprehensive constitution of Chinese medicine and translational medicine, to translate the findings into clinical practice and public health more accurately and quickly.
Biomedical Research
Medicine, Chinese Traditional
Translational Medical Research
United States
United States Public Health Service
5.A Study on Yangsaeng for Health Promotion of Aged Women in Rural Area.
Hee Young JUNG ; Hyoung Sook PARK ; Soo Youn PARK
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2009;20(1):49-58
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to explore the yangsaeng level in a health management way of an aged women in rural area, and to offer basic material for the development of community's public health service. METHODS: The subjects were 144 aged women who participated voluntarily in the questionnaire. The data were collected from January to February, 2008 with a self-administered questionnaire. Data were analyzed by SPSS 13.0 win program for finding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA and Tukey. RESULTS: The average age of workers was 72. Total yangsaeng level was 3.08+/-.33, highest yangsaeng factor was Activity & Rest Yangsaeng of 3.55+/-.46 and lowest yangsaeng factor was Season Yangsaeng of 2.43+/-.75. The total Yangsaeng level was the significant difference in monthly incomes(F=4.046, p=.047). CONCLUSION: Considering the results above, the yangsaeng level of aged women is affected by the age, education level, a monthly income etc. Therefore, for health promotion plan of aged women, consider that their age, educational level, economic level ect, and systematic education for promotion of health is necessary.
Health Promotion*
United States Public Health Service
Surveys and Questionnaires
6.A Survey of Role Perception and Function Performance Related to Public Health Service among the Medical Staff in a National Hospital.
Young Hye CHO ; Sang Yeoup LEE ; Dong Wook JEONG ; Eun Jung CHOI ; Yun Jin KIM ; Jeong Gyu LEE ; Yu Young GO ; Yu Hyone LEE ; Mi Jin BAE ; Chang Hoon KIM
Journal of Agricultural Medicine & Community Health 2012;37(2):67-75
OBJECTIVES: While there have recently been efforts to improve public health service at a governmental level, there is actually insufficient research on awareness of the roles related to public health service among hospital employees. This study examined role perception and function performance related to public health service among the medical staff in a national hospital. METHODS: 15% were randomly sampled from each type of occupation among the medical staff in a national university hospital, a survey was conducted in 323 persons, and there were a total of 265 participants (80.2%): 103 doctors(38.9%), 98 nurses (37.0%), and 64 others (24.1%). RESULTS: The hospital employees had insufficient awareness of their roles as public health service providers in terms of six required items for public health service: 1) services for supporting establishment, implementation, and assessment of public health service policies, 2) participation in the health service activities and support services by central or local governments, 3) technological support and educational services for private health service institutions, 4) health service for unprivileged brackets, 5) health service that requires association with other areas dealing with geriatric, disabled, and mentally-disordered people, and 6) health service for children and mothers. CONCLUSIONS: In general, since the hospital employees had insufficient awareness of their roles and responsibilities as public health service providers, it is necessary to secure manpower exclusively in charge of public health service and provide education about strategic public health service.
Fees and Charges
Health Services
Medical Staff
Public Health
United States Public Health Service
7.The Content Evaluation of Tobacco Cessation Information on Internet Web-Sites in Korea.
Journal of Korean Society of Medical Informatics 2003;9(4):431-444
In this study, quality of tobacco cessation information provided through Internet web sites was evaluated in terms of clarity of objectives, suitability, accuracy, reliability and usability. This study limited to those internet web sites developed and delivered by Korean public health service organizations or their related institutions or associations. This study analyzed 8 internet web sites and evaluation criteria developed by Chung, Yong Chul and Park, Hyeoun Ae (2000) were used. Study results indicated that objectives of those sites were not described or not clear; the types of audiences of those sites were not evident; Sources of the information were not clearly documented; sponsored institutions or organizations were not clearly identified; authors/editors credentials were not clearly stated. The development of guidelines for standardized health information on Internet web sites is necessary.
Tobacco Use Cessation*
United States Public Health Service
8.The effect of clinical performance on the survival estimates of direct restorations.
Kyou Li KIM ; Cheol NAMGUNG ; Byeong Hoon CHO
Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics 2013;38(1):11-20
OBJECTIVES: In most retrospective studies, the clinical performance of restorations had not been considered in survival analysis. This study investigated the effect of including the clinically unacceptable cases according to modified United States Public Health Service (USPHS) criteria into the failed data on the survival analysis of direct restorations as to the longevity and prognostic variables. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nine hundred and sixty-seven direct restorations were evaluated. The data of 204 retreated restorations were collected from the records, and clinical performance of 763 restorations in function was evaluated according to modified USPHS criteria by two observers. The longevity and prognostic variables of the restorations were compared with a factor of involving clinically unacceptable cases into the failures using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Cox proportional hazard model. RESULTS: The median survival times of amalgam, composite resin and glass ionomer were 11.8, 11.0 and 6.8 years, respectively. Glass ionomer showed significantly lower longevity than composite resin and amalgam. When clinically unacceptable restorations were included into the failure, the median survival times of them decreased to 8.9, 9.7 and 6.4 years, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: After considering the clinical performance, composite resin was the only material that showed a difference in the longevity (p < 0.05) and the significantly higher relative risk of student group than professor group disappeared in operator groups. Even in the design of retrospective study, clinical evaluation needs to be included.
Acrylic Resins
Retrospective Studies
Silicon Dioxide
United States Public Health Service
9.Current Status of Home-Based Cancer Patients Management in Jeju.
Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care 2010;13(2):76-80
PURPOSE: As a part of analysis of home-based cancer patients management of public health centers, regional cancer center, and hospice institution in Jeju, this study was undertaken to establish their role. METHODS: We investigated current status of hospice palliative care, especially home-based cancer patients management and summary demand of public health centers. RESULTS: Services provided through the home-based cancer patients management project included physical, emotional, spiritual and education/informative services, even though there was little difference between them. The result showed that in the view of patients there was little relationship between public health centers, regional cancer center and hospice palliative institution. CONCLUSION: The relationship between home-based cancer patients management and institutions should be reinforced. Patients in acute state and difficulty care of patients should be referred to regional cancer center whereas maintenance state of patients should be referred to public health center.
Cancer Care Facilities
Home Care Services, Hospital-Based
Palliative Care
Public Health
United States Public Health Service
10.Survey of Public Health Service Needs of Live-Alone Elders in Urban Area.
Hyun Gang JUNG ; Sangmee AHN ; Moon Ho PARK ; Nan Hee KIM ; Kun Woo PARK ; Sook Haeng JOE ; In Kwa JUNG ; Inho JO ; Changsu HAN
Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry 2006;10(2):80-83
BACKGROUND: The number and proportion of live-alone elders in Korea have been increasing dramatically. We tried to identify the physical health status of live-alone elders in community and their needs for public health service in order to provide basic data for effective public health service to promote health and quality of life. METHODS: The subjects for this study were 38 nurses who provide visit-nursing service to live-alone elders in Seoul and Kyunggi Province. Data were collected by semi-structured questionnaires. RESULTS: The half of live-alone elders had disease, but only half of them took appropriate treatment. Barrier to treatment were difficulty to access to medical center, immobility, lack of drive and also poor insight. CONCLUSION: To solve the problems related to the elderly living alone in community, the instillation of public health policy that encompass professional medical service and comprehensive team approach are needed.
Public Health*
Quality of Life
Surveys and Questionnaires
United States Public Health Service*